Chapter 109 The sorrow of being a royal princess (give a subscription support)

“Step on”

When the handover ceremony ended, more than 20,000 elite frontier troops from the Great Wall, led by Wang Li, began to return to the front line of defense in northern Xinjiang.

Wang Li on the horse was silent, watching the departure of the army in front of him. To be exact, he was the only heir of his own.

As a soldier in Daqin, there are some things that cannot be avoided at all. You must set an example to show the soldiers of the three services.

“The tiger father has no dogs, the king commander, the noble son Wang Li is good.”

Came to Wang Li quietly, Chen Qingzhi looked at the army that was gradually disappearing from sight, and suddenly turned his head and said.

Speaking of it, the Wang clan is really talented, and it can be described as a loyal minister of the whole family. Wang Jian and Wang Ben are three generations of Wang Li’s ancestors and grandchildren.

“I just saw the dog fully grown up, I feel very happy, and I can relax.”

Suppressing the still lingering perseverance, Wang Gui exhaled a muddy breath and said in a relatively calm tone.

Hearing such a sentence, Chen Qingzhi knew that the other party had not recovered yet, so he kept silent in a timely manner.

“Ziyun, since the handover ceremony has been completed, I will lead the army to set off today and return to Guanzhong Xianyang as soon as possible to see your Majesty.”

More or less recovering from 06, Wang Zhi did not delay important business affairs, and then said directly.

“No problem, more than 30,000 soldiers of the Zhe Chongjun have already assembled on the coast of Tancheng, and they can return by boat at any time.”

Han Xin had been ordered to convey the general order before, and Chen Qingzhi nodded and said with a smile.

When there are a large number of people, especially to escort the princess of the subjugated country, it is undoubtedly the most suitable speed at present to take the sea route and then change the land.

“Well, the two aunts and nephews who are dedicated to the emperor, it is time to order the maid to prepare.”

The general return route has already been stated before, but Wang Wei didn’t have the slightest opinion on this. Instead, he still thought that he must set off today.

Of course, it also includes the rebel Xu Fu.


Immediately afterwards, Wang Gui and Chen Qingzhi took tens of thousands of soldiers and returned to the former capital of Jizi (Zao Yue)-Wang Xian.

Now, it is the main camp of the army stationed in the Far North.

“Auntie, the Qin Army captured the capital of Wangxian, will he kill us again?

It turned out that in a palace in the palace, there was a trembling sound, which was obviously inexplicably scared, but it sounded beautiful.

“Don’t worry, no, if Qin Jun wanted to kill us, he would have started directly.

The Big sis of the previous new King Jize, Ji Daiyun, with a sense of hatred for the Qin army, comforted his own niece in a good voice.

“Really, really?”

Compared with aunt Ji Daiyun, Ji Lan was more afraid of the Qin army, and most of his hatred came from the dead ministers.

Because it was those ministers who forced the death of his father Wang Jizhun and cut down the head alive.

“This is true, don’t worry too much, Lan’er.

I heard that Jidaiyun hid the hatred and said softly.

“Two princesses, please dress up now, and you are ready to set off.

At this time, the ladies of the palace didn’t even make a notification, they just broke in, and there was not the slightest respect for the two women.


Originally wanting to scold the brave maid, Jidaiyun remembered that their aunt and nephew were subjugated princesses, and the jade hand that was about to be lifted had to be put down.

With Jizi (Zaoyue) dying out, no one will take them seriously, and wanting to question is nothing but shame.

“Qin, Qin Jun didn’t mean to kill us!”

Hearing the two obvious sounds of Qi Cheng, Ji Lan, who was highly tense in spirit, his uneasy emotions rushed into his heart again.

Under the trembling eyelashes, it seemed extremely moving, which made people want to subconsciously want to pity it.

“Don’t be nervous, if you really want to kill us, you won’t have to spend so much time and ask someone to dress us up.

There was no impatience, but Jidaiyun patted his niece on the body and started to soothe him in place.

Lan’er had experienced the tragic death of her father before, and encountered the scene of the subjugation of the country. It was pretty good that there was no collapse.

Even if she herself, if it weren’t for Lan’er’s aunt, and she was a little older, she wouldn’t be much better at all.

“Two princesses, start dressing up.

Although the other party was already a subjugated princess, the few palace ladies did not dare to delay what Qin Jun had confessed to them.

“What does Qin Jun want to do?”

Suddenly, the maidservant came to dress them up. There was no reason why Jidaiyun would naturally not believe it.

“When you finish dressing up, you can ask yourself.”

No longer entangled with the subjugated princess, several court ladies took a few steps forward together, dressing up the two women very carefully.

“Is it true?”

Suddenly thinking of some scene, Jidaiyun couldn’t help but hugged his niece, Ji Lan, and didn’t dare to think about it any more, for fear that it would become the cruelest reality.

If it’s the former, it’s okay, she and Lan’er won’t end up too miserably, but if the latter is not necessarily the case, this is their sorrow as royal princesses.


Looking at Lan’er, who was still very disturbed, Ji Daiyun could only take a sigh of relief alone, full of a deep sense of powerlessness.

I wanted to rebel against Qin Jun, but she and Lan’er were weak women and couldn’t play any role at all.

“The two princesses, before walking into the palace where they appeared, put a veil on them.”

After some meticulous dressing and dressing, the movements in the hands of several court ladies did not stop, and they brought two veils to cover their faces.


“Do you want to put on a veil?”

Hearing such a request, Ji Daiyun’s thin red pure one could not figure out what Qin Jun’s intention was.

First, the dressing and dressing just now, and then to the veil underneath, the sense of ritual is not unimportant.

As for Ji Lan, there are not so many things to think about. On the contrary, his emotions have been eased to a certain extent.

Judging from the current behavior, Qin Jun didn’t want to kill them, as for the temporary survival.

“Two princesses, please get on the carriage”

When they walked out of the palace, the ladies of the palace were more polite, and were not defiant at first.

“Lan Er, come””

Before arriving at the carriage, Ji Daiyun did not rush to board, but stretched out his hand toward his niece Lan’er.

Now I can’t figure out Qin Jun’s intentions, so I can only take one step first and watch one step. Protecting Lan’er is the most important thing.

“Okay, aunt.

Immediately, Ji Lan and her aunt Ji Daiyun sat in the carriage together.

“The order goes on, the whole army sets out!

After everything was prepared, Wang Zhi waved his hand forward and gave the order to return to Guanzhong Xianyang.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian set off to Tancheng, and then boarded Daqin’s boat master from Tancheng, and began a journey back to Daqin.

PS: First!.

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