Chapter 163 Let the tea cool, let the ovary roll! (give a subscription support)

“When I heard Ovary say this, I was relieved, I believe Xiang Liang will be more rational.”

The predictions of best friends have always been very accurate, and Zhang Ao is convinced, and said with a little relief.

Even if there is no coalition again, one more country and one more help can be used to disperse the energy of the black ice platform.

“Fortunately, Xiang Liang was cautious enough that he didn’t participate in the first team to go to sea. Instead, it was Xiang Yu to deal with it. Now it is estimated that he is playing his life with Baoqin.

The overall situation finally did not continue to deteriorate, Zhang Liang was relieved, and to be honest, he was really afraid of Xiang Yu’s superior position.

“Most of the neighboring countries are in the north. Generally speaking, it is easier to deal with, but the country of Chu.”

One of the six countries was completely destroyed, and the strength to overthrow Bao Qin was weakened, Zhang Ao thought for a moment and said.

“The Kingdom of Chu does not have many strongholds in the north. We couldn’t contact each other for a while, so we rushed to send personnel to contact each other. Most of it was easy to reveal our identity.”

“Therefore, the proper way out for Chu State is to hide in the old place first, and then find a joint phone meeting with the Baiyue remnant.

I have to say that Zhang Liang’s thinking is clearer, and he accurately stated the direction that Chu will go next.

“According to the news that was spread a while ago, 200,000 troops from Lingnan returned to Xianyang. They belonged to the absolutely elite troops, and the Lingnan area was in a period of emptiness.”

“If the State of Chu and the Baiyue Remnants join forces, they might be able to stir up the situation and serve as a breakthrough in the South.”

After listening to the words just now, Zhang Ao’s thoughts did not turn slowly, and he said brightly before his eyes.

“Brother Ao, it shouldn’t be too late now. Let me talk to Young Master Cheng first, so as to promote the reunification of several countries as soon as possible.

When talking about this, Zhang Liang made a farewell gesture and said.

As long as there is a persistent determination, one day it is bound to end the rule of the Tyrant Qin and ruin the second generation of Qin Emperor Ying Che.

“Working Ownership”

Wei Guo has completely perished, and his friend Zhang Liang has to face it alone. Zhang Ao naturally understands the truth that every one is prosperous, and every one loses.

In order to restore Wei State to them, and to avenge their father and hatred, plus the only daughter, there is no retreat.

“Brother Ao is polite.”

Immediately, Zhang Liang turned around and left directly, and went to discuss the matter with Gongzicheng just now.

“The ovary has seen the son.

Even if he was squeezed out by the Han royal family, and there are signs of expulsion, Zhang Liang still has the right to see Gongzicheng.

“Ovary, just say anything if you have anything.”

Since the last big defeat of the Six Nations Alliance, Han Cheng completely lost his trust in Zhang Liang and said impatiently.

If it were not for the loyalty to the royal family in the three generations of grandparents, there would be a lot of credit in the ordinary days, and the opponent would have been expelled from the camp long ago.

“My son, the Black Ice Terrace is pressing harder by step, and after the complete demise of the State of Wei, Chu State’s vitality is easily hurt.

Noting the impatience, Zhang Liang had to shook his head secretly and explained.

I had thought that Emperor Qin Ying Che was difficult to deal with before, but still greatly underestimated the other party, and all the nobles of the six countries could not beat one person.

“Ovary, you just want to talk about the alliance again, right?”

Hearing the meaning of the words, Han Cheng’s anger continued to rise, and his tone suddenly became uncomfortable.

The only remaining elite army, the members lurking in the Black Ice Platform, almost ended in annihilation, and they still have the face to talk about alliances.

“My son, according to the current situation, this can only be done. Otherwise, it will be easy to wipe out the violent Qin one by one.,

“As long as there is an alliance between several countries, I am willing to withdraw from my own camp and never return to my homeland forever.”

Although Gongzicheng didn’t want to believe in himself, and was angry about it, Zhang Liang took a deep breath, and finally decided to speak.

“The first time the alliance suffered such a disastrous defeat, wouldn’t the second alliance be completely subjugated? I tell you Zhang Liang and Zhang Zifang, that is impossible!

Hearing that the other party was really going to be a lobbyist, Han Cheng could no longer restrain his anger, and said roaringly.

“My son, don’t think about it again!”

It made people feel alienated, so much so that Zhang Liang could only grit his teeth.

“You don’t need to think about it anymore, you leave here as soon as possible. My son doesn’t want to say any more.

One loss is not enough, and he actually wants to come a second time. Han Cheng has an urge to hack his opponent alive, and almost can’t help but do it.

Suffering such a heavy loss before is no less than ruining the last chance of resuming the country, and can no longer withstand any toss.

“My son, I just said that it is the loyal word of the ovary, there is absolutely no selfishness at all.”

Even if he knew that it was the ultimatum, Zhang Liang did not choose to retreat, but was ready to try to persuade the son to succeed.

“Zhang Liangzhang Zifang, this son is read from your father and grandfather, and he has worked for my country all his life for the credit of my country. Just now I have not heard of it.”

“From now on, you are no longer a member of your own camp, go away.

Still proud of the ridiculous strategy, thinking that he could persuade himself, Han Cheng’s attitude became extremely bad, and he suddenly made a case.

“I also ask the son to think twice. Only when you unite again will you have the power to protect yourself.”

What he said just now is tantamount to turning his face away, except that he didn’t ask anyone to slam himself away, Zhang Liang couldn’t help feeling sad for himself.

However, I still barely kept a calm mind, and still did not give up the last possibility.

“Zhang Liang Zhang Zifang, leave this place by himself, or order someone to frame you out?”

Faced with Zhang Liang, who insisted on discussing what alliance 210 had to discuss, Han Cheng had no doubts about the once trusted counselor.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang’s figure had obvious bumps, and it seemed that he had been hit hard, unable to speak even a word.

“Master take care!

After a short while, when Han Cheng was very impatient, Zhang Liang tried his best to maintain calm.

However, judging from the deeply lowered head, there is a strong bitterness of being abandoned.

The thin and lonely shadow also reveals Zhang Liang’s own sadness, as well as a very depressed mood, just like being homeless.

“Ovary, to blame is the uprising in Daze Township. The members lurking in the black ice platform basically ended in a disastrous defeat.

“You must know that that is the only strength of various countries against Tyranny, and there are only a few hidden spies left.”

Anyhow, the other party has followed him for so many years, Han Cheng is still a little bit intolerable, so he said from the bottom of his heart.

The previous so-called conspiracy made Qin Di Ying Che play with applause, and lose all the capital to raise troops, how can any country feel convinced?

“Unexpectedly, the son never believed it anymore, maybe the other countries still want to kill me!”

What is more unforgettable than failure is that the loyalists no longer trust, and the countries are anxious to behead themselves. Zhang Liang shook his head again. .

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