Chapter 126 Worry about the Xiongnu, endure it again and again! (give a subscription support)

“My lord, do we want to make it back?”

Although I felt very happy, but a few officials who hadn’t come out of the old ideas asked.

“There is no need to go and stay, they will come back on their own initiative, begging for a chance to meet your Majesty.

Regarding the envoys of the Huns who left in anger, Li You did not worry in the slightest, but said in a meaningful way.

Touman is the founder of the Huns and the first Shanyu. The impact of his capture is not small, and the other party must be saved.

“Take the initiative to come back to us? Still begging for a chance?”

Listening to a very certain passage, the officials who came here were shocked, the Huns envoys were so ashamed, would they really come to them?

In this regard, Li You did not specifically explain, but directly sat in the courtyard of the Yamen.

Thanks to the emperor’s declaration of war, the Huns envoys had no choice but to capture Touman alive in the battle of Jizi (Zaoyue).

“Then it’s okay to wait with your lord.”

At first glance, the newly appointed Deputy Secretary Feng Chang was really waiting in the temporary office, and it was difficult for the few people who followed to go back first.

“Could it be that we didn’t even see Emperor Da Qin, so we just went back like this?”

Walking from the noisy street to the outside of the city, many Huns envoys remembered their mission and stopped walking under their feet.

220 “Da Qin is so rude. He insulted me, Da Xiongnu just now, and now he hasn’t sent anyone to stay here. How can I go back?”

As if he had found a vent, the representative of the messenger group turned around and yelled loudly.

The frustration I had suffered in Daqin just now, when facing his own people, suddenly broke out on the spot.

As for the fact that I had a face-off with the representative sent by Daqin, I really haven’t thought about it.

Although the Huns’ envoy who spoke did not say a word, it was different in my heart. He had the ability to go to Da Qin for the theory and how to be angry with them.

“Look, that is, Da Shan Yu!”

It should have seen a familiar face, a Huns envoy pointed to the front and said in surprise.

“What, big deal!”

Upon hearing the news of Shan Yu, Shan Tu couldn’t care about his irritability, and quickly looked over with the rest of the people.

If it is true, no matter what Da Qin makes things difficult, the order must be redeemed.


I saw a Qin army marching steadily, and part of it headed towards the Weishui River, apparently trying to set up a big camp.

The other part is to continue to advance to Xianyang, and the prison wagon from it is very conspicuous. It is Touman who is not very energetic.

“Da Shanyu is still alive, still alive”

Witnessing the fact that Da Shanyu was still alive, a group of Huns envoys suddenly boiled, calling out the three words still alive one after another.

“However, if we want to redeem Dadanyu, we must meet the Emperor Daqin, representing

When talking about the representative, Dan Tuji suddenly couldn’t speak anymore, and said in a deep voice.

It means that their envoys represent the entire Huns. Under the watchful eyes of the envoys of various forces, they knelt to the gate of the palace in shame.


To meet the emperor of Qin is equal to kneeling all the way, losing the face of the entire Xiongnu, as well as the dignity they are proud of.

Suddenly, the envoys of the Huns, who were originally cheerful, fell into silence.

“Dadan is the pillar of the entire Xiongnu, absolutely can’t die in the Qin realm, we, let’s go back and do it!”

Whenever I saw the disheveled hair, Shan Yu, who had a very bad complexion, gritted his teeth, and finally made up his mind.

“When Da Shanyu returns to the grassland, in the coming day, he must go south and level the Qin realm!”

Shan Yu appeared in front of him, the Huns envoys who didn’t want to go back before, now had to compromise with Daqin.

Similarly, the tone is full of deep hatred, which will definitely make Da Qin pay a heavy price.

“Yes, sooner or later, my great Huns will break Xianyang and let Emperor Qin taste the taste of capture.”

Going back is equivalent to bearing the shame and losing all their dignity!

In response to this, Shantuji’s gasping sound can not help but aggravate, showing the excitement of extreme resentment.

“Let’s go”

Immediately after making up his knees in advance, the Huns envoys who had returned the same way once again came to the temporary yamen.

(agah) “Isn’t this the Huns envoys? Why, come to Daqin from the grassland again?”

Pretending to be very surprised, Li You seemed to have discovered something and made a special mockery.

The implication is that I walked very resolutely before and clamored to go back. How come back in the blink of an eye?

The Huns envoys really returned here. Hearing what the boss said about the officials, they didn’t know what was going on, and they felt refreshed.


-Coming up is to ridicule them, it is tantamount to slap in the face, the envoy of the Huns, who is the leader, wants to kill the new Ren Fengchang in front of him.

Before I knew it, I missed the former Master Fengchang very much. In addition to speaking better, the treatment is also relatively high.

“Master Fengchang, my Huns envoys, decided to send one person to kneel from the east of the city until the gate of the palace.

One person Losing face is better than everyone else, Shan Tuji tries his best to calm himself down and go straight to the topic.

“No, no, all the Huns’ envoys, kneel down on the street together.”

Hearing that, Li You shook his head and said with a smile.

“I said Master Fengchang, there are some things that can’t be done too much!”

Taking a deep breath of turbid air containing anger, Shan Tuji couldn’t help but sink to the bottom, trying to gain more room.

“I think it’s too much, go slowly and don’t give it away!”

Over the years of political experience, Li You exerted his utmost, and he did not give in even half a step.

What’s the joke, if the whole envoy group didn’t kneel down together, how could the Huns sweep the face, and what’s the point?

Shan Tuji and the rest of the Huns envoys clenched their fists tightly, making a clucking noise from time to time, forcibly enduring the resentment that filled their hearts.

Xianyang gathered a large number of Qin people, as well as envoys sent by various forces.

The other party made it clear that they wanted them to be humiliated, and that the Xiongnu would never be able to raise their heads, and it would be more painful than killing them!

“So, how are you thinking about it?

Listening to the squeaking clenching sound, Li You didn’t have the slightest fear, but urged.

“We promise, promise, promise!”

More than 20 Huns envoys present, including their representative Shantuji, roared out every word.

During the period when the second generation emperor of Da Qin was in power, they saw such unreasonable and shameful diplomacy for the first time.

“Very good, this is a wise decision.”

Seeing the Huns envoys finally succumbed and was preparing to kneel all the way to the palace gate, Li You could be said to be smiling.

“I’m optimistic about the Huns envoys. The officer will go to find General Chaqi (Li Xin).

Then was the beginning of the good show. Li You turned around and gave an order.

“Yes, my lord.

Knowing that the new boss wanted to inform the other party and transfer troops to the streets to maintain order, several officials naturally understood.

PS: First!.

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