Chapter 186 Plan to go to the Lingnan area (give a subscription support)

“Yes, it is the best choice to cooperate with Baiyue Remnants.”

Fan Zeng nodded his head heavily and said affirmatively.

“Could it be that there is no other way?”

Previously, the Baiyue remnant was used as cannon fodder, but now it was placed in the same position all at once, Xiang Sheng still couldn’t fully accept it.

“No, this is the only way to preserve strength and to deal with Qin violently.”

Hearing the unwillingness revealed in the words, Fan Zeng still had that tone, because they didn’t have a better choice.

If so, don’t use the other methods to implement it.

“At this moment and the other, Fan Lao said that the Baiyue Remnant is another way of retreat for my Chu State.”

Compared with the unwilling people, Xiang Liang is a kind of people who can afford it and put it down, and said calmly.

They couldn’t go back to the old place of Chu country, and the road to overseas was blocked again, and they had no choice at all.

“But, uncle, the Baiyue remnant can’t make it to the table, and the strength is not very strong.

Xiang Yu had the same idea as Xiang Sheng, a member of the Xiang clan, and Xiang Yu deliberately took a few steps forward and wanted to dissuade his uncle.

“Choose to cooperate with the Baiyue Remnant Department and take advantage of the other’s familiar terrain. We will have a rare opportunity to breathe.”

“In turn, we will continue to be chased by the Black Ice Platform until the last one falls.

The question raised by the young master is actually what everyone thinks. Xiang Liang cited the pros and cons in detail.

“this ”

What I said just now is not without reason. It is indeed possible to use the terrain of Lingnan to avoid the pursuit of the Black Ice Platform.

Therefore, everyone present hesitated and couldn’t make up their minds for a while.

“As long as the Kingdom of Chu can be revived one day, then all the efforts will be worthwhile.”

Looking at the people who couldn’t help but hesitated, Xiang Liang deeply clenched the tiger fist and said loudly.

“Gu You Chong’er returned to the Jin country. Compared with the great cause of restoring the country, what is it that it is a little bit difficult?”

Seeing this, Fan Zengshun followed the topic just now and asked everyone in a timely manner.

“All those who listen to General Xiang, we will definitely rejuvenate Chu State together.”

Speaking of this, everyone is not good to say more, and Xiang Yu can only agree to it.

As General Xiang said, as long as the country can be restored, all efforts will be worthwhile.

“The remnant of Baiyue is so powerful, and there is no sign of chaos in the Lingnan area.

Zhou Yin sneered at the cooperation with the remnants of Baiyue. Instead, he thought that Chu State was at the end of the road.

Think about it, in the end, having to cooperate with the other party is enough to explain all the reasons.

“Lao Fan, I would like to trouble you to go on a mission and explain our intention to the remnant of Baiyue.”

Chu Guoyingjie died tragically in the hands of Bao Qin. It was really impossible to find a suitable candidate. Xiang Liang could only look at the declining old Fan Zeng.

“I am willing to serve Chu and the generals.

Since joining Chu’s camp and becoming one of the core figures, Fan Zeng understood that he had no turning back, and he took his lead with joy.

After all, he may be on the black ice table’s kill list, even if he surrenders, he will not escape.

“Fan, what do you think Qin Emperor Ying Che is doing?”

When he determined the direction of the next step, Xiang Liang sat down to rest again, and asked.

Among the crowd, only Fan Zeng and himself were the only ones who could talk about the same points.

“Bao Qin was originally due to lack of troops. Judging from the previous handwriting, the possibility that Qin Emperor Ying Che could not see was basically zero.”

“I guess that I want to strengthen local control. I can’t say what it is for the time being.

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Fan Zeng’s tone paused, and his thoughts were fairly clear and analyzed.

“Yes, that’s what I think. This Qin Di Ying Che’s tricks pinch our lifeline, and it’s not easy to deal with.

Actually is not talking about depression, but explaining a fact, Xiang Liang expresses deep agreement.

“If this continues, not only the Chu country, but the living space of the other countries will continue to be compressed.”

If they didn’t say it in front of everyone, one was that they didn’t want to believe it, and the other was that it would only hurt morale. Fan Zeng frowned.

“According to Fan Lao’s opinion, what do we need to do?”

Faced with the pressure from Emperor Ying Che of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Liangqiang raised his own spirit and barely kept his appearance calm.

“The first step is to find a stable foothold in order to serve as a base camp for the future.

“The second step is to gradually develop and restore the original strength, on the one hand, choose the opportunity to assassinate Qin Emperor Ying Che.”

0………For flowers-0

“The third step is that you can’t start in the old place, and you can choose to go to the Lingnan area where the rule of the Qin Dynasty is weak. It is not impossible to counterattack in the future.

Halfway through the words, Fan Zeng paused first, then spoke in detail.

“Fan Lao’s suggestion just now fits Chu’s current situation, so implementation is pretty good.

It’s not a generation without knowledge, Xiang Liang didn’t realize that his development in the Lingnan area is indeed very good.

The time when the Qing Dynasty ruled Lingnan was not long, and the foundation was not particularly strong.

Furthermore, the distance from the north to the south is too far, and the speed of the deployment of troops is not so fast at all.

“It just so happened that when we were cooperating with the Baiyue Remnants, we took the opportunity to gain a firm foothold in Lingnan.”

It was not only a mutual cooperation between the two sides, but also a great opportunity for development, Fan Zengcheng smiled with joy.

“Well, the future development direction of Chu State is determined to be in the Lingnan area.”

The black ice platform was pressing forward step by step, and several countries were out of breath. Xiang Liang gritted his teeth, which was considered a decisive move.

“Old and impertinent, I am willing to follow General Xiang until the state of Chu is rejuvenated.

At this critical moment, Fan Zeng knew what to say and looked serious.

No one can tell the future of the situation. Maybe the Qin Dynasty suddenly collapsed, the state of Chu ushered in an unstoppable revival, and he was a heavy minister of the restoration of the country.

“Fortunately, I kept Mr. Fan by my side. Otherwise, I still don’t know where to go.’

Fan Zeng is the only strategist with weight in the team, and can no longer afford the slightest loss. Xiang Liang has become more firm in his previous ideas.

“Uncle, Fan, what are you talking about, is there a new order?”

Seeing the two people talking non-stop, Xiang Yu walked over quickly and asked.

“I’m just chatting about some topics, Yu’er, you order everyone to prepare to set off again.”

Where would I say what topic I was talking about, Xiang Liang skipped the question and said instead.

It is better for one more person to know, and one less person knows. Decision-making must be top-secret.

Besides, some things cannot be said, otherwise it will easily cause panic.

“Okay, uncle.

He still respects and trusts his uncle deeply on weekdays. Xiang Yu does not doubt that he has him. ten,

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