Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

147 Cornucopia, Ocean Treasure

When the courtiers retreated, Ying Zheng's eyes were bright and bright, and this trip to the east would definitely show his country's prestige.

Thinking of fusang gold ten thousand taels, even Qin Huang's heart is hot.

"Fusang, I'm here!"9

Su Qing looked at the ambitious Ying Zheng and chuckled lightly.

Ying Zheng was puzzled.

"System, why are you doing this?"

Su Qing talked calmly.

"Fusang, it's just a small place.

"Wangyang Dahai is a huge cornucopia!

Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed.

"how do I say this?

"You also know now that there is actually very little land in the world, and more are endless vast oceans.

"And in the depths of the ocean, full of treasures, it will be the existence that will change the world!

Ying Zheng's heart is longing, is the seabed full of gold?

Richer than Fusang?

Su Qing chuckled and continued:

"Treasures under the sea, oil, gas, etc.. 35

"It's more precious than the coal that's been mined now.

"If the oil on the seabed can be extracted, the current ships can be propelled with oil as fuel.

"I don't know how many times the effect is better."

"Natural gas can be used for power generation, heating and cooling, as well as for papermaking, metallurgy, quarrying, ceramics, glass and other industries.

"If we can have these seabed resources, Daqin will be an earth-shaking change."

"There are all kinds of fish on the bottom of the sea, and the food is delicious and delicious."

"And the outside world, not only the land of Fusang, but also many other continents, with melons, fruits and grains that Daqin does not have, and with different cultures."5

"It will be a new world, a big world!

"At that time, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, and the Qin Dynasty will be prosperous for a long time!

Ying Zheng listened to Su Qing's vision for the future, as if the prosperous world had appeared before his eyes.

It turns out that there are so many treasures in the depths of Wang Yang's ocean.

It gave Qin Huang a new goal, which seemed to open up a new world.

The flag of Daqin will be planted all over the world.

If the development of Daqin is really what Su Qing said, what a spectacular sight it will be!

Will change the whole world!

Ying Zheng is immersed in the future world and cannot extricate himself.

If all of this can really be realized, I will be the master of heaven and earth who has never seen the ancients before, and who will never see the future!

"Okay, do the work in front of you and prepare for the 100,000 navy on the Eastern Tour. 35

Su Qing interrupted Emperor Qin's fantasy, and only Su Qing could speak to Emperor Qin like this and teach the master of the world to do things.

And Qin Huang didn't even have the slightest temper.

But now it's time to prepare for the navy to patrol the east, and the emperor needs to go out with great momentum and show the prestige of our country.

As the honor of the ninety-five, although the force of the Qin emperor is not low now, he still needs the guards of the soldiers to show the style of the emperor!

Ying Zheng nodded lightly, and a majestic voice came out.

"Pass on Meng Yi.

After a while, Meng Yi came and bowed respectfully.

He quietly listened to Emperor Qin's orders.

Ying Zheng didn't have any slack, Meng Yi and other high-ranking officials of the country already knew about the Eastern Tour, but they just said lightly:

"I will need 100,000 navy to follow me this time, General Meng, you can arrange it.

After Meng Yi took the order, he immediately went to do it.

This time, the Eastern Expedition does not have to be before. There are warships, and they must ride the wind and waves at sea. As a general, Meng Yi doesn't want to go to see the outside world.

This is the Emperor Qin he follows, with ambition and ambition!

This is what their generals look forward to the most!

The ambitions of the current Qin Emperor have also inspired the blood of the soldiers.

Born in Daqin, it should be like this!

Meng Yi dispatched troops and sent generals, and the 100,000 navy assembled in a mighty manner like a rainbow.

Jin Ge iron horse, the soldiers know that it is the emperor's personal expedition, and they are full of yearning for the vast and unknown ocean.

Daqin's iron-blooded man, who was a soldier all his life, can follow the Qin emperor to fight in all directions, which is a great honor.

The 100,000 navy is not a small number, but the Qin army is well-trained, and General Meng Yi personally ordered the troops, and the 100,000 navy was quickly assembled.

A piece of blackness, the chilling aura of the sky, blowing towards the face.

This is the power of Da Qin, invincible and unstoppable!

"..this time, I will follow His Majesty's tour to the east to help (good) Sang!

"Soldiers, it is a great honor to follow His Majesty's expedition in person!

Meng Yikeng will shout vigorously on the stage.

The 100,000 navy was ready to go, and they couldn't wait, and responded loudly, resounding through the world.

"I am willing to follow His Majesty's eastern tour of Fusang, no matter what!"

"I am willing to follow His Majesty's eastern tour of Fusang, and I will not give up my youth!

The high voice spread throughout the school grounds, and the monstrous momentum showed the soul of the Da Qin army!

Meng Yi was very satisfied that there were such powerful soldiers and escorts accompanying him.

Even if the waves are in the sea, they have to crawl at the feet of Da Qin.

Riding the wind and breaking the waves is just around the corner.

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