Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

155 The momentum is like a broken bamboo, the momentum of rolling

The screams that make the scalp numb, and the majestic momentum blows in the face.

Thousands of soldiers in Daqin rushed to kill, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, making people terrified.

The Fusang primitive tribe had never seen such power before, and they were still confused, and the Qin army had already killed them.

Even under this amazing momentum, the primitive inhabitants forgot to resist.

Qin Jun's eyes were cold, holding a Tang knife, and the knife fell. I don't know how many people fell in a pool of blood.

The armor of the black dragon army was dyed blood red, which also brought out their bravery.

As for these Fusang tribes, they are only aliens.

Mercy? Nonexistent.

On the battlefield, kindness to the enemy is the greatest harm to comrades in arms.

Only when they are suppressed with this iron-blooded wrist will they be afraid and surrender.

Only Daqin can teach them to change.

To implement the next series of policies.

Ying Zheng looked at each other coldly. For this kind of nation, he didn't need any mercy at all, he only needed to leave the labor force.

As for the other Qin Jun, they won't take a second look.

As far as Qin Huang's eyes can be, there is a fire of war, this is the emperor, Ying Zheng.

This is the Great Qin General!

This war, perhaps it is more appropriate to say that the massacre on the one hand, is a completely one-sided situation.

After a while, the Qin army won the victory by crushing it.

There are many Qin troops swearing and swearing. Because there are too many Qin troops, there are many soldiers who have not rushed to the frontal battlefield, and the Fusang enemy troops have already been cleaned up.

"The front, you can't be gentle, and it's better to leave some soup for the brothers in the back!"

"That's right, it's not fun at all, it's over before it starts.

The soldiers were talking a lot, and the army was at a time when the momentum was high.

Qin Huang also shouted with a smile:

"All the officers and men, now they are only on the outskirts of the island, and when they reach Xu Fu's lair, some of them will be military merits!

Hearing Qin Huang's words, the eyes of all the soldiers lit up, and they couldn't wait to smash Xu Fu's body into ten thousand pieces.

Meng Yi, who was beside Qin Huang, also answered:

"Xu Fu will definitely control the tribe with the largest number of people, and then let you kill it!"

The might of the Qin army was displayed with the bloody smell in the air.

No one showed disgust, but instead aroused the blood of the soldiers, tumbling and rolling.

After winning the victory with the momentum of thunder, looking around, the remaining Fusang natives were only a hundred or ten, and all of them were terrified, and they couldn't help but start to tremble.

Meng Yi grabbed a random person, stared at his terrified eyes, and asked coldly:

"Who is your leader?


This native can only speak a few simple words and cannot speak completely.


The long sword in Meng Yi's hand stabbed into his body mercilessly, and the icy aura was moving!

Without some ruthless means, he could not be a general of Da Qin.

This time, the Fusang natives saw this bloody scene, and their psychological defenses completely collapsed, and they fell on the ground and begged.

Meng Yi looked at each other coldly, and the long sword was placed on a person's neck again.

"Who is your leader?"9

The natives were completely stunned and froze in place without any reaction.


Meng Yi shot again, a sword slashed on his shoulder, and the heart-piercing pain made him scream.

Blood flowed to the ground along the long sword, he pointed at the stone statue in pain, and stammered in response:

"It's him, he's our leader.

Ying Zheng snorted coldly.

"Sure enough."

"Tell what you know, or you'll be like them.

The native looked at Qin Huang, who had never made a move, and knew that this was the most powerful person.

Although he just stood silently on the spot, the oppression given to him was more ferocious than Meng Yi, who was holding a long sword.

Ying Zheng's casual voice, like a demon's summoning, made people terrified.

The aboriginal shivered, ignoring the pain, and crawled on the ground, with fine sweat on his forehead.

"About a few years ago, we suddenly discovered a monster we had never seen before, called a ship.

"Many, many people got off the boat, adults, children, men and women.

"And they were especially fierce, killing a lot of people on the island."

"We can only obey him, and he will hold regular pilgrimages for all our tribes to worship."

"We also need to dig gold, and we have dug a lot, nearly 100,000 catties.

Under the oppression of Emperor Qin, the native explained everything at once.

He glanced at Qin Huang in fear.

Meng Yi took advantage of the situation and took his head with a sword.

"I don't know the rules, how dare I spy on Your Majesty at will!"

The Fusang natives lowered their heads in a hurry, not even daring to breathe.

Emperor Qin did not expect that Xu Fu would enjoy it very much, not only did he not find an immortal medicine, but he actually established himself as an emperor.

This fusang gold, Xu Fu is also one step ahead, digging one hundred thousand catties!

This feeling of betrayal is unpleasant to anyone.

The surrounding soldiers also became serious, and they knew that Emperor Qin was angry.

Dare not to say a word.

Only Su Qing said lightly:

"Let's go, find Xu Fu, these people are still useful to keep, save a life. 35

"Xu Fu is already dead and can't escape."

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