Chapter 145 Beacon smoke ignites and kills the rebels! (give a subscription support)

“Qin Jun killed the old King Jizhun, the new King Jize, and the ministers in the court, must avenge them!”

The tone seemed very impassioned, but the prestigious old man in the village, Chaoyan, was holding a kitchen knife in his hand.

It seems that there is no doubt that it is incompatible with revenge. At best, it is the scale of the fighting between the villages.

“Yes, what I said is not wrong, we must have turned against Qin Jun and avenged the king.”

Jizi (Zaoyue) rarely perished completely, and neither the king nor the ministers were spared, which immediately caused a strong response from the rest of the people.

“Guili, I asked you to find out Qin’s military deployment before, how is it now?”

Immediately, the old man-Chaoyan turned around and asked a young man.

“It was clear from the previous investigation that the troops garrisoned by the Qin army are not close to us, and they are particularly scattered among each other, and there is plenty of time to launch an uprising.”

Guili, the leader of the younger generation in the village, first thought about it, and then said truthfully.

There is no lack of excitement in the words. The Qin army’s defensive forces are mostly in the city, and places like their village are undoubtedly the weakest link.

“Very good. If this is the case, the Qin Army cannot effectively send troops, and our uprising team will definitely grow.”

He stroked the old long beard and nodded towards Yan, which was full of confidence.

They believed that as long as the Qin army from outside 237 was attacked, the rest of the country would also rise up to resist and drive the opponent out of the old man.

“Avenge the old and new kings, revenge my Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian, and kill all the Qin army.”

“Defeat the Qin army of Damn it, and then drive them out to welcome the new king.”

“Yes, we are going to oppose the Qin Army, oppose the Qin Army, oppose the Qin Army!”

Suddenly, thousands of people in the village waved wooden weapons or kitchen knives in their hands and shouted in place.

“Hahaha, as long as I succeed, I will return to Jizi (Zaoyue) as a fresh hero, and indispensable prosperous and wealthy.”

Listening to the loud shouts resounding in my ears, returning home is like seeing a scene of success, fantasizing about the scene of them regaining the city of Wangxian.

“Huh, what is that?”

There should be something abnormal, but the man was very sharp-eyed, and he let out a doubt.

The scene seems to have been seen somewhere, but it will be hard to remember for a while.

“what is that?”

Hearing such a doubt, many people turned their heads and looked forward in unison.

I saw a puff of black smoke rising up not far away, and it reached the sky.

In the invisible, it seems to be conveying some news, indicating a typical killing of chickens and monkeys, it has begun!


As if it caused a chemical reaction, the sound of horseshoes followed one after another, and the whole ground trembled.

“The road is so rugged, how can the Qin army have a large number of cavalry coming?”

Seeing the vibration on the ground became more and more obvious, it was undoubtedly about to approach them, Chaoyan still had the excitement just now, but his face changed drastically.

They just wanted to turn back, but Qin Jun rushed over quickly, suddenly feeling an unknown premonition in his heart.

“All the soldiers listen to the order, kill!”

The art of riding and shooting on the war horse was not bad. Han Xin didn’t turn over and dismount, but commanded in place.


Riding on horseback is to improve mobility, not to be exhausted, and to achieve the fundamental goal of quickly countering the rebellion.

Therefore, they were originally the soldiers of the Zhechong Army.

“Qin Jun is here to kill, now, what should we do?

Comparing the equipment of the two sides, Guili completely lost the previous fantasy, but reached the point of burning eyebrows.

Qin Jun has sophisticated armor and excellent weapons. On the other hand, they are kitchen knives and wooden sticks, and they don’t even have a decent suit of armor.

“Yes, we all listen to you what should be done.

Even though they were prepared to resist the Qin Army, they naturally had no confidence in the sudden Qin Army, and they had no choice but to find a mastermind.

Especially when I saw the equipment of the Qin Army, and then looked at their own, it was more than horrible, and there was no comparability at all.

“We (agah) broke out from the east while the Qin army did not encircle, temporarily preserving our strength.

Knowing the big gap between the two sides, Zhao Yan looked at the surrounding terrain and spoke out.

“Wait, the Qin army has only two hundred people. We can kill them all before leaving.”

Seeing that there was no follow-up Qin Jun’s arrival, Guili smiled ecstatically, and grabbed the opponent’s equipment.

“this ”

In this regard, North Korea could not help but hesitate. If the small Qin army is not resolved quickly, they may not have time to withdraw.

“Kill, kill all the Qin army, and restore my Jizi (Zao Yue) fresh.

Compared with the reasonably sensible Korean language, Guili and others are very hot-headed, and the chess subconsciously thinks that more than a thousand people can win two hundred Qin army.

“Ready to fire the crossbow for five bursts!”

Following Han Xin’s order, the two hundred Zhe Chong troops picked up the crossbows, with their fingers close to the side of the fingers, and began to aim at the shaking figure in their sight.

After the last fierce battle, there were also big and small fights, and faced with more than five times the enemy in front of him, there was not the slightest panic.


When the two sides saw their faces clearly, Han Xin’s right hand raised high and lowered and gave instructions to start harvesting.

“Puff, puff…”

Those who rebel have no armor, no military training, and no evasive movements. They are also a collective intensive charge.

Just one face, sharp arrows penetrated into the flesh and blood, and a large corpse appeared.

“Shoo, hoo, hoo!”

Each multi-fire crossbow can shoot three at a time, and five rapid-fire is fifteen. Two hundred people alternate between them, and that is three thousand arrows!

Whenever it fell with a scream, a rebel fell in a pool of blood in 1989, and could not rush to the formation of the Qin Army at all.

“Withdraw, withdraw quickly!”

It was only the first wave of battles, and the remaining resisters lost their confidence and quickly retreated from the front.

“Don’t keep one, kill!”

Compared with the Zhechong army generals in a foot battle, Han Xin rode up directly, raising a spear in his right hand.


Guili, one of the rebels, ran too slowly. The sharp spear tip penetrated his body, splashing bright red blood.


The Guili who dreamed of defeating Qin Jun couldn’t hold it in one round, and fell to the ground with his stupidity in his lifetime.

There was a deep regret in those eyes. They were like chickens and dogs in front of Qin Jun, almost without any power to fight back.


Two hundred Zhechong soldiers, with a team of fifty men, gradually surrounded the rebels from four directions.

Immediately afterwards, under the screams of the rebels, as if the returnee who had just died, an overwhelming battle began.

PS: First!.

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