Chapter 188 To control power is not to burn luck (give a subscription support)

In the imperial palace of Xianyang City, the national capital, there are more than two dozen people lined up neatly along a palace road.

“Brother Han, it is really gratifying to take office in the Fifth Corps this time.

Chen Qingzhi, who followed the emperor’s hands in his early years and made a special trip from the Far North, has a fairly good relationship with Zhang Han.

“It is the trust of your Majesty all the time, and I have the opportunity to show off my talents now.”

Chen Qingzhi is definitely the confidant of the emperor. Zhang Han, who had long planned to be loyal to the emperor, was naturally polite.

Civil officials have intersections between civil servants, and vice versa. Soldiers also have a set of intersections between soldiers.

“Hahaha, yes, only swearing allegiance to your majesty is the best return.

After the last World War I in the Far North, Chen Qingzhi’s aura was even more prominent than before, and his words can be described as loud and loud.

The current Far North is generally stabilized, and even those who don’t have a lot of thoughts, can’t make any waves anymore.

“Brother Qing said that, I think so too.

-07 When I heard it, it was undoubtedly in line with Zhang Han’s thoughts, and the smile on his face became thicker.

“Chen Dage, Zhang Dage, congratulations this time, for being promoted to the general of the Sixth Corps, as well as the general of the Fifth Corps.”

As an older generation of military family, Li Guang did not forget his father’s instructions and took the initiative to show his favor to the rising star Zhang Han and the emperor celebrity Chen Qingzhi.

“Are you the son of Li Guang, General Li?”

Li Guangping rarely showed up in Xianyang, but Zhang Han and Zhang Han, who were somewhat impressed, said uncertainly.

“The two Dage, it is the younger brother, named Li Guang.”

Li Guang, who had stayed at the border for many years, was relatively low-key in the past, and understood why, Li Guang smiled and said.

Whether it is the newest Zhang Han, or Chen Qingzhi, who has fought a beautiful battle, it is basically worth the effort to make friends.

“Brother Li, fortunate to meet you.

Although they are soldiers of the empire, Zhang Han and Chen Qingzhi still know the communication that should be had in normal times.

“When will you return to Xianyang from the border?”

It’s not the time to declare, and being idle is also being idle, Zhang Han asked without any pretensions.

During the time of the Holy Ancestor Emperor, Li Xin’s family did not receive much reuse, the emperor became completely different since he was enthroned.

“The border stationed at the border is relatively close to the national capital. I have returned to Xianyang a few days ago. Like Chen Dage in the far north, I have been tired all the way.

I have to say that Li Guang’s speech is still a bit level, not only answering Zhang Han’s question, but also pulling into the relationship between himself and Chen Qingzhi.

Such a brief conversation became familiar all at once, not unfamiliar at first.

“As a soldier, where is there to be tired but not tired, I only ask for your majesty and fight for Daqin on the battlefield.”

Hearing that Chen Qingzhi also laughed, with a bit of obvious seriousness in his words.

“Brother Qing said that he always coincides with me, and find a place to drink some other day.”

After a few words, Zhang Han realized that he had a lot of thoughts, almost the same as the other party, and he had a deep friendship.

“As long as Brother Han doesn’t mind, I will accompany him.

Seeing Zhang Han’s plan to make friends, Chen Qingzhi would not refuse, and he accepted it without thinking about it.

Zhang Han came out of the Nanya imperial army and was also one of the team loyal to the emperor. There is no reason not to make friends.

“It is also fortunate for Sansheng to be able to associate with such a hero.

Putting aside his previous thoughts, Li Guang still wanted to make friends with such promising soldiers as Zhang Han or Chen Qingzhi.

“This is Zhang Han, who is trusted by His Majesty, Chen Qingzhi, who followed His Majesty in the first place?”

As a general of the 7th Corps, Zhao Tuo, who was notified, was also present and looked at the two people nearby thoughtfully.

No matter who you get acquainted with, it will benefit you a lot, but it is not the right time right now.

If you go directly, the purpose is too obvious. In the end, it will only outweigh the gains. There is no rush.

“The generals from the various corps, your majesty, verbally, go to the Lizheng Hall to meet.”

With a message from the emperor, Chen Ping, the left staff officer of Huangmen, came to the palace road and conveyed it.

“Master You Lao leads the way.

Even if you are a general of the corps, the other party’s official position is much smaller than his own, but the twenty-five generals are not disrespectful at all.

After all, the staff of the Huangmen were only ministers of the emperor, and more importantly, came to announce them on behalf of the emperor.

“Field regular army, generals of the 25th corps, see your majesty!

Seeing the arrival of twenty-five generals with real power, Xiao He stood in front of the door of the Lizheng Hall and shouted loudly.

“The minister waits to see your majesty, holy driver!”

This is the first time since the formation of the regular field army, it has been directly received by the emperor, and the meaning is different.

Therefore, the generals who stepped into the temple knelt on the ground and bowed to the emperor in front of them several times.

“All the Qings are flat, free of courtesy, and set to sit down.”

Sweeping a circle of more than twenty courtiers in the hall, Ying Che gradually raised his hands and said slowly.

“The minister thanked your majesty.

Immediately, in accordance with the sequence of each corps, they sat down on the right side one after another.

“The world has been calmed down by the Holy Ancestor and First Emperor for more than 20 years, during which Nanpingling attacked the Xiongnu from north to south.

“Of course, the Huns and other barbarians have not been reduced, and they are still a major disaster in northern Xinjiang. The officials must not relax.”

The field regular army is a part of the national policy, and no one can be corrupted from the inside. Ying Che glanced at the 227 officials present and said unhurriedly.

“Please rest assured, your majesty, ministers and other commander-in-chief corps will always expand the territory for your majesty the Great Qin.

As soon as the speech came up, there were signs of aggressiveness, and the generals couldn’t help but shake their bodies and responded very powerfully.

Before, I was a little worried that the formation was completed and there were not many battles to fight. Now it seems that they are thinking too much.

“Today, I summoned Qing and waited to come, mainly to announce the official first edict, Xiao Qing, began to read

Having said that, Ying Che moved her head slightly, and then moved her gaze to the left side.

The first is not the first seal but the second, the real intention is to tell them that the army should rely on him as the emperor and win the imperial power.

As long as they are not fledglings, generals who have been officials for a long time know a little bit more or less.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

Xiao He, who had been prepared for an oral order from the emperor, took out a list of edicts with the first seal.

“I saw your Majesty’s method recently. Sure enough, taking control of power so quickly is not a fluke, but a necessity.”

Although he was far away from the Central Court before, Zhao Tuo’s political consciousness is not low at all, and he understands the underlying meaning of the emperor.

“This is Da Qin’s second-generation emperor!”

At such a close distance, Li Guang could feel an awe-inspiring aura, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. .

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