Chapter 179 The four counties of Qin, strengthen the rule! (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty Qizou, the twenty-five corps across the country have basically been formed.”

It was another regular meeting. As a heavyweight figure in the military-Wang Jian, he did his part to report.

“The speed of formation this time is the fastest since the founding of Daqin, which is quite amazing.’

Upon hearing this, the civil and military ministers were somewhat surprised, but they were quite normal after thinking about it.

The focus of this establishment is the upgrading of the national defense system, and the central monarchs and ministers reached an unanimous consensus to effectively implement it to the local counties and counties.

“Very well, I am very pleased that the formation of the corps is so fast.”

Regarding the formation speed of the Corps, Ying Che said lightly.

When the reform of the military system comes to an end, the forces attached to Daqin will dispatch 40% of their respective forces in accordance with the requirements to attack the doglegs of the Huns.

However, in terms of current time, it is still some time away.

“His Majesty is extremely sage-minded, and the implementation of the reform of the field regular army and the zhejiang army has the record of today’s swift speed.

The specific reason for what it looked like, the Manchu civil and military is naturally tacit, and each one appears righteous and awe-inspiring.

“In addition, the far north is included in the rule of Daqin, and I intend to spread boundary monuments on the border. What do the officials think?

The formation of the Twenty-Five Army Corps was basically over, and Ying Che turned to mention the Far North.

“Your Majesty, the Far North has an outstanding geographic location and should indeed be included in Daqin’s territory.”

With a strategic view of the overall situation, Wei Liao, who is holding Yugui, stood up and played.

“Not only that, but we can also imitate the Lingnan laid down by the holy ancestor emperor and establish counties and counties in the local area to implement effective rule.”

Immediately afterwards, Li Si, who was the prime minister on the left, arched his hand and suggested.

With more and more important ministers loyal to the emperor, the advantage of the previous old team has become much smaller, and the only thing that has not changed is the performance of the emperor.

“This Li Si is still so fast, really an old fox.

If there are really counties and counties, Li Si has a share of the credit, and there is no need to bear much risk. It can be described as a profitable business.

Therefore, Feng Quji, who just wanted to play, suddenly wanted to scold his mother.

“If you follow the example of Lingnan to establish counties and counties, in terms of the size of the Far North, the establishment of four counties will facilitate the powerful control of the imperial court.

Suppressing the thoughts in his mind, Feng Quji didn’t hesitate for too long, and said immediately afterwards.

“Feng Qing let me talk about the last one, why there are four counties instead of three or five.”

When she heard this, Ying Che looked at the Prime Minister right below and asked specifically.

“His Majesty, the Far North is next to the Liaodong area, and it is bordered by the grassland to the north. There are too many counties and too scattered.

“The south is close to Samhan and Linhai. One county is too big, and the four counties at the front and back happen to be in charge of the Far North.

After a little consideration of words, Feng Quji still has two brushes, and he elaborated clearly.

“Feng Quji said nicely, but in fact he didn’t have any good intentions at all. It was not to weaken our influence.”

After listening, Li Xin sneered secretly, and sneered at the rhetoric just now.

Divided into two counties, one north and one south, the military authority is undoubtedly the most powerful, but changing to four counties will not be established, and the civil service will be strengthened to some extent.

“Before I was the commander in charge of the crusade against Jizi Zaoyuexian. How many counties involved power, not participating is far better than participating in the past.

Although he has a haha ​​attitude towards Feng Quji, Wang Ben is undoubtedly sensible and has a very clear plan.

Their Wang family is in full swing, but they should pay more attention to some influences, and remember not to interfere too much.

“Your Majesty, the generals and lords just now have unanimously agreed to establish counties in the Far North, which shows the importance of their position.”

“Therefore, the minister believes that the number of four counties is more reasonable and can effectively strengthen the rule.”

What Prime Minister Feng said just now was exactly what he wanted to say, and it was in line with their fundamental rights and interests, Xianyang Ling Nei Shi Teng then agreed.

“Your Majesty, the minister agrees to the rule of the number of four counties, and it is included in the territory like Lingnan.”

Seeing that his father and You Cheng were equal, Li You, who appeared as one of the Jiuqing, spoke at Chao Shang for the first time.

“The establishment of four counties in the Far North region, I have also thought about it before, so that it can effectively control the strength of Daqin.

There was Wang Jian and Wei Lian’s advancement first, and then there were suggestions from the civil servants. Ying Che did not delay for too long and decided.

As long as it is in the interest of the Ying clan and Daqin, then he will not care about the thoughts of civil and military.

“Perhaps, the hegemony that belongs to your majesty has really begun.”

Because of the first declaration of war, the achievements of the four Far North counties are no less than that of Lingnan. Chen Ping muttered to himself, full of deep expectations for the future.

“Your Majesty Shengming!”

This was the consensus reached by the emperor and the civil official, and it also involved the issue of authority. Wei Liao and the two quickly made a decision to give in when it was time to give in.

“‘”Your Majesty, the ministers seconded.”

Knowing the pros and cons from this, all the generals headed by Li Xin can only agree with it.

Although it is not as powerful as the northern term, the position of the northern two counties is too important, and the power will not be too ridiculous no matter how weakened it is.

“Xiao Qing, draft edict.

The voice of Wenwu’s seconding echoed in his ears, Ying Che moved his gaze to the right, and said.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Xiao He, who had already prepared well, responded in advance at every meeting.

In the tone just now, it is not difficult to hear a sense of respect and the excitement of participating in the political affairs.

“I intend to set up Xuantu County in the north, where the government will be Fuzu City, and Lelang County near Liaodong, where the government will be King Xiancheng.”

“In addition, Zhenfan County was established in the south, and the governing place was Taifang City, and there was another county in Lintun, where the governing place was Xiabucheng.

“This is the four counties of Qin in the Far North!”

The original four prefectures of Han Dynasty became four prefectures of Qin, Ying Che’s tone became quite powerful, and she spoke clearly.

“Order, Your Majesty.

After the establishment of prefectures and counties in Lingnan, another important territory was added, especially the result of the first declaration of war by Daqin.

“The four counties of Qin, this is the style of a great country that Da Qin should have.

Regardless of whether it is military commanders or civil servants, they basically feel sincere pride, and they have a strong self-confidence spontaneously.

In fact, the first declaration of war and annihilation of his country brought much more joy than the establishment of the four counties of Qin.

“I don’t know what your Majesty will plan, the far north of the new four counties is no less important than the fortress barrier.”

Not immediately handed over to the emperor, Xiao He understands that in the next time, it is estimated that there will be the appointment of the four chiefs of the Far North.

After all, it is the new national defense system, and it may still be Chen Qingzhi, and conversely, it may also replace candidates. .

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