Chapter 124 The chaotic hall is deep, take the post! (give a subscription support)

“Luoyang County Governor-Li You, from the bitter cold land to the rich land, is well governed and has a certain political achievement.”

“I am hereby transferred to the post of Deputy Secretary of the Chang Chang. After taking office today, he will have full authority to handle the affairs of the Huns, Loulan and other national envoys.”

Standing in the office of the prime minister on the left and right, Li Si was in a pretty good mood and formally announced an appointment decree of the emperor.

“Chen Li You, thank your majesty for the grace.”

Before accepting the imperial order, Li Si’s eldest son, Li You, moved towards the Lizheng Hall and made a grand ceremony.

Immediately, he turned around, and stepped forward to take over the imperial decree representing the right.

“Hey, if Wang Shuo was a little wiser, it might not be possible to go further.”

Thinking of Wang Shu who was exiled to Xiang County in Lingnan, Feng Quji couldn’t help but sighed, and felt extremely sorry so far.

An extremely wrong decision has brought extremely serious consequences, and it is too late to regret.

“In the days to come, the situation in the court will become more and more obvious, and no one can stop your Majesty’s way of mastering military and political power.”

Looking at the formal appointment before 06, Wang Jianmi squinted, and many thoughts flashed in her mind.

Li Si and Li You and his son, Wei Liao and Guiguzi Wang Xu, and the Meng brothers, including their Wang family.

So, will it be far away from the true allegiance of Li Xin, Ren Qi and others?

“Now, Your Majesty has full wings now, and a new era has begun.”

Also thinking of the emperor’s civil and martial arts team, entering the stage of continuous growth, Guiguzi Wang Xu stroked his long beard, and said brilliantly.

“At the moment when General Wang abandoned his neutrality and showed his loyalty to his Majesty, Da Qin was destined to usher in earth-shaking changes.

Since knowing that today’s son possesses the Canglong Life Style, Wei Tong has undoubtedly deeply agreed with him and made some future prospects.

In the previous period, the emperor did grasp the power initially, but he did not have the prestige that belonged to the emperor.

Now after the Wang Shuo exile incident, the Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian campaign has won a big victory. No one dares to use the identity of the founding civil and military to interfere with every imperial order of the emperor.

“You’er, seize this opportunity, and deal with the Huns envoys and other parties as well as possible.”

After reading the imperial decree, Li Si walked to the eldest son and ordered earnestly.

“Father, the boy understands that I will not miss the opportunity in front of me.”

The chance of staying in the central government to take up important positions was hard-won, and Li You, who knew the truth from it, nodded himself.

“What kind of will your Majesty has, you can just do it directly, especially in the special period right now.”

Perhaps because the eldest son didn’t understand enough, Li Si paused, then said deliberately.

The Huns specially sent envoys to Xianyang, indicating that if they wanted to, they must show the strong diplomatic side of Daqin.

“Yes, please don’t worry, the child knows what to do.”

In this regard, Li You, who had heard of the Wang Wan incident, not only did not have the slightest impatience, but took it even more in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Li You, who had just become Deputy Secretary of Fengchang, immediately took office at the corresponding yamen.

“You’er, whether this will happen or not, give me the Li family a little bit of confidence.

Taking a look at the eldest son who was going to Fengchang Yamen, Li Si stood on the ground, silently thinking to himself.

This is the first civil and martial arts team to become the emperor, and finally waited for a promotion opportunity. Whether you can grasp it all depends on their Li family.

“The subordinates have met the adults

When Li You appeared at Fengchang Yamen, a group of officials under his control, such as Bo Fusu, greeted their new boss one after another.

“My lord, you are welcome.

Knowing the truth about the new arrivals, Li You would not be so stupid that he would be defiant, but instead responded with a polite greeting.

Now he is only a deputy, not the first-in-command’s principal position. Besides, the position is not stable at all, and he may be removed by the emperor at any time.

“The new deputy secretary of Feng Chang is very polite and understands some officialdom.”

Looking at the unimaginable tool Zhang domineering, a group of officials had a preliminary impression, and they were thinking secretly in their hearts.

“Excessively easy to break style, it will eventually bring a lot of trouble, why can’t your majesty understand?”

Fusu was more sympathetic to Wang Wan’s experience yesterday. To be precise, he was more inclined to that set of thinking.

If you can sit down and talk about it, then solve it in a peaceful way. The war will eventually plunge Daqin into a quagmire.

“Now arrange to see the Huns envoy first at the temporary yamen outside the palace.”

Knowing his goal here, and even more understand why Wang Wan was exiled, Li You didn’t waste time on this.

If the Huns want to meet the emperor, they must kneel all the way from Ximen, otherwise, everything is free!

“My lord, it’s better to call the Huns’ envoy to the Yamen of the Outer Palace City.”

Eli Lilly was the guest, Fu Su hesitated first, and finally said.

“The Xiongnu sometimes fought with Da Qin, and the temporary yamen outside the palace already showed the state of courtesy of Da Qin.

Dingqing saw that it was the former prince who had won Fusu, and Li You was unmoved at all, acting like an official business.

Although it was for the other party, it was mainly for the rest of the people, showing that he would not give the Huns envoy a good look.

“I can’t tell, the new Deputy Secretary of Feng Chang has had so many troubles.

-When I came up, I saw the Huns envoy at the temporary yamen, and specifically told them to listen to 220 people, and some officials had to put away their plans to envoy.

“Damn it, why doesn’t Li You get into the set?”

There are no other topics to discuss, and some of the officials who seem to be quiet on the surface are actually eager for Li You to think about it.

If they had just followed the advice of the Lord Bo Fusu, they could deal with each other negatively, and then attack each other with the excuse just now.

After all, the previous old boss Wang Wan was removed from the central government, and Li Si’s son came to take over as the deputy, and Prime Minister Feng would not have much help.

“No wonder Dad often said that court politics is more terrible than war, and it is several times more dangerous.”

Recalling what happened just after taking office, Li You exhaled and re-understood the meaning of politics, which is not something ordinary people can play.

“Now, there are so few people who can understand that set of ideas.”

Just thinking that the other party rejected him, Fusu felt a little discouraged, but he almost hurt the other party and didn’t know the depth of the water at all.

“My lord, please.”

That was an imperial order directly issued by the emperor, no one dared to neglect, and immediately several officials left their own seats.

Apparently, he was ready to lead the way for the new boss and deal with the Huns envoys and the envoys of various forces.

“Please ”

Walking out of the yamen where Fengchang was located, Li You understood very well that the next step was to test the processing ability.

PS: Third!.

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