Chapter 136 Political rules, end wisely! (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty, the veteran agrees with Cai’s proposal to comprehensively reform our Daqin national defense system and start the next cultural rule by the way.”

Whether it was to strengthen the status of soldiers or from the perspective of national defense, Wang Jian then arched his hands and was the first to express his stance.

“General Wang and Lao are true to their words, and they have brought many effects, and this reform is imperative.

With General Wang’s statement, Wang Ben and Li Xin did not hesitate to speak directly.

For them, the benefits are really hard to find, enough to be called a benefit and a harm.

“Your Majesty, the minister also seconded that the reform of the military system not only brings a strong national defense, but also lays an important foundation for the rule of culture.”

Immediately afterwards, Wei Liao followed a few people and walked out.

“This statement is extremely saying that the combination of a brand-new national defense system and the foundation of the rule of culture, Daqin will usher in a stage of great development.”

For Guiguzi Wang Xu, he only talks about the right and wrong of the national policy, and does not want to get involved in the dispute between civil and military affairs.

“Your Majesty has thought so well, and the ministers are willing to embark on the road of strengthening the country and prospering the people for Da Qin, and lay the ground for his majesty.

After a row of courtiers came out, Li Si made up his mind and said loudly.

It seems that everything is vain now, and allegiance to the emperor is the general trend, otherwise, where will the eldest son be transferred?

“Doctor Wang Yushi, and Prime Minister Li, you!”

Seeing that Wang Xu and Li Si in the civilian queue successively supported the reform of the military system, Feng Quji once again felt his own powerlessness.

With so many important ministers supporting the emperor, I really can’t find a good excuse, and I can’t make a change if I want to.

“In the final analysis, your Majesty is now in power. Unless it violates the interests of everyone, it can’t be stopped.”

Seeing the one-sided situation in front of him, Nesten, who was also one of the important civil servants, couldn’t raise any objections.

“Your Majesty, the minister also seconded that Daqin is bound to start the prosperous age with the rule of culture.

In desperation, Feng Quji could only follow today’s trend, seconded.

“Your Majesty Shengming, the ministers seconded!

With the support of one of the most important ministers, there is basically no suspense. Ministers such as Neisten and Li You have not fallen behind.

Even if you don’t have much political common sense, you should understand at this moment that how to choose is the right one, unless you don’t want to get mixed up in the central government.

“Today’s military system reform does not have the slightest resistance, but rather one-sided support.”

Before, I was still worried that the resistance was not small, but now it seems to be really unreasonable. Chen Ping, who has witnessed the whole process, understands what real power tricks are.

“The next step is to reform Daqin’s civil and military official positions, strengthen the control of the central government, and the uniqueness of imperial power.

Listening to the second voice that echoed in her ears, Ying Che still didn’t fluctuate much, but was thinking about the next reform.

Daqin is in a period of change, restricting or even preventing the emergence of aristocratic families, the political balance between civil and military can only be developed step by step.

After all, it is easy to play with fire and self-immolation if you step too far, just like Yang Guang in the Sui Dynasty.

“All the officials are loyal and loyal to the Qin Dynasty and the ministers of the country’s pillars. I am very relieved and sit down.”

Withdrawing the thoughts that had just appeared, Ying Che looked down at the crowd calmly and spoke.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Seeing this, the civil and military officials turned around and returned to their own positions.

“This reform of the military system is of utmost importance. The reform of the field regular army and the breakout army requires two talented officials to handle it.”

“I wonder if Zhu Qing has a suitable candidate?”

I knocked a sap on the civil servants before, but now, it gives them a little bit of benefit, and they are still needed for Wenzhi.

Therefore, Ying Che did not directly appoint, but threw a signal to distribute benefits.

Even though the civil and military officials present did not speak, in fact, they were boiling in the bottom of their hearts.

“Great. As long as your Majesty does not appoint directly, Wang Jian and the others will have no chance.”

Especially the civil officials such as Feng Quji and Nei Shiteng disappeared and their minds became active again.

It sounds like it is just dealing with related matters, but everyone knows that once the innovation is fully completed, the top general will be the highest.

“Your Majesty, the commander-in-chief of the Great Wall, Meng Tian, ​​has a good command of his troops. He has made great military exploits over the years and can handle the affairs of the regular army in the field.”

Immediately, Feng Quji played to the emperor in front of him for the first time.

It looked like a loyal minister who was cautious, and his words were really awe-inspiring.

0……Look for flowers 0…

“Not wanting face’s old stuff, it’s so grandiose, it’s not that Meng Tian’s foundation in Chaozhong is weak.

I heard that Li Xin had no reaction on the surface, but he cursed Feng Quji secretly.

“My Wang family, we can’t show any more limelight, so it’s better to avoid it for the time being.

Wherever he couldn’t hear Feng Quji’s thoughts, Wang Jian didn’t dazzle his immediate interests, but he thought of stopping.

The main generals of the half-million field regular army are definitely the way to skyrocket their prestige.

“What’s Dad’s idea, then, what action will I take.”

Similarly, Wang Zhi did not act rashly, but tried his best to maintain his own sanity.

“Your Majesty, the minister thinks that General Meng is competent to serve as the chief general of the regular army in the field.”

This is the benefit left by the emperor to their civil servants, and the recommendation is not a violation of the political rules of the court, Li Si said with confidence.

This will not affect the loyalty to the emperor, after all, it is within the scope of political rules.


Li You, who did not see Dad’s gestures and witnessed politics just now, took the attitude of studying and re-learning, and did not stand out on his own terms.

“What do you think?

Looking at the silent Wang Jian and his son, Feng Quji and Li Si, who understand the political rules, said lightly to Ying Che, who knew everything well.

“Your Majesty, the veteran thinks that General Meng is very suitable and can handle such a heavy burden.”

Without waiting for Li Xin’s recommendation, Wang Jian stood up wisely and said decisively.

It is precisely because of their loyalty to the emperor’s family that the emperor needs to be relieved in his appointment, instead of trying to show off all the limelight.

In that way, sooner or later you will have a big somersault!

“General Wang, you

When it was heard that General Wang took the initiative to speak, Li Xin couldn’t help but hesitated. What a good opportunity to give up, it would be a shame.

“General Wang, a man who understands.”

Naturally, he knew the reason for giving up. Wei Liao didn’t think there was anything wrong with him. He also thought that Wang Jian was very wise, so he stopped when it was time to stop.

PS: Third!

There is still a chapter left for you readers. I will make it up as soon as possible. Don’t worry. seven.

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