Looking at his 330,000 energy points, Ying Zheng felt a little more confident.

"System, what is the difference between the can opening mode and that lottery?"

"The rewards in the can opening mode are more, including all items that can be exchanged by the system at present, including civil officials and military generals, and are no longer limited to the four warriors on the turntable."Li Changsheng said with a smile

"The host can purchase jars from the system. The items in them may be good or bad, it all depends on the host's luck!"

"Primary jar: 10,000 points, intermediate jar: 50,000 points, advanced jar: 100,000 points!"

There was no need for Ying Zheng to continue asking, Li Changsheng took the initiative to introduce it.

This is his private business.

Ying Zheng was silent for a while, it seemed to be more expensive than the previous lottery.

The advanced jar reached 100,000 points

"Ding, the system prompts that this purchase is limited to one time only, and this activity will not appear again in the future!"Li Changsheng said

"Um……"Ying Zheng pondered

"Come on, one advanced jar and two intermediate jars!"

"Ding, deduct 200,000 energy points!"Li Changsheng smiled and brought the three jars to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng looked at the three jars in front of him. They were no different from the ordinary jars in the palace, and there was nothing special about them.

"System, how do I open the can?"Ying Zheng asked

"The host can just knock it open, it won't damage the prize."Li Changsheng replied.

Ying Zheng nodded, first put the two intermediate jars in front of him, then raised his hand and smashed one. A dazzling light burst out, and then only fragments were left on the ground.

Li Changsheng's personal wealth +50,000!

"Empty?"Ying Zheng was stunned. He didn't expect that the so-called opening of the can would also be empty like a lottery!

Looking at the second can, Ying Zheng did not hesitate and directly raised his hand to smash it. The same light shone everywhere, and then a heroic young man wearing armor and a long sword on his waist appeared in the hall!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the famous general: Huo Qubing, a master in the early stage of the Grandmaster!"Li Changsheng raised his hand and sent Huo Qubing's information into Ying Zheng's mind. Of course, he made a slight change and hid the Han Dynasty.

Fenglangjuxu, Zen in Guyan, and drinking horses in the vast sea!

This is an invincible general in his youth, who is brave and good at fighting on the battlefield! He can be said to be both civil and military.

At this time, a famous military general is both a military advisor and a general! Only those who are familiar with the art of war and are brave and invincible can be called famous generals.

Huo Qubing was seventeen years old and served as the captain of Piaoyao. At the age of eighteen, he was named the champion marquis and was the bravest of the three armies!

This is a famous general who is not inferior to Wang Jian and Meng Tian.

It's a pity that God is jealous of talents. Huo Qubing died young at the age of twenty-four

"Huo Qubing pays homage to the king!"

""Stand up!" Ying Zheng smiled and motioned Huo Qubing to stand up.

This was the first general under his command!

Whether it was Li Chenzhou or Yu Huatian, these people had strength, but they were not suitable for commanding troops.

Huo Qubing spent 30,000 energy points of Li Changsheng, not because he was much stronger than Li Chenzhou, but because Huo Qubing was a general, and the art of war took up a lot of energy points.

"the last one……"Ying Zheng looked at the last jar worth 100,000 energy points.

Ying Zheng was already very satisfied that the intermediate jar could produce a general like Huo Qubing! What he lacked now was this kind of talent.

Whether it was civil or military, Ying Zheng lacked both.

He raised his hand and smashed the last jar, and a ball of golden light appeared.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 4000 Mo Dao soldiers, and Mo Dao General: Li Siye."

The whole city is full of white hair, and they will never give up their Mo Dao. Mo Dao soldiers require 30 energy points to redeem.

Wearing heavy armor, holding a three-meter-long Mo Dao in his hand, the handle is 1.5 meters long and the blade is 1.5 meters long.

It is difficult for ordinary people to control it. Those who use Mo Dao are all people with infinite strength. With one sword, both the man and the horse are shattered, and they are extremely powerful against cavalry.

Li Siye, a half-step master, is the commander of the Mo Dao soldiers.

He is seven feet tall, has extraordinary strength, and is very good at using Mo Dao. He must serve as a pioneer in every battle and is invincible.

Li Changsheng did not cheat Ying Zheng with this jar.

These people, plus Li Siye, are worth a total of 130,000 energy points

"All the soldiers and generals are elite, so why worry about not holding power!"Ying Zheng's face was full of vigor and vitality. He killed Lao Ai, and now he has all the soldiers and generals in his hands!

Tomorrow morning, he will force Lu Buwei to hand over some power!

"Please choose a place to summon soldiers as soon as possible."Li Changsheng reminded him. Just as Ying Zheng was about to speak, a Jinyiwei came running over from outside the palace.

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother is clamoring to see you and is even threatening to commit suicide!"

"Ah……"Ying Zheng laughed, but did not answer Li Changsheng for the time being. He looked in the direction of Yanshou Palace.

Then he asked someone to bring a tray over.

Ying Zheng stepped down from the dragon throne, cut a piece of white silk himself, folded it neatly and placed it on top.

Then he chose a broken bronze sword and placed it next to the white silk.

Ying Zheng remained silent and asked someone to bring a pot of wine and a jasper wine jar.

He filled the wine jar with wine and put in a red pill.

"Summon the Western Factory Supervisor Yu Huatian to meet with the emperor!" Ying Zheng took a deep breath and said

"Yes!" A Jinyiwei responded and rushed to the West Factory.

Soon, Yu Huatian arrived at the Qilin Hall.

""What does the king want you to do?" Yu Huatian asked in confusion. He had just returned to the West Factory when Ying Zheng summoned him again.

"Take it and go to Yanshou Palace... and give it to the Queen Mother!" Ying Zheng said, looking at the tray.

Yu Huatian followed Ying Zheng's gaze and understood. He had done this many times.


Yu Huatian left the Qilin Hall with the tray and walked towards the Yanshou Palace.

PS:The eighth update, please give me flowers, the 16th chapter will probably not be released today... I haven't written anything...

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