Chapter 191 Confucian thoughts (give a subscription support)

Don’t look at the relaxed looks of Chen Ping and Xiao He, but in fact, for Ying Che’s question, the two of them are not sure whether their own answers will satisfy the emperor.

But at least for the moment, the emperor did not show too much dissatisfaction, but in fact Chen Ping believed that the emperor must be wary of these martial arts!

This is a compulsory course for every emperor! The control of the army has always been the top priority, whether it is the current emperor or the first emperor, they attach great importance to this aspect!

“Brother Xiao, maybe in the future, we civilians will have a higher status in Daqin.” Chen Ping looked at Xiao He with a smile in his eyes.

However, in fact, Chen Ping’s heart is a bit jealous. In official history, this Chen Ping is a talented but extremely scheming figure.

Above the Great Hall, he clearly saw the satisfaction flashing in the emperor’s eyes when Xiao He was answering questions!

Chen Ping thinks that his talent is not under Xiao He, but the attitude of the emperor just now is obviously that he plans to reuse Xiao He!

“Haha, how can your majesty’s mind be something that I and other ministers can figure out?” Xiao He shook his head, he could see the sourness in Chen Ping’s tone.

But for Xiao He, the current emperor is another hero after Zulong!

Moreover, this hero has inherited his father’s will, and Wen Tao Wulue is not inferior to the ancestral dragon, and he is younger and younger than when the ancestral dragon ruled the world!

And Xiao He can be sure that if there is no accident, the time of this male lord’s reign will be very long!

This also means that if you want to gain power and prosperity for the own family and yourself in today’s world, you must keep up with the emperor’s pace, especially to show your own talents!

There were originally some Xiao He who was wise to protect himself and did not dare to completely show off his talents.When he saw Chen Ping’s jealous eyes, he knew that he must show enough value in front of the emperor!

Judging from what he has done since he took the throne today, Ying Che, the emperor, is quite a fancy talent, and he is quite tolerant of talented courtiers!

And today’s match, and Chen Ping’s gaze, also secretly told Xiao He that only by receiving the emperor’s favor can he not fall above the court.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many people want to replace him!

After all, the emperor’s grace is limited, he Xiaohe is more, others are less!

As for the so-called Six Nations Volunteers scattered all over the place, which one can succeed?

Xiao He didn’t think that those mobs could really overthrow Da Qin who had the second generation of heroes. Counting the current one, Qin, has already been out of eight generations of Mingjun.

Especially Daqin, who is strong and capable, wants to defeat the remnants of the Six Nations, it is not too simple.

Xiao He is a person who judges the situation very well. He knows that it is only a matter of time for Da Qin to clean up those remnants. He would not choose to mix with those people.

And Ying Che above the Great Hall, after seeing Chen Ping and Xiao He leave, the expression on his face did not change in the slightest, so that the attendants around who wanted to observe the emperor’s attitude had no way of knowing the emperor’s mood.

“It’s no wonder why Xiao would become the prime minister of the early Han Dynasty before Chen Ping. In addition to his own advantages, there are some gaps in judging the situation and vision.” Ying Che said in his heart.

Chen Ping and Xiao He knew that Ying Che’s performance was very satisfied with Ying Che, but he was also dissatisfied because the two of them seemed too cautious.

The civilian officials didn’t even dare to think about the military commanders, and they didn’t even dare to think of ways to restrict and suppress them. This was not what Ying Che wanted.

Except for the generals recruited by Chen Qingzhi’s system, Ying Che will have certain reservations about the other generals, even if he believes it again.

After all, human nature is separated from the belly. Zhang Han, Sima Xin, and Dong did not choose to be Daqin Jingzhong in history, but became the King of Yong, the King of Sai, and the King of Zhai.

No matter what they were forced into by Hu Hai, as a ruler, even if they encounter such subordinates, even if they have difficulties, there will always be a thorn in the heart of the ruler.

The defensive measures for the warriors are necessary. Only the military generals who succeeded in rebellion have made the successful civilian officials?

“Da Qin is in my hands. Naturally, he doesn’t worry about these arrogant soldiers, but what about the future prince?” Ying Che said in his heart.

0……seeking flowers-0

Especially when he knows that he is still so young, when his child succeeds to the throne, I am afraid that the whole world has been conquered by his Daqin cavalry.

At that time, I just want to give the prince a war to hone and fight. I am afraid it will not be easy.

The necessary defensive system is necessary, but civil officials should not be allowed to sit too much, otherwise, it will be very bad.

“This war between civil and military can’t stop,” Ying Che touched Tai A Jian, and said lightly.

As for the waiters on the left and right, even if they heard this sentence, they all watched their noses and noses as if they didn’t know the news at all.

Serving by the king’s side, if the mouth is not strict enough, it will kill the whole family.

“But what position should Xiao He be given? And that Chen Ping’s talent, in addition to lack of aura, is actually a very talented person, if they are always allowed to act as the right and left side, it would be a pity for their talents. Now.” Ying Che thought in her heart.

Like a talented person, Ying Che never wants to waste.

As for the so-called chaotic officials and thieves in various places, they are nothing more than a bunch of scum. Da Qin’s army under a single strike, look at the remnants of the Six Nations, what did they look like?

They weren’t a big deal, Ying Che, who had a good deck of cards in his hand, couldn’t be fainted and smashed, right? He wasn’t that idiot Hu Hai.

As for Daqin, what is most anxious now is not only the remnants of the Six Nations, but also the Confucian school.

Since the fall of Wang Guan, Confucianism has completely lacked a minister who has a good impression of Confucianism and can support Confucianism in the court of Daqin.

How can this make them not worry? At first, everyone felt that the world was peaceful, and the emperor would definitely need the Confucianism.

But who would have thought that it is just the Zulong or the current second emperor who has not much interest in their Confucianism!

The heart of an independent husband is becoming more and more arrogant! Even their Wang Guan has been relegated to Lingnan!

You must know that the Guanzhong of the old Qin people has always been in the domain of the Legalists, and the penetration of Confucianism in Guanzhong is a difficult one. +.

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