"Make money, must make money!" The only thought in Ying Zheng's mind.

He just looked at the tip of the iceberg of the system and Ying Zheng couldn't extricate himself!

Ying Zheng didn't continue to read it. He understood that what he needed to do now was to take power quickly!

Not sitting on this dragon throne, drooling at those good things.

Li Changsheng looked at Ying Zheng who was full of fighting spirit and nodded with satisfaction,"Work hard, little Zhengzi.

When you unify the Central Plains, I will make a world map for you.

When you unify the world, Li Changsheng is thinking that he can also take out the secret book of cultivating immortals!

Anyway, Ying Zheng will not be idle for the next hundreds of years.

Everything is grasped by Li Changsheng!

Step by step, work for Li Changsheng according to the rules.

"Come, summon Chen Yi, the internal envoy of Zhisu, to meet him!"Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Sweet potatoes, potatoes and curved plows should be popularized as soon as possible.

First, to build momentum for his coming to power, and second, to increase the grain production of Qin.

In the future, the war to annex the six countries will be much easier to fight.

Not long after, Chen Yi came to the Qilin Hall.

"Meet the King!"

""Stand up!" Ying Zheng waved his hand to signal a palace maid to come forward with a plate.

""Your Majesty, what is this?" Chen Yi was a little puzzled. Did Ying Zheng specifically summon him into the palace just for these two things?

"This thing is called sweet potato and also potato. Both can be eaten to fill the stomach, and the yield per mu is 1,000 kilograms!"

"It turned out to be food, with a yield of 1,000 kilograms per mu?! Your Majesty, are you serious! ?"Chen Yi didn't care much at first, but Ying Zheng's last sentence surprised him.

""Can I still bully you?" Ying Zheng said

"I dare not. I was just excited for a moment. Your Majesty, please do not blame me!"Chen Yi held the sweet potato in front of him carefully.

This is the future of his Great Qin. Which of the other six countries has such food, which can produce 1,000 kilograms per mu?

The ordinary grain yield per mu is only 200 kilograms, and 300 kilograms is already a good harvest.

"Your Majesty, what kind of plow is this?" Chen Yi frowned as he looked at the curved plow. It was too light and would not dig up the soil very deeply, so it seemed unsuitable for farming.

"This is a curved plow, which can be used by one person and one ox to cultivate the land, saving manpower and animal power. I have tried it, and there is no problem!"Ying Zheng saw Chen Yi's doubts and said

""Your Majesty, where did you get these things? They are all priceless treasures." Chen Yi's face was full of surprise and confusion.

Ying Zheng usually did not leave the palace. Could it be that these things were researched by the king alone?

"You don't need to know where this thing came from. I want you to pass it on as soon as possible. Do you understand?" Ying Zheng said softly.

"Yes!" Chen Yi did not dare to ask any more questions.

Although Ying Zheng did not rule the country personally, he was the king of Qin after all. Except for people like Lu Buwei, no one dared to disobey his orders.

"The fame and influence brought by these things is still too slow!"After Chen Yi left, Ying Zheng frowned and said to himself.

Sweet potatoes mature in about four months. By then, I believe it will shock everyone, and Ying Zheng can take the opportunity to govern.

But now Ying Zheng can't wait!

It feels so uncomfortable to have a treasure but not be able to use it.

"Ding, the system task is released!"Li Changsheng directly sent a task.

Wait for four months? Ying Zheng can wait, but Li Changsheng doesn't want to wait.

You are the future Zulong, you can't be a coward!

"Mission?"Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed, and a light screen appeared in front of him.

Mission: Take control of power

Introduction: Take back power from Lu Buwei within half a month and start ruling the country.

Reward: Three thousand white horse volunteers

Of course, Li Changsheng has to pay for this kind of mission reward, but once Ying Zheng completes the mission, Li Changsheng will earn a lot!

The property in Lu Buwei's mansion is probably about 100,000 taels of gold.

If this is converted into energy points, it will be a wave of wealth!

In addition, once Ying Zheng is in power, he can mobilize the wealth of Qin!

"Zhongfu……"Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with coldness. He had thought of seizing power more than once.

But Lü Buwei had many followers and great influence.

He was forced to stay in power until he was 21 years old.

But now that he had the system, Ying Zheng had a chance to take back his power within half a month.

"Come with me to the Golden Chamber and Stone Chamber!" Ying Zheng waved his hand and led sixty Jinyiwei out of the Qilin Hall.

The Golden Chamber and Stone Chamber was where bamboo slips and scrolls were collected in the palace. Ying Zheng wanted to try his luck and see if there was anything that Li Changsheng liked.

"Your Majesty!" The guards and maids waiting outside the palace hurriedly saluted.

"Your Majesty, who are these people?"The commander of the imperial guards frowned as he looked at the extra Jinyiwei behind Ying Zheng. They didn't see anyone go in.

"They are my personal guards, and they will be responsible for my safety from now on!" Ying Zheng glanced at the guard leader and said coldly

"Your Majesty, these people are of unknown origin.……"The commander of the imperial guards tried to dissuade him.

He was the doctor's subordinate and also Lu Buwei's subordinate.

His mission was to follow Ying Zheng and watch his every move.

How could he let someone else replace him?

"How dare you! You are disobeying the king, and you shall be executed according to Qin law!"

The embroidered spring swords were unsheathed, and many Jinyiwei glared at the guard leader.

They only waited for Ying Zheng to give the order, and then they hacked the leader to death!

"You are so bold! You are not sure of your identity and you are approaching the king. You may have the intention of rebellion!"The guard leader was also timid and directly counterattacked.

Ying Zheng frowned and waved his right sleeve.

Many Jinyiwei understood and immediately jumped up, slashing at the guard leader with the embroidered spring knife in their hands.

"How brave!"The commander didn't expect the Jinyiwei to really dare to attack, and he drew his sword from his waist to fight back.

However, dozens of Jinyiwei were faster than him, and they hacked the commander to death as soon as the sword was unsheathed!

""Drag him away!" Ying Zheng said coldly.

The guards reacted and saw Ying Zheng's expression. They didn't dare to say a word and quickly dragged the commander's body away.

"I don't know what's going on. How dare a small guard commander question my personal guards?"Ying Zheng glanced at the palace maids and eunuchs, waved his hand and left with the Jinyiwei.

"Great...what happened to the king?"

"I don't know, those people are so scary, they killed Commander Yu after a disagreement."

The palace maids and eunuchs were talking in fear, they felt the difference of Ying Zheng.

(The biggest point of this kind of book is whether it can be transformed, but I think that transformation will lose the characteristics of this theme, so I will not consider it and leave it to be the ultimate goal.)

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