Chapter 102 To the emperor to offer the subjugated princess (for a subscription support)

“The building of the palace is so small, and I still want to challenge Da Qin, who gave them the courage?”

Looking at the palace of Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian, Wang Ben shook his head, only to say that the other party was too ignorant.

In the mainland of Daqin, compared with the county’s first-level yamen at most, there is no comparability between the two.

“In the so-called place of bullets, it is inevitable that an inexplicable confidence will arise. Except for oneself, the other forces are all illusions of weak enemies.

Following the topic just now, Chen Qingzhi thought of Yelang’s arrogant allusion and couldn’t help but want to smile.

“Hahaha, maybe the Jizi (Zaoyue) who subjugated the country is rarely like that.”

Hearing the undisguised ridicule in the words, Wang Guibu stopped his own footsteps, and then laughed.

“After all, between countries, there are some things that cannot be resolved by surrender.”

To provoke Da Qin is to offend the prestige of the country. Chen Qingzhi’s tone is mentioned suddenly, don’t say it deeply.

No matter how much the other party surrendered, no matter how much he begged for mercy, he would definitely kill you if he said to kill you, Da Qin would never break his promise.

“The numbers reported to the two commanders, the women of the Ji family, and the families of ministers have been counted.

When Wang Zhi and Chen Qing were 190, Han Xin, who had returned from the military order, came to make a report.

“Among the women of the Ji family, is there a princess with a perfect body?”

The woman who is dedicated to the emperor can’t be too bad, Chen Qingzhi first thought about it, and then chose to ask.

If it’s not a perfect body, unless it looks alluring, otherwise, it’s really not suitable to be dedicated to the emperor.

“After the inspection of the palace maids, the sister of the new king, Ji Daiyun, and the daughter of the previous king, the daughter of the king, Ji Lan, are both complete bodies.”

Everything before was prepared, Han Xin arched a military salute and answered truthfully.

“It is very good to do this. In the past few days, I will dedicate these two daughters to your majesty.

Hearing that, Wang Li nodded, and specifically ordered to Han Xin.

Due to the special reasons of the contribution itself, some details still need to be avoided, and it is better to be checked by the palace maid.

Of course, the prerequisite must be the body of the wall, and the honorable status before it is qualified to be dedicated to the emperor.

“Hey, in the end, the court lady will be ordered to watch them, and a few soldiers will be sent to guard on the periphery.”

Those two women (agah) are going to be dedicated to the emperor, so Han Xin naturally won’t be half-hearted, leading the way.

“The two commanders, the casualties of the enemy and ours, have basically been verified.

It should be that Sima Xin, who served as the vanguard leader after counting the casualties, appeared in front of the three.

“Say, how many casualties were the enemy and ours?”

Mentioned about the soldiers, Chen Qingzhi put away the smile just now, and immediately asked.

Although there are 20,000 elite frontier troops on the Great Wall and 7,000 white-robed troops as the backbone, most of the soldiers have never been on the battlefield.

You must know that there is still a big difference between actual combat veterans and training recruits, and some gaps cannot be caught up.

“Deputy Commander Chen, our army killed 8,000 soldiers, killed more than 90,000 skips, and captured the remaining 120,000.”

In this regard, Sima Xin explained according to the number of statistics.

“They are all good-looking, and they didn’t give Da Qin a Losing face, which made them look like a soldier of my generation.”

Hearing the beautiful casualty ratio of ten to one, Wang Gui didn’t feel too happy, but said in a deep voice.

“Fortunately to die on the battlefield, that is the long-cherished wish of every soldier and the best destination.”

Whether it is Han Xin who is a newcomer to the army or Sima Xin who has been a soldier for many years, he deeply understands what their vocation is and what their role is.

There is only one answer, that is, Da Qin’s sharpest knife!

“Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian has already perished, and the soldiers who died can rest in peace.”

It was the first time to start an expedition outside, and many soldiers died in battle, especially since most of them came from the Zhe Chong army, Chen Qingzhi was still quite moved.

“Let’s pass on the order, save the remains of the fallen soldiers, and try to bury them in own’s hometown. Don’t leave them on unfamiliar land.

Thinking of the coming winter, Wang Ben breathed a sigh of relief and issued a new military order.


Similarly, both Sima Xin and Han Xin thought about the coming winter, and finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, Jizi (Zhaoyue) is not like the south, almost the same climate as the north, and the lower temperature will not make the remains smelly.

“Ziyun, go, go ahead and check the injured soldiers.”

After dealing with the matter just now, Wang Ben didn’t have the thought of staying, and then said.

Even though many battles have been fought internally, fighting outside the Great Wall is of greater significance. It is the first formal declaration of war.

“Commander Wang, please

Undoubtedly, Chen Qingzhi had this intention and said the sound of a please.

“Captain, based on the military merits you have accumulated now, it is also a very long military position.”

While walking halfway through the search for trophies, Yu Ziqi stopped, turned around and said suddenly.

“You kid, it was the first to rush into the camp during the landing operation, and the battle of Wang Xian rushed to the forefront. It was too fatal.

“I don’t know it myself, you can’t run any length.”

Thinking of his subordinate Yu Ziqi, fighting his life on the battlefield, Cao Shen secretly admired him, and then laughed and cursed.

“There is an old mother in the family, and a Little Sister, who can only work hard to gain a better future. It would be even better if there is a special position.”

Thinking back to the two most important relatives in the family, Yu Ziqi suddenly no longer felt tired, but said expectantly.

The post of Chief Officer is much larger than that of the corps chief. Under his hand, he is in charge of ten soldiers, which is a more important basic military officer.

“I was working as a civil official. I was so relieved to hear that the court had declared war on Jizi (Zao Yue), so I came to participate in the war.”

It seems that when he was back to abandoning his texts and martial arts, Cao Shen glanced at the wound on his body, but still did not regret his decision.

Because Daqin destroyed Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian, plus the initial military merits, all the hard work is worthwhile.

“The squad leader is so insightful and righteous, Ziqi feels quite ashamed.”

Yu Ziqi still admired it when he heard that the other party had abandoned his literature and joined the military, and said aloud.

“There is nothing to be ashamed of. The only thing that is certain is that you and I have come to the battlefield outside the Great Wall and participated in the battle to destroy the country.”

Participating in the battle for the destruction of the country, Cao Shen said that not being proud is false, and said in a particularly exuberant tone.

“Yes, under the command of Commander Wang and Deputy Commander Chen, Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian was destroyed in one fell swoop.’

When talking about the destruction of the country, Yu Ziqi, who participated for the first time, couldn’t help but raised his head, and he was also deeply proud of Daqin.

Saying that you will be destroyed, you must be destroyed until you are destroyed, how strong it is!

PS: Fourth!

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