Chapter 122 Exile Lingnan, chronic torture! (give a subscription support)

“Feng Changqing-Wang Xiao represents the image of Daqin’s diplomacy, but he actively lowers his posture in order to please the other party to obtain false peace.”

“Such a detriment to the prestige of the country, the barbaric and arrogant action outside the Changsi is really shameless by the whole country.”


Looking around the important civil and military officials in the hall, Ying Che paused, and said a sloppy sound.

I heard that not only Feng Quji and Nei Shiteng, but also Wang Jian, Li Si and others, focused on the emperor in front of him.

“Slap! Slap!”

Hearing the emperor enumerating the own taint, and halfway through it, Wang Shu’s heart almost touched his throat.

Correspondingly, Wang Wan endured the pain from the swollen face, the force in her hand was stronger than before, and she didn’t dare to stop at all.

“I think you found the country’s meritorious service, and once had a relationship with the holy ancestor, the first emperor, so he was demoted to Lingnan Xiangjun (now Chongzuo, Guangxi) as a county magistrate, and he was not allowed to return to Guanzhong Xianyang for the rest of his life.

Withdrawing the gaze from just now, Ying Che said straightforwardly and said lightly.

As long as it is not the crime of treason, Daqin never kills meritorious officials. This is the basic rule of the Emperor Ying, the Emperor of the Holy Ancestor.

However, the punishment that should be given cannot be less, it is prestige!

“What, go to the Vientiane County of Lingnan and be a county magistrate!”

I thought that the emperor was going to spare Wang Wan once, and the smile that Feng Quji had just shown solidified all of a sudden.

“This, this, is actually the Xiangjun in Lingnan.”

Comparing Feng Quji’s current reaction, Nei Shiteng was as unbearable as he was, almost falling to the ground, obviously frightened by the emperor’s means.

“It seems that Wang Shu has been spared once, but in fact, the ending is a bit worse than the return of the old man.

Xiangjun, located in the south of Lingnan, is undoubtedly a place that makes people talk about changing things. Wang Jian is even more convinced that the previous decision is not wrong.

Not to mention there are people there, only beasts, poisons and miasma are accompanied by miasma, which is even worse than the grasslands outside the Great Wall.

“The Lingnan generals are still miserable, and it took ten years to adapt, let alone a civil official, Wang Wan, which is even more painful than dismissal.’

After listening to the verbal message just now, Li Xin looked at the emperor and couldn’t help but change again.

“I still have the foresight to be directly loyal to your Majesty when the Dune Palace changes.”

It was said that he was demoted to Lingnan as a county magistrate, but in fact he was sent into exile to sleep on the side. Li Si couldn’t help but shudder, thinking with lingering fears.

It can be said that even if you return to the hometown directly, or go to the bitter cold land of Liaodong County, it is more than ten times stronger than Xiangjun in Lingnan.

“Wang Wan was not directly revoked from the post. It was for grace, and exiled to Xiang County in Lingnan as the magistrate was for prestige.”

“The emperor’s way of giving both grace and power is not blindly bloodthirsty. It can be said that this act is to buy people’s hearts.”

Everything is self-blaming, Guiguzi Wang Xu himself would not sympathize, and instead made a relatively rational evaluation.

“It can only be said that Wang Wan is asking for trouble and cannot blame others.”

The Lingnan area has not yet been civilized, not to mention the Xiang County full of ferocious beasts, poisonous insects and miasma.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the minister is now willing to retaliate and resign from his post.”

The Lingnan Elephant County would almost die. Wang Wei knelt on the ground and moved forward with difficulty, while Ze was kowtow to the emperor.

Now I don’t think about anything anymore, even if it’s returning home, or going to the bitter cold land, it’s better than going to Lingnan.

“Your Majesty, the ministers have asked me to allow Wang Wan to tell her to return home and let him go.”

Exile in Lingnan is tantamount to chronic torture, and Feng Quji, who had recovered his senses, pleaded again.

“Benevolence is the best, no need to say more, drag on!”

Regardless of Wang Shu’s begging for mercy and Feng Quji’s request, Ying Che then looked at Meng Yi who was waiting for the imperial order.

“Hey, Your Majesty!”

Receiving an oral message from the emperor, Meng Yi took several soldiers from the imperial army and erected Wang Wan who was still kneeling on the ground.

“Wang Wan is one of the founding civil and martial arts, and has made a lot of credit. Please persuade your Majesty to let him return to his hometown!”

Seeing that he could not persuade the emperor to move, Feng Quji turned around and looked at the people who were also the founding civil servants.

The meaning is very obvious. I hope that they will intercede to the emperor together for the sake of fighting side by side in the past.

“This wind must never grow, otherwise, Da Qin will lose his aggressiveness!

In this regard, Wei Tong and his teacher Guiguzi Wang Xu both hold the same meaning.

Once Da Qin loses his aggressiveness, what can he do with the strongest national power? Too gentle methods will bring devastating blows.

“General Wang, please persuade your Majesty.”

Seeing the determination of Wei Liao’s master and apprentice, Feng Quji hadn’t given up the opportunity to win, and looked at General Wang Lao.

“Prime Minister Feng, as General Wei and Wang Yushi said, this wind cannot grow.

National interests are above all else, Wang Jian remembered Wang Wan’s previous behavior, and refused without any hesitation.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the founding civil and military who worked together at the same time, Li was not happy in the bottom line, and wanted to take action to persuade the emperor.

However, when he saw General Wang shook his head towards him, in the end, he was wise to remain silent.


There was no one from all over the court to support, Feng Quji couldn’t believe it, and retreated a few steps back with a sad mood.

They are the founding fathers who have swept the world. Even if there is something wrong, dismissal and sue the old man to return is the greatest punishment.

Now that Wang Wan was actually exiled to Lingnan, the key is that no one came out to speak.

“Your Majesty, the minister really knows that he was wrong. He must submit his resignation letter today and know that he was wrong.”


“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty”

Listening to the silence of the Lizheng Hall, no one supported him, Wang Shu’s panic was like a struggle, and his reaction seemed very intense.

It’s just that, after being firmly grasped by several generals of the Forbidden Army, they went straight out of the palace.

“Wrong step, wrong step”

Watching Wang Wan being taken away, the fate of exile in Lingnan was inevitable. It was as if Feng Quji, who had lost all his strength, slumped directly on the side of the tufted futon.

“Luoyang County’s prefect Li You is well-administered and has certain political achievements, so he is hereby transferred to the deputy secretary of the Fengchang office.

“After taking office today, we will have full authority to deal with the affairs of the Huns, Loulan and other national envoys.’

Directly picking up a founding civil and military, Ying Che did not fluctuate much, but continued to speak.

“On behalf of the minister, Inuzi thanked His Majesty for his holy grace and pledged his allegiance to Da Qin to the death!”

Listening to the direct appointment of the emperor, Li Si was so happy that he quickly stepped forward to thank the holy grace.

Today, not only did Feng Quji’s Wang Jie be removed, but the reason for the eldest son was also transferred from the local government to the central government. Although it is not a prime position, there are still many opportunities for promotion.

“Do you have any objections?”

After explaining the series of oral instructions, Ying Che’s tone paused before speaking slowly.

“Your Majesty, the ministers have no objection!

Regarding this, the civil servants arched their hands and expressed that they had no objection.

Li You did have a lot of achievements, and he was not a principal. The power of a deputy was too small.

Furthermore, whether to sit firmly in the position of Deputy Secretary of State Chang will depend on the results of dealing with the envoys of various forces.

PS: First! Seven,

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