Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

105 Instant riches, 4 level system

The gold and silver of the merchants were still being transported towards the Qin Palace.

The Black Ice Platform is solely responsible for this matter.

Ying Zheng didn't care about this, and instead walked directly towards the Treasure Pavilion.

The inheritance of a hundred schools of thought is what he looks forward to most.


He arrived at the Treasure Pavilion, "System, how much can be exchanged for these isolated copies and inheritance scans?"

Su Qin was also full of anticipation, and he immediately started scanning.

The news that came out instantly made him smile.

Among them are the authentic works of Laozi Tao Te Ching.

There are also six classics of Confucius' "Poems", "Books", "Rituals", "Music", "Yi" and "Spring and Autumn Period".

There is even a left pass.

These are genuine works of saints.

More unknown.

It is a pity that both the sages and others are somewhat incomplete.

This is not deliberately concealed by the masters and hundreds of schools. After all, for them, whether it is an original copy or an authentic work, it is not something of great importance, and the commemorative significance is greater than the practical significance.

The only estimate worthy of their attention is the inheritance of each family.

For example, the Taoist sword of town gate "Xue Ji" passed down from generation to generation.

This kind of thing similar to the head token is naturally impossible to hand over.

"A total of 8.2 million energy points can be exchanged, whether to exchange them." Su Qing's tone was full of excitement, which was an unprecedented energy point.

"Exchange!" Ying Zheng's eyes also glowed. He, a poor man with kryptonite, had never owned so much.


There are 4.1 million more energy points in his attribute bar.

Su Qing also jumped from 1.69 million to 5.79 million in an instant!!!

With so many energy points, it can be said that both of them experienced a rich feeling.

"Go!" Ying Zheng was not in a hurry to exchange things directly, but walked towards the back of the Qin Palace.

He wants to exchange the gold and silver sent by the merchant to make up a whole number.

When Ying Zheng arrived, Cao Zhengchun just happened to carry things over.

Ying Zheng didn't care that Cao Zhengchun was still nearby, he just waved Su Qing to exchange: "System, please exchange"". 35

"The scan shows that a total of 1.4 million energy points can be exchanged, whether to exchange it or not." Su Qing has no trouble with this number. The merchants have given a lot of gold and silver, but compared with the hundreds of years of accumulation by the masters Too few.

But it's also a one-time deal.

You must know that the amount of money that was able to be exchanged before was all accumulated over hundreds of years by various schools of thought.

The saints are hard to come by!

The inheritance of sages is even rarer.

"You can exchange for 800,000." Ying Zheng hesitated and said, "The rest will be transported to the treasury."

There is still a place to spend money today, and it is impossible to exchange it all.

And he was so poor that he had no money for a private house.

Although it is said that the country's money is his money, but now Daqin is reforming after all.

Even Ying Zheng was embarrassed to spend too much.

"Okay." Su Qing didn't ask much, and started to exchange.

Where the white light passed by, all the gold and silver disappeared out of thin air.

In turn, Ying Zheng's energy points soared to 4.5 million.

At the same time, Su Qing also soared to a full 6.19 million.

Ying Zheng looked at the energy point in his attribute column, and for the first time felt that he was the ruler of Da Qin, the most powerful and wealthy person in the world, he laughed: "System, can you upgrade?

He intends to exchange after the upgrade.

The limit of the third-level system is only high martial arts, but the fourth-level system is immortal martial arts!

This is not a small gap.

But it is different.

"Naturally, is the host sure to upgrade to the fourth level?" Su Qing is also looking forward to what changes will be produced by his upgrade, and what new powers he will gain.

"Upgrade!" Ying Zheng said decisively.

Su Qing instantly sacrificed 2 million energy and 1 million luck in the void.

Different from before.

This time, countless purple energy filled Ying Zheng's surroundings.

Su Qing even heard a clear and incomparable Dao sound in his ears. It was the natural resonance of the Dao of Heaven, and it was celebrating.

At the same time, Su Qing's soul also began its fourth sublimation.

The soul became more staring, if anyone could see Su Qing's existence.

It can be seen that Su Qing's soul is close to a real person.

And some things that he could not grasp before were also instantly grasped by him.

He can even feel the existence of the Heavenly Dao in this world, which is like a tender baby's emotions, and even faintly can feel the real existence of the Heavenly Dao in this world.

It was a void without sound, without distance, without any object.

It is even a bit similar to the place of chaos that Honghuang said!

He could even feel the Tao that existed there, but he couldn't really enter it for a while.

"Huh? It seems that as long as you consume enough luck, you can replace that Heavenly Dao?" Su Qing understood instantly.

The role of luck is not just sacrifice and upgrade.

It can also represent a qualification.

A qualification that replaces the way of heaven.

Although everything between heaven and earth can form qi luck, the total number of qi luck is limited.

Su Qing gets one more point, Tiandao gets one less point.

And once the luck is completely plundered by Su Qing, he can easily replace it with the way of heaven.

This is also the reason why it can devour the Heavenly Dao.

More importantly, Su Qing felt that he had awakened another power, but this power was somewhat unexpected.

The previous three-level system upgrade was able to communicate with all worlds.

Roam the heavens.

But at this time, it is even more exaggerated, and can control the power of heaven!

But the price is exaggerated.

One shot will consume a lot of energy points and luck.

But power can be tyrannical.

A word can change the day.

It is more able to control the way of heaven, sort out all things in the world, and adjust the responsibility of the world.

This is also the responsibility of stealing the way of heaven.

However, the energy points required to unlock this power are also extremely large.

It needs a full 2 ​​million energy points.

But this is a good thing for Su Qing, he can be familiar with the power of Heaven in advance.

Even if you don't exercise, you can gain a lot just by feeling it.

Immediately, he immediately unlocked this power.

Su Qing also instantly had the true ability of the Dao of Heaven in his mind - in a single thought, the world will undergo terrifying changes, such as spring and autumn turning into winter, which is to change the astronomical phenomenon.

It can also open up the land of Bashu in an instant, and even set off a flood that destroys the world.

It's just that now he can't do it at all, and there's no way to do it.

He doesn't care about that for now.

Instead, look at the standard of upgrading to five levels.

10 million energy points.

6 million copies of luck.

This also shocked Su Qing instantly. Although he knew before that the promotion would be exaggerated, he did not expect that the requirements would be so high this time.

However, if you think that the fifth level is the level of an immortal, you can also know one or two.

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