Chapter 165 Cancel the guards and centralize the army! (give a subscription support)

“Using the central court as an important foundation to further deepen the authority of the imperial power, as well as the far-reaching impact it will bring in the future.”

Looking down at the inconsistent court minister below, Ying Che, who had already had a plan, flashed many thoughts in her heart.

A strong and unified central court is a prerequisite for building an empire. The more imperial power appears to be supreme, the more subsequent emperors have the right to speak.

“Your Majesty, the minister thinks that General Wang and Lord Li are more reasonable just now, and the army is mainly composed of 20,000 and 100,000.

“Usually stationed in the stronghold of the military, no order is not allowed to arbitrarily mobilize, in wartime, obey the emperor and the central court, start a temporary formation.,

In this regard, Wei Liao still knows how to choose, Dang Even said.

“It’s not bad. Faced with such a big bait, I know how to make concessions at critical moments.”

Seeing the decisive disciple, Guiguzi Wang Xu nodded his head secretly, agreeing with the current practice.

“Your Majesty, the minister agrees with the suggestions of General Wei and others.

There are certain things that must not be crossed, especially sensitive topics that emperors taboo, Li Xin hasn’t dazzled his head yet.

“Your Majesty, the minister has no objection at all.”

When he heard this, Feng Quji couldn’t stand it anymore, and expressed his attitude with the others.

Next, naturally there was not much suspense, and a group of civil and military officials expressed their approval.

“That’s the case, every one and a half years, 210 at least two corps are used to defend the outer city of Xianyang, the capital of the country.

“Once the guarding time is over, you must go to the designated position to guard, and then the rest of the corps will continue to guard.”

The approval of the civil and military officials. As expected, Ying Che didn’t have too much joy, but threw out another thing.

“Every one and a half years, the outer city of Xianyang, the capital of the country, is guarded by two regiments?”

Hearing the words resounding in their ears, the civil and military officials couldn’t help but be shocked, obviously unexpected that the emperor would say so.

Regardless of whether it is the imperial army guarding the imperial palace, or the guards stationed outside the imperial palace, there are basically specialized troops to guard Xianyang.

“Compared with the previous method of fixed guarding, taking turns to guard Xianyang will undoubtedly greatly reduce the potential danger of mutiny.”

“If there is something wrong, it can be transferred in the first time, so there is no reason to refute it.

At any rate, after several decades in the court, Wang Jian soon saw the core of it.

“In the future, if you want to mobilize the field regular corps, or station in Xianyang, I am afraid it will not be so easy.”

Gang オー’s remarks are not difficult to understand. Feng Quji’s eyes flashed a bright light, which was really great, and the military was further restricted.

“In this way, Wang Jian and the others are not only not good, but they have put on an invisible machine lock.”

The military’s influence is somewhat influential, and Li Si is still happy to see it, and there are signs of gloating.

“Your Majesty, what do you mean, isn’t it trying to suppress us?”

But anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Li Xin was deeply disturbed and did not understand the true intentions of the emperor.

It’s not like saying that the emperor suppressed them. The new national defense system is beneficial to them.

“The Guards are removed and guarded by the National Corps in turn. It is estimated that your Majesty wants to deepen the centralization of power and protect the security of the capital to the greatest extent.”

The thoughts in his mind moved very quickly, and Wei Liao was not as puzzled by Li Xin, but kept a calm mind.

“If this is the case, it would be no less than abolishing the Guards, and only retain the two imperial troops of the South and North.”

The Guards have been participating in patrolling the world and guarding the army outside the palace. Wang Ben was surprised by this, and the emperor was so generous.

“Your Majesty Qizou, the field corps is the regular army of Daqin, and it is also a professional soldier. They all have the responsibility to defend Xianyang, the capital of the country.

Without too many interests, Guiguzi Wang went out from the perspective of the idea of ​​governing the country.

This is not a force that suppresses the military. On the contrary, it is the correct way to strengthen the centralization of power.

If it is said that the Three Gongs and the Nine Qings is the system of centralized power, the regiment will be implemented in turn to guard the system, in fact it is a disguised military centralized power.

“Your Majesty, the old minister seconded. (ahba)”

Seeing this, Wang Jian, who had thought of some of the reasons, seconded.

To a certain extent, the reform of the military system directly strengthened their military’s power. With the vague signs of centralization, the best option is to accept it.

“General Li, Your Majesty may want to start centralization. With the benefits of this reform, we should be satisfied.

Noting Li Xin’s deepening puzzlement, Wei Liao deliberately lowered his own voice and explained.

“Your Majesty wants to start centralization?”

Hearing such explosive information, Li Xin was frightened in a cold sweat. They are the biggest beneficiaries of this reform, and if they make an inch of it, they will lose their heads.

In other words, the emperor is still inclined to the military and guarantees to promote reform without resistance.

“It’s no wonder Dad agreed without hesitation. It turned out to be such a thing.

Wei Liao mainly told Li Xin and Wang Ben to hear everything clearly, and suddenly realized.

“Your Majesty, ministers, please follow your majesty’s holy will.”

After thinking about it, Wei Lian, Li Xin and others represented the military and stood up to support General Wang’s decision.

“Your Majesty, the ministers, I respect your majesty’s holy intentions!

The civilian officials headed by Li Si and Feng Quji, needless to say, all went out to support the emperor.

“Your Majesty’s methods are too clever, first to appease the dissatisfaction of the civilian officials, and then beat the military to achieve a delicate balance.”

Xiao He, who had been observing the progress in the hall and accumulating political experience, suddenly realized the brilliance in it, and couldn’t help letting out a surprise.

In order to make the civilian officials not complain, the military will not be too aggressive, which will test the control of an emperor.

“With the abolition of the long-existing guards, there was no opposition from the Manchu civil and military forces, but rather one-sided support for your Majesty.

Although he is happy to see Wenwu supporting the emperor, it is only the scene brought before him, which undoubtedly makes Chen Ping feel very incredible.

“With the help of all the officials, why don’t I worry if I can’t work hard and sit down.”

Following the reform of the military system, which initially completed the centralization of the army, Ying Che was still very satisfied with this, and said.

Of course, everything is based on the benefits of the military and civilian officials do not want to see the other side sitting on the ground.

After all, the people who can stay with the Holy Ancestor First Emperor are themselves the founding civil and military, and none of them are good.

“It all depends on your Majesty Shengming

There was another chanting one after another. After the civil and military ministers finished the ceremony, they returned to their respective positions.

Immediately afterwards, the gazes of the civil and military groups shifted, looking towards the emperor in front.

Because they all know that the next thing is today’s highlight, the number of generals in the twenty-five corps!.

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