Chapter 114 Wisdom Wang Jian (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty, General Wang and Lao have returned from quelling the rebellion, do you announce it now?”

Early the next morning, when Meng Yi saw the emperor appearing in the Lizheng Hall, he asked for instructions.

“Old General Xuanwang”

After a night of upsetting the dragon and the phoenix, a lively battle, the refreshing Ying Che sat in front of the wooden table and said slowly.

Yesterday was indulged in the tender country. Today, it is natural to focus on national affairs.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

After receiving the verbal message from the emperor, Meng Yi stepped up again and went to inform General Wang Jian.

“The old minister has seen your majesty

“The General Wang Lao exempted…

When Wang Jian stepped into the Palace of Lizheng, he did the first thing first, which was a necessary courtesy of monarchs and ministers.

“This time to quell the Daze Township rebellion and clean up the remaining elite of the remnants of the Six Nations, the old general of King Lao personally dispatched.”

After General Wang took his seat, Ying Che praised him face to face in a calm tone.

Before, the Wang clan did not make a statement, and now the time has come, and it is time to force the other party.

“The veteran is extremely ashamed, and his Majesty is foresight and knows in advance the intentions of the remnants of the Six Nations.”

In that unusually calm 06 tone, Wang Jian, who couldn’t figure out what the emperor was thinking, could only say in a neutral manner.

As a matter of fact, with the fact that Jizi (Zaoyue) was fighting and the end of the pacification of Daze Township, their Wang clan must take a stand.

“General Wang and Lao are the pillars of Da Qin, but he is too humble.

Sometimes proper beating can strengthen the courtier’s conviction to own, and Ying Che’s grasp of the fire is just right.

Actually is not suppressing the loyal veterans, but a necessary means, don’t forget the identity of the other party.

That is, Daqin’s most top group of founding generals!

“Your Majesty, this is the duty of a courtier, for the country and the emperor.”

Pretending that he didn’t understand the meaning of the emperor, Wang Jian could only use a compromise method to say in a modest way of loyalty.

When talking about this, Ying Che understood the counterproductive truth, and did not press on any more.

“Your Majesty, the old minister has something to do with you.”

Some thoughts flashed in his mind, Wang Jian suddenly said with a cupped hands in front of him.

The prestige of their royal family has reached a new peak, and if they want to stay on top of the court, whether they support the emperor’s attitude or not, it is necessary to give a clear statement.

Otherwise, they can only give up all the rights in their hands, or end in a very tragic end.

“What’s the matter, General Wang Lao, but it doesn’t matter.

Knowing that another confrontation between the monarch and the minister had officially started, Ying Che still remained calm.

“Your Majesty”

“The old minister is now in his advanced age. I hereby play it to your majesty today. I will relieve my position in the court and return to my hometown to spend his next life.”

While talking, Wang Jian bowed a bow deeply, appearing very determined.

“With the support of the Wang clan, coupled with the support of the Meng clan, the right to speak will be even higher in the future.”

Seeing this, Ying Che seemed to be calmer and calmer, without a trace of panic.

If an ordinary emperor sees such a determined scene in front of him, it is estimated that he will subconsciously agree to it.

“General Wang, it is time for the Great Qin Dynasty to change. When I first ascended to the throne, it was an eventful period.”

When speaking of the latter sentence, Ying Che’s pronunciation gradually increased, and she said lightly.

“It seems that we have to express our stance today.

Hearing that the emperor deliberately mentioned the eventful autumn, Wang Jian let out a sigh of relief.

He himself was the person in charge of the formation of the Zhechong Army, and he led the army to put down the Daze Township rebellion, and the opponent was still the remnants of the six countries.

“Your Majesty buckles, and waits for my king’s family to enter the suit.”

The descendants of Wang Wei participated in the battle to destroy Jizi (Zao Yue). The first time Wang recalled it, he still couldn’t help feeling a while.

Own grandson Wang Li, and Meng Tian annihilated 50,000 Huns cavalry, with such a great contribution, plus some of the original influence.

Without timely support for the emperor as a backer, the Manchu dynasty, civil and military, will not let them continue to stay in the court.

Looking at Wang Jian who was in deep thought, Ying Che did not rush to urge, but gave the other party a certain amount of time.

“His Majesty bears so much importance, the old minister Wang cuts it, and is willing to do what he can do.

After a mental struggle, after weighing the pros and cons, Wang Jian’s attitude immediately reversed.

“With the great help of the kings and old generals, I believe that between the monarchs and the ministers, a stronger Qin can be created.”

After listening to Wang Jian’s official statement, Ying Che was quite satisfied, and then said.

“Follow your majesty to the death and remove all obstacles on the road.”

Now that he decided to support the emperor vigorously, Wang Jian no longer had his previous reservations, and said loudly.

“very good!

For Wang Jian’s allegiance on behalf of the Wang clan, everything was under Ying Che’s control, only a slight nod.

After all, in the entire layout, it is just one step.

“Unexpectedly, I, Wang Jian, always boasted of scheming and scheming, but after all, he fell into the hands of his majesty.”

Thinking of the seemingly peaceful but extremely fierce power-skill confrontation just now, Wang Jian couldn’t help smiling bitterly, whether he was still old.

“Your Majesty, Zhao Tuo, the commander of the 200,000 North Returned Army, has sent a secret melodrama.”

Just as Wang Jian had mixed feelings, Meng Yi’s figure reappeared, Jing said.

“Submit it”

Through the powerful intelligence capabilities of the Black Ice Platform, Win Vision 203 can always obtain the latest developments regarding the news of the North Returned Army.

As long as Zhao Tuo has the slightest wrong thoughts, the members of the black suit will create the opportunity and directly order Li Cunxiao to kill the opponent on the spot.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

When the voice just fell, Meng Yi quickly took a few steps forward and put the secret melodies on the side of the wooden table.

“Then Li Cunxiao of the Imperial Army of the North Ya, can be said to be courageous and strategic. A total of 200,000 troops returned to the north will return to Weiyang, Guanzhong.”

It has been a while since Li Cun was dispatched to Lingnan, and Wang Jian was finally relieved.

With those 200,000 soldiers returning from the north, the awkward situation that the central court had no soldiers available before, and it was difficult to mobilize troops, no longer exists.


After a sharp impact, Ying Che opened the secret melodies and began to read them.

Perhaps because of homesickness, the speed of the 200,000 troops returning from the north is not slow, and they have already moved into the area of ​​Nanyang County, which is later Nanyang, Henan.

“A secret memorial was presented on the special trip, Zhao Tuo still has a bit of political vision.

It’s not so much a secret memorial, as it is to express a position, Ying Che can see it by herself.

Next, they waited for Wang Ben and Zhao Tuo to return to Guanzhong Xianyang.

Report on Jizi (Zhaoyue) Fresh and the actual situation in Lingnan

PS: First!.

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