Chapter 161 The heart is rebellious, and I went to the Qin room! (give a subscription support)

“Uncle, you!”

Such unsparing words aroused Xiang Yu’s arrogance and made up his mind to kill Qin Di Ying Che.

“General Xiang, don’t be impulsive now, calm down first.”

This was the first time I saw Xiang Liang who had lost his temper. After Fan Zeng who was briefly frightened just now, he could only bite the bullet and persuade him.

After speaking, he winked at the rest of the people, the meaning was very obvious, that is, to bring the young master back.

“Young Master, the Guanzhong Xianyang area is heavily guarded, and hundreds of thousands of people protect Qin Emperor Ying Che. General Xiang is just kind of good intentions.”

Stopped in front of the young master and brother, Long Qi stretched his left hand forward, and then spread it on Xiang Yu’s shoulder.

It would be okay if this matter was not mentioned. When Xiang Yu said that, his fists creaked even more.

If you have grudges, you have to take revenge. Lead someone to kill Qin Di Ying Che directly. There is no need to use any strategy. What’s wrong-?

“The young master’s natural divine power is true, and military force is second to none in Chu, but

“One hundred people, one thousand people, what about ten thousand people, one hundred thousand people?”

Seeing the young master who was determined to go to Xianyang, Zhong Limei thought for a while and then said in a rhetorical way.

In the process of overthrowing Qing Qin and fighting the world, no matter how brave a person is, he will still be weak in the end and end in exhaustion.

“Young Master, General Zhong, they are right, they need to think long-term to kill Qin Di Ying Che, they can’t be anxious.”

When the young master stopped, without the firm attitude at the beginning, Xiang Sheng said.

“Yes, young master, the most important thing at the moment is to preserve our strength, not to expose our goals.”

Everyone joined the persuasion team one after another, Zhou Yin could only suppress his own to think carefully and speak out.

“I was so reckless when I was alive, it would be unthinkable once I passed away, and the fortune of Chu State was unbelievable.”

Compared to the previous hatred of iron and steel, Xiang Liang’s mood now is so bad that he can no longer imagine it.

There is only one uncle of the young master. If there is no own restriction in the future, or a slight change of personality, in the end, it will only be self-sufficient.

Neither confessing to his uncle Xiang Liang’s mistake or saying a word, Xiang Yu walked over silently and sat under the big tree in the distance.

Judging from all the actions now, there is no doubt that I still feel deeply dissatisfied in my heart!

“General Xiang is not dead, but if the young master comes to lead us, the situation will be more difficult than before.”

Witnessing the entire process of the conflict, Zhou Yin flashed a wave of worries, and his suppressed mind became active again.

The young master Xiang Yu advocates force first, and he doesn’t like any strategies and good strategies. He has strong personal emotions when things happen, just like what happened today.

Maybe it sounds upright and upright, with the spirit of a hero, but the fact is that it can’t match the Qin Emperor Ying Che at all.

“Fan, what should I do next for Chu State?”

I still trust Fan Zeng very much, Xiang Liang asked with lingering thoughts.

I heard that the rest of the people looked at the veritable No. 2 figure of Chu State, as if they had rekindled the hope of rejuvenation.

“Overseas development has completely failed. If you go to the sea, it will be more than worth the loss, the old man suggests.”

“With the power of the entire Baiyue remnant, it is used to start a long-term deal with Baoqin, and by the way, find a safer foothold.”

Without rushing to answer General Xiang’s question, Fan Zeng pondered for a while and made clear suggestions.

“The six-nation alliance is completely broken, and it has long existed in name only, and going to sea to unite with Xu Fu will not work. Today, the State of Chu has no choice.

While speaking, Zhong Limei let out a cry alone, realizing that they were facing a desperate situation.

“The State of Chu has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, and there is such a young master who only knows the strength of the force and does not know how to advance or retreat. It is also time to make early plans.”

Whenever he saw Jibu’s fragmented corpse, Zhou Yin couldn’t help but slap as if he saw the end of own.

Rather than going out in the dark, it’s better to fall to the Black Ice Platform. To be precise, it is to be loyal to Emperor Qin, and it is better than fleeing like a bereavement dog.

“Unexpectedly, the State of Chu, which once dominated the south, actually fell into such a predicament.”

Thinking of the Chu Kingdom, which was not weak before, and then endlessly chasing and killing him, the team became less and less, and Long couldn’t help but smile.

“Could it be that the restoration of the country was wrong?”

In the face of successive blows, one of the mainstays continued to die tragically, Xiang Sheng questioned the restoration of the country and muttered to himself.

0……seeking flowers-0

From Xiangzhuang Caojiao to Xiang Bojibu, each stronghold was pulled out by the black ice platform, compressing their limited living space.

“Withdraw, I only know that it will continue to withdraw, when will it be the head, it is better to kill the game happily.”

In this regard, Xiang Yu was filled with irritation about wanting to kill, and his strength was useless.

“Everyone, what do you think?”

Looking at the people whose morale was extremely low, Xiang Liang barely maintained his composure, squeezing out a smile that was even more ugly than crying.

Originally thought that Emperor Qin Ying Che would be easier to deal with, and their chance of rejuvenation came, but the result was just the opposite. Whether they can survive is a question mark.

“Everything obeys General Xiang and Fan Lao, we have no opinion.”


Apart from putting down the face of Chu State and looking for the remnants of Baiyue, it is estimated that no other useful methods can be found. What else can everyone present at the scene say.

“Everyone, go and prepare. You must move from the stronghold today.

The murder of Xiang Bo and Ji Bu is enough to explain the problem. Xiang Liang understands that it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, and said with a strong spirit.

“Yes, General Xiang.

To continue another escape, everyone can only drag their tired minds and prepare to abandon the important stronghold built by the Chu Kingdom.

“General Xiang, if it weren’t the original suggestion.”

Looking back on his confident plan to go to sea, it now seems undoubtedly extremely ridiculous, and Fan Zengshen’s weakness suddenly emerged.

It wasn’t until now that they discovered that Qin Di Ying Che’s methods had overwhelmed their Chu State.

No, it should be said that the six kings and aristocrats who overwhelmed all could not raise their heads at all.

“Fan Lao, this is not your own fault, you can only say that Emperor Qin Ying Che is too cunning, it’s really hard to deal with.”

The word Qin Emperor represents a deep sea of ​​blood and a hidden fear. Xiang Liang couldn’t help taking a deep breath, pretending to be calm.

In fact, the lingering worries are shrouded in my heart, and I intuitively feel the psychological pressure from Emperor Qin.

“This is the heir chosen by Zu Long himself.”

Looking up at the gradually bright sky, Fan Zeng lost his former style and seemed to see the fear he faced during the Zulong period.

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