Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

140 I want to patrol the east! The era of great sailing is coming!

140 I want to patrol the east! The era of great sailing is coming!

"I want to sit on the mirage and watch the light of the four seas and appreciate the beauty of the five lakes, you two, hurry up!

Song Yingxing was stunned for a moment, is the first emperor going to tour the east! Another tour of the east! This is a big news!

However, the Gongzuiqiu next to him did not expect this at all.

Gong Shuoqiu's eyes suddenly lit up: "The minister takes orders!!!"

When it comes to the Mirage, no one likes the ship more than him!

Because this is the first treasure ship of Da Qin built by him, this ship can directly live three thousand boys and girls, floating on the sea like a mirage, so it was named Mirage by His Majesty.

This ship was originally used by Emperor Qin for his eastern tour, but at that time the first emperor was ill and was obsessed with the elixir of life, so he built it and gave it to Xu Fu.

Now the first emperor, the elixir of life, is definitely no longer needed. After all, the first emperor already has Donghuang Taiyi immortal behind him.

Xu Fu never came back...

In the past, when Ying Zheng said in front of all the ministers that Xu Fu would never return, only Gongshuoqiu was dripping blood. This was his hard work, but it had not been enjoyed by His Majesty, and he did not even take this boat. It disappears after sailing in the sea.

This imperial ship, which has been manufactured over several years, is the culmination of 307 domineering mechanism techniques, and it has ended in vain?

The most important thing is to ensure the normal navigation of the mirage, and the hundred elite disciples of Gongshujia, as maintenance craftsmen, follow Yunzhongjun to the east. These are all the proud disciples of Gongshuoqiu.

After His Majesty said this, I miss them!

Originally, Gong loses hatred and almost forgot the pain of this incident, but he did not expect that His Majesty still remembers the mirage and the credit of the Gong loser, how could he not be excited!!

If they can really find the mirage, and then cooperate with the steam engine they are about to study, and then coat the iron sheet that has been researched, this is the largest treasure ship of the empire worthy of Zulong!!

No one of Zheng He's treasure ships built today is as good as a mirage!

Ying Zheng naturally understands the mind of a prince and loses his revenge. He mentions a mirage is also a trick of the emperor. In his eyes, the value of a ship is worth the gold on Penglai Island?

Gong Shuuqiu and Song Yingxing both retired.

Ying Zheng smiled and asked Su Qing: "System, how is my performance today?"


Ying Zheng laughed: "System, system, sometimes I really want to see your appearance, and then drink three gourds of wine with you! In the world, you are the only one who can talk to me like this!"

Dare to tell Zulong that it's okay? Except for Han Feizi, there is no one else.

Su Qing didn't say much. If he really turned into a human, he might be targeted by the first emperor immediately. How could Da Qin allow such an awesome person to exist?

It would be better to use Ying Zheng as the host, and finally get rid of the house.


Yes, but not necessary.

Sometimes I want to drink a good wine and taste the beauty, maybe I can show it a little.

Just like the invention of iron tools last time, the First Emperor still had to pretend to intimidate the ministers. This time, he didn't need Su Qing to say anything.

He wants to let the world know that he, the leader of the Daqin Empire, possesses an artifact capable of changing the world.

In this world, Da Qin first possessed iron weapons and farming implements, and Ying Zheng couldn't wait to see the expressions of his ministers when they faced the steam engine.

That's a real black smoke monster.

He wants more people to believe that there is a real immortal behind me!

By the way, I will show those noble gentlemen who are dissatisfied with me, I am the master you have to rely on!

This time, it was to be seen by those courtiers who were against the land reform, and Ying Zheng's expression suddenly became a lot colder.

The quicksand incident made him see clearly that there are still chaotic ministers and thieves in the Qin Dynasty.

Otherwise, why would anyone dare to think about my confidant??

Since there is such an idea, it means that the heart is not in Qin, but it is not so active, these will not be the real chaotic thieves, but the nobles of the six countries who either surrendered or took the initiative to surrender the country at that time.

They were the last stubborn ailments within Da Qin, and they were also a small part of the reason that Shi Huang's progress was still around 70%.

Su Qing is also very clear about this point. These nobles of the six countries cannot easily move them. They not only have wealth, but also have a high status in the hearts of the original residents of each country.

Moreover, they are nothing but extravagant, they are pure dregs of the society.

In fact, they are very peaceful, as long as they don't touch (bbci) and their bottom line, they can live well by themselves, and it doesn't matter who rules.

But if Wang Wan's land survey really finds them, I'm afraid they won't be so happy. Originally, these people can make money from land mergers for three generations without worry. Now they may even have their own land. nothing!

So they started to resist.

As the old saying goes, a dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry.

People are not killed for their own sake.

The only way to get them to change their minds is to...

Let them know how strong the first emperor is!

As soon as the coal mine came out and the steam whistle sounded, they were not afraid of these nobles from the six countries taking the initiative to lick it.

According to Su Qing's statement to Ying Zheng: When the host builds a steam-powered carriage or even a farming cart in the future, the vanity of these people will definitely induce them to buy a steam engine with a lot of money.

Now is the time when it is used for military and industry, and when it is used for agriculture and transportation. At this time, as long as the technical core is in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, other people will always just kneel down and lick their lives!

Cutting the leeks of the nobles of the Six Nations is the coolest.

"it is good!"

Ying Zheng, who had arranged everything, continued to handle the affairs of the state.

The foundation of the three-province and six-ministerial system is the emperor's centralization of power, which is also the foundation of feudal society, which also allows Ying Zheng to deal with memorials day and night.

From Su Qing's point of view...the emperor is an old tool man, and he is not at ease yet.

On the other side of the Shaofu and the Ministry of Industry, there are two mechanical madmen who are crazy about forging.

Originally, the disciples of the Gongshu family, the disciples of the Mohist family, and the craftsmen all complained incessantly.


Gong Shuqiu used the pure coal given by Su Qing to start the steam engine, which was installed by Gong Shuqiu on a small carriage full of mechanical gears.

Then, in the presence of everyone, watch as this little machine just needs to burn some wood or this dark coal, and it can pull the original carriage forward!

You must know that such a carriage can only be pulled by an adult horse, but now...

Everyone went crazy, the craftsmen swept away their exhaustion and continued their work, and they also want to build such a machine!!

After repeated failures, a few imitations were finally made successfully.

Then Gong Shuqiu immediately stepped up and negotiated a model that could be used on the treasure ship with the Daqin Building crew, and began to manufacture steam engines that could be used on large ships.

The volume has been expanded by 10 times, but the principle has not changed at all. This is the product of all the wisdom of the great country's skillful craftsmen!

Several captains of the Daqin Building captain are crazy, they know what this means!!!

With this, how much human and material resources can be reduced?

Removing manpower means reducing supplies, cutting supplies of financial resources, water, food, and shelter on board.

At the same time, all these were replaced with the dark coal materials that Song Yingxing brought back.

A steam engine, as long as there is always fuel, will never stop!

Coal and all kinds of necessary supplies were put in places where slaves were originally allowed to row boats!


Seriously terrified... .

In the future, ships will be able to drive faster and farther by relying on steam power!

This represents a whole new era.

Is the era of great sailing expected by the ancestors of the Daqin Building shipmen really coming!!

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