Chapter 168 Foresight, strategic vision! (give a subscription support)

“Where is Meng Yi, the chief officer of the Imperial Army of the Northern Government?”

Walking between the magnificent palaces, Ying Che slowed down and asked.

“His Majesty, General Mongolia is negotiating with the messenger outside the palace to deal with matters concerning the number of troops sent by all parties.”

When talking about this incident in his mouth, Xiao He said with some admiration.

The servant army, an army formed by various forces, under the leadership of Da Qin, to remove all obstacles, the idea is really clever.

Think about it, Da Qin only lost a little force, or even no loss, enough to destroy the barbarians such as Donghu and Yueshi.

“Go to Chengtianmen Palace to observe, but you don’t have to tell Meng Yi.

Hearing that Meng Yi, who had recently taken office, was dealing with it, Ying Che stopped first, then turned around.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

Hearing that, Xiao He arched his hands towards the emperor in front of him and responded.

“Master Chen, go and tell General Zhang to get ready to guard the holy driver with a guard of honor.”

The Lizheng Hall is solemn and Sacred, Xiao He did not speak as usual, but in an official tone.

“Okay, Master Xiao, this official understands.”

07 also knew the reason for this, Chen Ping nodded, and then went to contact Zhang General Zhang Han.

The formation of the twenty-five corps is imminent, but the official appointment will have to wait until tomorrow, and the other party will still be the escort.

After all, everything is based on the safety of the emperor, and there can be no difference.

“Dear envoys, a certain representative of the Great Qin Bei Ya forbidden army has full authority to discuss military matters.”

Looking at the envoys gathered from various parties, Meng Yi didn’t have any forewords, but gave a brief outline.

“Please send the general of the Qin Beiya imperial army.”

During the time of the Saint Ancestor Emperor, all the envoys present had basically been to Daqin, so they naturally knew the gold content of the position and couldn’t help being a little polite.

For them, they only agree with the extremely powerful force, let alone in favor of Da Qin, and it is not shameful to hug their thighs.

“Each force, regardless of strength, mobilize at least 40% of its forces to form a foreign army of Daqin, called a servant army.”

Without directly telling the whole story, Meng Yi gave the messengers time to digest the information, and said preliminarily.

The grasslands of Mobei and the Western Regions are too vast. Under the background of the preparation of Ascension, it is feasible to consume the barbarians with servants.

“Da Qin’s foreign army, servant army?”

Upon hearing this, the envoys of the various parties were not much surprised, thinking about what Da Qin wanted to do.

They have always respected the strong and attached a powerful force, which is normal.

Perhaps there was a bloody scene where Donghu and other forces were beheaded last time. The envoys did not make a noise on the spot, quietly listening to General Da Qin’s following.

“First, any member of the servant army who is attacked by other forces can hand in the letter of credence to Daqin and ask for support.”

“Second, Da Qin gave an order to assemble in time and destroy all enemies under the leadership of Qin Jun.”

“Thirdly, whenever a tribe is attacked, the gold and silver treasures and cattle, sheep and livestock seized will be rewarded according to your merits.”

After many years of military career in the frontier, Meng Yi has cultivated a style of neither rush nor impatient, and said step by step.

“Brave General Da Qin, everything I just said is true?”

In this regard, the envoys from all sides could not believe it, thinking that the ears had been checked temporarily, and asked uncertainly.

When any of them was attacked, they could apply for the direct support of Daqin, that is, the servant army.

And most importantly, when attacking the rest of the tribes, rewards will be determined based on the amount of effort they contribute, which is too close to their ideas.


In response to the messenger’s question, Meng Yi did not have a redundant word to explain.

“That’s really great, great, Daqin deserves to be the number one power in the surrounding area.

“Daqin is really a nation of rituals, and the rest of the powerful tribal forces would be good if they didn’t annex us.

“Especially the Huns and Yue clan, relying on their own strength, kept sending troops to attack us.

Hearing the affirmation from General Daqin, the envoys reached a level of ecstasy, and even called the three-character sound too good.

“Yes, Meng Yi has made great progress this time, and he has not slackened when he was transferred to the Beiya imperial army.”

Watching the whole process, Ying Che still quite agrees with him, approvingly said.

If you want those forces to work for Daqin, a part of the reward is necessary. Coupled with military deterrence, they can certainly serve as the most loyal cannon fodder.

“Your Majesty, in this way, we don’t have to provide food and equipment, and we also have a large cavalry.

“Next, it will be used to eliminate the Xiongnu, Donghu and other tribes, while on the other side is to develop the national power of the Qin Dynasty.”

Many forces are from the grasslands of Mobei, or have natural horse breeding grounds, Xiao He said sharply.

“Your Majesty’s foresight is far from the minister, and he will definitely strengthen his study in the future.

At this moment, Chen Ping finally understood the emperor’s previous intentions and realized the shortcomings of strategic vision.

“Almost no need to pay anything, use them to consume the strength of Daqin’s enemies, buy and sell at every profit, but a very clever diplomatic strategy.”

Seeing this, Zhang Han, who was standing on the side, had learned a lot, and felt in his heart.

Just knowing that force is not enough, often a strategy of choice is enough to bring immeasurable benefits.

“In the future, the servant army will be very useful, the best vanguard to march into the West.

Hearing that, Ying Che did not have too many fluctuations, everything was unfolding in an orderly manner, and many thoughts floated in her mind.

“210 Brave General Daqin, I, Loulan, want to join the servant army and are willing to send 60% of the troops to be sent.”

As the newest vassal state of Daqin, the messenger Loulan was eager to show his own loyalty, and said quickly.

“There is still us, there is still us”

At that moment, the envoys of the other forces rushed forward, one by one, for fear of lagging behind others.

With such a powerful country as Daqin, coupled with extremely attractive treatment, they naturally know how to choose.

“Line up first and register one by one in order.

Seeing the extremely crowded scene in front of him, Meng Yi suddenly yelled, and said with full of breath.

“Okay, okay, everything obeys the general.

No one wanted to miss such a good opportunity. The envoys from all sides immediately calmed down and followed Daqin’s rules.

“The establishment of the servant army is half completed today. Next, we will only wait for the assembly and the royal order from your majesty to send troops.”

Seeing this, Meng Yi smiled, thinking about what to do next.

As long as it is used properly, the servant army can become a loyal vicious dog, tearing apart all enemies outside the Great Wall on behalf of Daqin.

“Xiao Qing, Chen Qing, go, return to the Lizheng Hall.”

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

After a few conversations between the monarch and the minister, when Ying Che stepped forward, Xiao He and Chen Ping followed closely. .

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