Chapter 193 The Lord of Qin is good to bully? (give a subscription support)

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three

The excitement of the officers at the middle and lower ranks was the opposite of the expressions of the officers at the upper ranks of the court. Instead of feeling ecstatic, the generals had a faint worry?

Daqin has a large number of troops, twenty-five regiments and hundreds of thousands of troops, but these troops have to be stationed in places.

There are not many mobile forces that can be mobilized. Although the remnants of the Six Nations have disappeared, it does not mean that the hearts of these people have been attached to Daqin.

For example, Zhao Guo, the battle of Changping killed 400,000 Zhao troops, and the subsequent battles even beat Zhao Guo into a dozen chambers and nine empty spaces.

Qin Jun can be described as the enemy of Zhao people’s life and death. Your father or elder, son and son-in-law, or husband were killed. You have to pay for these murderers and make a good life under their rule. , Are you kidding me.

The people of the Six Kingdoms hated Qin so much that it was itchy. Otherwise, the First Emperor would not throw all the troops out to garrison all over the place, but Guanzhong was quite empty.

When Xiang Liang was about to hit Guanzhong, Zhang Han actually relied on Lishan Prisoners to fight. This was enough to explain how scarce Qingzhuang was in Guanzhong at that time.

Ying Che was never afraid of war, nor was he afraid of provocations by the Huns and Donghu, otherwise he would not kill their messengers.

But fearlessness, daring to fight, and recklessness are two concepts. In this fight, you must fight, but how to fight is a problem.

You can’t pull the army over and fight with the Huns like a brain damage, don’t you need money to treat the soldiers? Don’t you need money for the food and wages of the war?

Don’t look at the wealth of the world when Emperor Shi Huang was there, but the problem is that this grandfather’s expenses are also high.

Visiting the world all day long, building a lot of palaces at every turn, these are all costs.

If it weren’t for the old Qin people’s solid foundation, they really couldn’t withstand much toss, the first emperor left Ying Che with not much wealth.

When entering the palace to meet the emperor, ministers and generals were also exchanging opinions.

“It hasn’t been long before the tripod was set down today. Although the remnants of the Six Nations fled in embarrassment, the people’s hearts are not attached. I am afraid that the army should not be moved lightly. The Huns and Donghu people are coming fiercely again. What corps will be transferred this time? The 13th Corps General Sima Xin said to General Dong Yi of the 15th Corps.

The two people had a good friendship in private, and they were communicating when they entered the palace.

“I don’t know, but I think, with your majesty’s means, this time I am afraid that I want to directly round up the main force of the Huns and Donghu at one time.” Dong Yi said with a smile.

If he still can’t see that their Emperor is an ambitious emperor, then he would be stupid.

The emperor today is almost exactly the same as the first emperor, and his desire to open up the frontiers and expand the land is beyond the limit.

Dong Yi dared to swear that as long as there is a chance to get involved in the grasslands and the Western Regions, the current emperor will send his troops!

He even fought fiercely with the nomads on horseback for those territories.

What they worry about is not only these, but the more important thing is that they will face a lot of competitors in the future. Everyone wants to make military merits.

As for the Huns and Donghu people, besides staying on the horse longer and the number of people, what are they worth?

Try to fight with my Daqin army with real swords and guns? My Da Qin cavalry is not a joke.

The Huns who fought in the time of the first emperor did not dare to go south to herd horses. Did they think that they would be bullied if they changed to a great Qin lord? Their blood was not drained yet! The corpses of the fifty thousand Xiongnu cavalry, Did they forget it?

Ying Che was sitting on the dragon chair of the Great Hall, looking at the ministers who had arrived at his call.

“See your majesty for ministers.

“All the Aiqings are flat, today’s discussion, don’t be muddled, military affairs are urgent, you should discuss a plan as quickly as possible, and you must not delay!” Ying Che said straightforwardly.

If this tone is not set, then these ministers are all high-ranking ministers, and they will definitely have to start a long discussion and specific analysis, and Ying Che does not want to hear this at all now.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” After hearing Ying Che’s instructions, the ministers present honestly and straightforwardly began to confess.

“The Donghu people and the Huns have entangled more than 200,000 troops on the grassland, all of them are cavalry, and after their follow-up, it seems that they are continuing to recruit soldiers and horses. A conservative estimate is that there will be 300,000 people. How to deal with it?” Ying Che said lightly.

Seeing Ying Che’s calm expression when she said this, the ministers present immediately felt immense admiration in their hearts.

It is worthy of being the successor designated by His Majesty the First Emperor, that is not 300,000 pigs, but 300,000 cavalry!

In the era of cold weapons, a cavalry can hold up to ten infantry. This is no joke. The cavalry that comes and goes like the wind can force the infantry that runs on two legs to death.

And when His Majesty said the three hundred thousand Huns united cavalrymen, he looked disapproving, but his heart was really big. This kind of tolerance like Mount Tai was really remarkable.

According to the habit of speaking at the court, the left prime minister Li Si was looking at the right 227 prime minister Feng Quji. To put it bluntly, he let the chief speak first, and Da Qin respected the right.

But Feng Quji was very shrewd all the time. He just went out and bowed to the emperor, and then said: “Your Majesty, the old ministers are naturally not as proficient in military strategy as the generals, and it is better to ask your majesty. When I asked the generals for their opinions, what the veteran should do is to collect food and grass and replenish soldiers in the rear defense to protect my Daqin army.

Party’s supplies. ”

Upon hearing Feng Quji’s statement, many civil servants present cursed in their hearts: “Old fox.”

But for Feng Quji, the emperor and the generals were really happy.

The emperor was pleased that Feng Quji, the prime minister with great power, did not get involved in the issue of military jurisdiction.

And the generals are happy that there is finally a sensible person. The most feared is that high-level civilians and laymen are blindly commanding there. Fighting is not a matter of buying two military books and reading it. It will be invincible in the world.

After noticing the changes in the expressions of the emperor and the generals, Li Si seemed to understand something.

Taking a look at Feng Quji next to him, Li Si secretly said in his heart: “It’s no wonder that this seemingly incompetent person can overwhelm me. He is very good at trying to figure out people’s hearts.”.

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