Shangxiao Palace, no, it should be called Xichang.

Yu Huatian brought the man back. Xichang was just established under the order of Ying Zheng. It didn't have such professional torture instruments, and it was already making trouble.

But this didn't bother Yu Huatian. It only took him a quarter of an hour to torture Liu Yu out of everything he knew.

"Keep an eye on him, no one is allowed to approach him!"Yu Huatian ordered, and then took Liu Yu's crime statement and walked towards the Qilin Hall.

The Jinyiwei in front of the hall naturally would not stop Yu Huatian.

Walking all the way to the hall, Yu Huatian presented the bamboo slip crime statement with both hands.:

"Your Majesty, everything has been investigated!"

"Present it to me!" Ying Zheng raised his hand to signal, and a Jinyiwei stepped forward and handed the bamboo slips to Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, when I was interrogating Liu Yu, I met an eunuch who claimed to be a subordinate of Marquis Changxin. He spoke rudely, so I took the initiative to behead him!"Yu Huatian reported what happened in the prison.

""Hmm." Ying Zheng didn't care too much. He scanned the bamboo slips with his eyes, and a hint of murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes.

Behind Liu Yu was Lao Ai. An eunuch actually relied on the queen mother to gain such power!

""Marquis of Changxin Lao Ai!" Ying Zheng knew this man, and the title of Marquis of Changxin was bestowed on Lao Ai by the Queen Mother!

"Your Majesty, this matter involves a great deal of involvement. When I brought Liu Yu back, Sikou Chen Xian wanted to snatch him from me!"Yu Huatian said

"One is Lu Buwei, and the other is Lao Ai……"Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

Not only was Lao Ai, the eunuch in the palace, made a marquis, but he also used the royal family's private treasury to win over the nine ministers, the Shaofu, and the Sikou.

This was no small matter. If it was not dealt with, Lao Ai would be the next Lu Buwei in the future.

"Check, find out the origins of this Lao Ai for me!"

"Find out when he entered the palace, what he did before entering the palace, and... why he was favored by the Queen Mother!"

Ying Zheng suppressed anger in his voice. Who dared to climb over his head?

"Your Majesty, Lao Ai lives in Ganquan Palace, which is the Queen Mother's palace."

Yu Huatian asked for instructions. He could be arrogant outside, but in front of Ying Zheng, Yu Huatian had to think about everything.

Ganquan Palace was the Queen Mother's territory. Ying Zheng personally nodded, and Yu Huatian dared to investigate unscrupulously.

"I give you this power. Within three days, I will know all the information about Lao Ai!" Ying Zheng waved his hand.

""Yes!" Yu Huatian responded, turned around and left the Qilin Hall, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

With Ying Zheng's nod, he, Yu Huatian, didn't dare to go there!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting the reward: Jinyiwei Qinglong Commander!"Li Changsheng appeared at the right time and waved his hand, paying out of his own pocket to give Ying Zheng the task reward.

Hearing Li Changsheng's voice, Ying Zheng's face eased a little. The free reward made Ying Zheng feel much better instantly.

"Qinglong, one of the four commanders of Jinyiwei, a congenital master……"Li Changsheng still sent a message into Ying Zheng's mind.

Qinglong, dressed in Feiyu clothing, appeared in the hall. Unlike other Jinyiwei, his weapon was a long treasure box.

It was called the Fourteen Forces of the Palace, and there were fourteen long swords made of fine steel. The eight swords on the top were named: Heaven, Earth, General, Law, Wisdom, Faith, Benevolence, and Courage, and were used for interrogation.

The six swords on the bottom were used for execution.

One kill: disobeying orders.

Two kills: interfering in politics.

Three kills: corruption and abuse of power.

Four kills: collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Five kills: fratricide.

The last one was called: [Dying for the Sake of Heaven], which was used for suicide after the mission failed.

"The Fourteen Forces of the Imperial Palace will be known as the Fourteen Forces of the Great Qin in the future!"Ying Zheng looked at the treasure box-like box that Qinglong was carrying.

"Yes!" Qinglong replied

"The first is to disobey the order, the second is to abuse power, I really want you to kill Lu Buwei!"Ying Zheng looked at Qinglong and said

"The king has given the order, and I will do it immediately!"Qinglong put down the treasure box and drew out the first and second long swords from below.

"There will be a chance, but not now!"Ying Zheng knocked on the handle of the dragon throne with his right hand and looked in the direction of the Xiangguo Mansion.

It won't be long.

"After I deal with Lao Ai, it will be your turn.……"Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

He knew that Lü Buwei had many followers in the court, but Ying Zheng was not a timid person.

If you don't kill the snake, you will suffer from it. If you want to strike, you must strike hard!

With one strike, he will beat Lü Buwei so hard that he can't turn over!

"Qinglong, I will give you three hundred Jinyiwei, you take them out of the palace and monitor the Prime Minister's Mansion day and night. I want to know everything that Lu Buwei does every day."Ying Zheng issued an order.

""Yes!" Qinglong bowed, then called up the three hundred Jinyiwei and quietly left the palace.

He did things just like Yu Huatian, swift and resolute, and didn't like to procrastinate.

The Qilin Hall became quiet, leaving only Ying Zheng sitting on the dragon throne thinking about the future.

Li Changsheng was quite satisfied with Ying Zheng's progress, which was already fast.

"Following this trend, it won’t take a few days for Zheng Ge to enter the court!"

"As long as he has a little power, it will be much easier for Zhengge to kill Lu Buwei."

If it were Ying Zheng before the system, he would not care about what was happening outside. Even if he knew about it, he would not care about it. Instead, he would slowly accumulate his own strength. Before the system, Ying Zheng would not confront Lu Buwei and Lao Ai head-on like he does now.

PS:The sixth update, please give me flowers... please give me evaluation votes... please give me monthly votes, I beg for your support!

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