Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

111 No 1 has m1y, so go grab it

The Four Seas Return to One Hall.

Everyone felt that they couldn't keep up with Ying Zheng's ideas.

Gong Shuqiu came out to speak for Ying Zheng.

In the end, he was interrupted by Ying Zheng's three words or two, what does this mean?

Does Ying Zheng also support shipbuilding?

But if Wang Li left to rectify the Daqin Building crew, it must be to prepare for going to sea.

Just when everyone was wondering.

However, Ying Zheng spoke again, he said: "But this thing has to be built, because the gold mines in Daqin are now less produced, and that's because they haven't been explored.

Ying Zheng did not reveal the location of the internal gold mine, but pointed to the east and said in a domineering tone: "But I know that there is a large gold mine in the east, and there is a mountain range over there, in which there is a Qingshui River, and there is water in the river. Mine! There are more gold mines on the mountain.

"As long as my Daqin Ruishi arrives, there will be no shortage of gold mines, and at the same time, the mining of the Ministry of Industry can also be used."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone looked shocked.

Whether it was Xu Fu's whereabouts or Sang Dao before, it could be said that Ying Zheng found out where Xu Fu was going.

But how did Donghu know that there was a water mine?

You must know that this kind of information is not leaked at all, otherwise it would be better to send someone to dig it directly.

This is too incredible for them.

Immediately, Meng Yi suddenly realized that there are immortals behind His Majesty, and naturally he can know the things that are far away.

"Huh?" Gong Shuoqiu heard something different in it: "I dare to ask Your Majesty, how is the output of this gold mine? 55"

Ying Zheng had previously said that the big gold mine could not be a gold mine with a mere 10,000 or 20,000 jin.

"Production?" Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing. Su Qing told him earlier that the Jiapigou Gold Mine has mined millions of tons in just 30 years, and its output is at least one million kilograms.

"This mine is located in the middle of two mountains, and the reserves are beyond your imagination. Even if you mine a thousand kilograms a year, you may not be able to excavate them all in hundreds of years. 99 After he finished speaking, he chuckled in his heart.

Even so, this is just one of the top ten gold mines in China.

If this is said, I am afraid that all the civil and military people of the whole dynasty will be stunned in an instant.

It's just that Ying Zheng now needs the entire Qin Dynasty to be excited, so naturally it is impossible to say that within the territory.

Because he needs to use these to mobilize other people's desire for war.

The military system is also good.

Ying Zheng's coercion is also good.

There is no real benefit that is more moving.

"What?!" Gong Shuqiu couldn't help but stunned, even if Ying Zheng didn't say the real output, just being unable to dig it out for hundreds of years was enough to shock him.

Even Wang Wan was stunned, and muttered to himself, "One thousand pounds a year, if a few hundred years are counted as three hundred years, it is three hundred thousand pounds, isn't it three million taels?!

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce had his eyes straight, and his body trembled with excitement.

Don't look at Daqin's gold thousand taels, ten thousand taels, it's all brass!

Even Ying Zheng's previous gold and silver treasures were mostly silver, not gold.

This number is enough to make everyone cry.

It is more than enough to make Manchu civil and military all excited.

Wang Ben also noticed the problem of Ying Zheng's speech before, and his tone was trembling: "Your Majesty said that Daqin Ruishi arrived, dare to ask where is this place?"

"Dong Hu." Ying Zheng said indifferently, he was not afraid that Dong Hu would know.

Because the place is too secretive.

Otherwise, no one will find it for hundreds or thousands of years.

"My Daqin now needs money to develop, but what should I do if I don't have money?" His tone suddenly increased, and his aura became more domineering: "Wang Ben, what do you think it should be?!

"Grab! Fight!" Wang Ben said with a grim expression, "Hundreds of thousands of catties of gold, even millions of catties, this is the real national capital, no matter who the opponent is, we Daqin must beat him down!

"That's right! 35 Even Wang Wan lost his mind: "We must fight!"

"I agree with this minister! 99

"Must grab it!

Manchu civil and military are extremely excited, this is a huge benefit.

"I want not only to snatch gold mines, but also people." Ying Zheng's tone had a hint of sternness, and he repeated what Su Qing had said before: "Daqin is now sparsely populated and still needs to farm, but since it is necessary to dig Gold mines, then there must be a sufficient population, whether those Huns (bbci) or Donghus, all of them are aliens.”

"If it is not my alien race, its heart will be different. I will ask their people to dig and build roads. 99

This is also the first time that Ying Zheng has really spoken out about the colonial plan to the Manchu civil and military officials.

This also means that the countdown to the expedition of alien races has completely entered the countdown.

Ying Zheng had shown the world map to everyone before.

But many people always feel that this is a matter of ten years or even decades.

But today, Ying Zheng's attitude is obviously intending to speed up the progress and shorten it to a few years!

"Go on and call Meng Tian back to Xianyang!" Ying Zheng gave the order.

That's what actually meant by letting Meng Tian join the military pavilion.

He needs to ask Meng Tian about the movements of the alien race.

At the same time, Meng Tian must be given a heavy responsibility.

Everyone understands this, and naturally there is no objection.

"Promise." They all said promise.

"And..." Ying Zheng's words have not been finished yet, since he wants to speed up the progress and let Su Qing upgrade to the fifth level as soon as possible, how can there be only such a simple action: "Since the Shaofu has been changed to the Ministry of Industry, then the world will be All the craftsmen were recorded and collected. At the same time, the place where Song Yingxing was responsible for the development of Tiangong Kaiwu was changed to Qin Tianfu, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry, but a separate government was established."

"All the craftsmen in the world are in charge of Qin Tianfu, and all the disciples of the Gongshu family have also entered.

"At the same time, the Ministry of Industry should increase the number of craftsmen as soon as possible.

This is to vigorously encourage industrial development.

Nowadays, there are too few craftsmen in Daqin, and government decrees must be used to speed up this development.

Otherwise, there will not be enough people, even if Song Yingxing and the others developed it, there will not be enough people to make it.

"Here." Gong Shuoqiu said quickly, "I have already made up a book on craftsmen with Shaojian Song, and are studying how to do assembly line work. Within half a year, the Ministry of Industry will definitely be able to make sure that there is no shortage of craftsmen.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly, and also felt a little emotional, the people who summoned were really easy to use.

Otherwise, it would be too much trouble if you had to mention everything.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Yi and others also began to talk about other things.

Government affairs are being dealt with one by one.


The meeting dispersed.

The decree has also been communicated, but the three provinces and six ministries are too involved, and the reform cannot be achieved in one step.

It takes time.

But in any case, the mighty great governance has obviously begun.

The world is full of vitality.

Wang Li also went to Nanling to rectify the Daqin Building crew.

Ying Zheng had a lot of leisure time, he was waiting... waiting for Meng Tian to return, and also waiting for the grains to fully mature, and at the same time waiting for the straight road to be built, then he could attack the alien race in a big way.

Just...five days later.

Before the news of the grain seeds came, there was a news that made Ying Zheng furious.

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