"In this case, you guys come with me, but you better be careful, there might be some unexpected situations."

Seeing that they had reached a consensus, Dongfang Yixian also accepted the invitation of Moon Goddess Rain Girl to form a team, and took up his sword to lead everyone towards the release of the Serpent Tailed Lion Headed Beast King.

But at this moment, a member of the Moon Goddess Gang suddenly realized what was going on and shouted,"Oh no, Gang Leader, it seems that someone has spread the location information of the BOSS, and now the entire world channel is talking about the BOSS."

"What?"After hearing this, Yueshen Yu Nu and other Yueshen Gang members all opened the world chat interface.

As expected, the entire chat channel was full of news about wild monster BOSS, and judging from the content of the news, it seemed that many players were rushing here, apparently preparing to snatch the BOSS.

"How could this happen? Who leaked the location of the BOSS?"Seeing this, the Moon Goddess Rain Girl stamped her feet with an unpleasant look on her face. She glanced at the chat box and saw many people in the world channel who were in the name of the Piercing Gang.���Dongfang Yixian immediately knew the reason for the nickname with the prefix"".

It seems that the tough guy was not convinced, so he directly exposed the location of the BOSS on the world channel.

"This tough guy is so shameless."Seeing this, Moon Goddess Xiaolin also found the message in the chat box, and then a layer of anger immediately surged on her pretty face.

""Boss, what should we do now? Should we continue fighting?" At this point, the people who were originally full of energy suddenly became hesitant. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that a large group of idle players will come to fight for the BOSS soon. Even if their individual attacks may not be as strong as Dongfang Yixian, it is not certain if they are combined.

If the damage estimate is not accurate, the BOSS's head is likely to be stolen by others, and the reward will fall into his hands.

"Don't worry, they can't snatch the BOSS with me here, and......"Just when the girls were worried, Dongfang Yixian smiled and said,"What's more, they are here and can bring us surprises."

"Surprise? What surprise?" Upon hearing this, not only Moon Goddess Rain Girl herself, but also other Moon Goddess girls looked at Dongfang Yixian in confusion, not knowing what he meant by this.

However, in response to the curious looks of the girls, Dongfang Yixian kept it a secret, with a mysterious arc at the corner of his mouth, and said:"You will know when the time comes, let's fight first."

Moon Goddess Rain Girl glanced at Dongfang Yixian with some suspicion. Although she didn't know what the other party was thinking, Dongfang Yixian's interests were tied to hers after all, so she had to continue the siege.


Soon, under the efficient organization of the Moon Goddess Rain Girl, the Moon Goddess Gang once again launched an attack on the BOSS monster.

Dongfang Yixian was also an important role as the main output and containment, and he was directly at the forefront, which also made him the priority target of the Serpent Tailed Lion Head Beast King.

""Ah!" The snake-tailed lion-headed beast king roared at him fiercely, then raised its huge forelimbs and smashed towards him.

At the same time, the snake head at the tail also opened its mouth to bite him.

"Be careful, this is the skill of the BOSS, be careful not to get bitten by the snake head!"When the commander, the Moon Goddess Rain Girl, saw this scene, she also subconsciously reminded

"Thank you for the reminder, beautiful lady."He turned around and smiled at the Moon Goddess Rain Girl. Soon Dongfang Yixian stomped on the ground and jumped up, dodging the snake's attack.

"What a fast speed!"Seeing Dongfang Yixian dodge the BOSS skill so easily, a trace of surprise flashed across the beautiful eyes of the Moon Goddess Rain Girl.

She had also suffered from this skill before, so she naturally knew how fast the reaction and agility were needed to dodge this attack, but Dongfang Yixian did it without any effort, but was very comfortable.

After dodging the BOSS's attack, Dongfang Yixian chopped the sword in his hand straight at the snake head.

Immediately, a critical hit of -194! was hit, causing heavy damage to the snake head. , and also shocked the members of the Moon Goddess Gang present.

The Moon Goddess Rain Girl recalled that when they attacked the BOSS together before, the damage of the Moon Goddess Gang members when they attacked the Serpent Tailed Lion Headed Beast King was only a pitiful -1, which was completely incomparable to Dongfang Yixian. It took nearly two hours to achieve such low efficiency.

But Dongfang Yixian could match the efficiency of all of them attacking the BOSS in a few minutes with just one sword. This huge difference in treatment made the Moon Goddess Rain Girl sigh and admire Dongfang Yixian.

"Wow, handsome guy, your damage is really high, it's over 100"

""Sister really likes you more and more."

The other members of the Moon God Gang were also generous with their praise.

After a fight with the BOSS, Dongfang Yixian also expressed his admiration for the group of female players of the Moon God Gang. They were joking around before, but once they fought the BOSS, they immediately became serious.

Although there are still some members who are slacking off, most of the girls are basically not inferior to a senior male player in terms of operation and awareness. After they attracted the hatred of wild monsters, his output environment was also much better.

However, just when the health of the BOSS monster was reduced to 13%, Dongfang Yixian suddenly heard an inexplicable noisy sound in his ears.

"Look, it's the wild BOSS!"

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