"I don't belong to anyone."

Ying Qi smiled lightly: "You can be called Emperor Zhen, Emperor Daqin.

Sun Wukong is savage by nature, and when he heard someone he didn't know, he even scolded: "What a bastard emperor, my old grandson is the great sage of the sky.

"It's unreasonable. Ying Qi created a space to isolate everything outside so that he could hide his breath.

"Golden Immortal Powerhouse?"

"And at least above the fourth level."

When Sun Wukong saw Ying Qi's strength, he inevitably gasped.

In the world of Journey to the West, not only the great Luo Jinxian is few, but even the Jinxian is pitiful.

Previously, Erlang Shen and Niu Demon King were only two layers of gold and immortals. I didn't expect the man in front of him to have such terrifying power.

This strength is comparable to that of his own master.

"You have such strength, what are you doing here?" Sun Wukong suddenly lost his previous hostility.

"Three Seven Zeros" "Of course to save you." Ying Qi asked slowly: "Do you know why you are trapped here?

"Isn't it because I'm making trouble in Heaven?" Sun Wukong said nonchalantly.

"Of course not, it's because you are being manipulated." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"My old grandson is invincible in the world, how can he be manipulated by others." Sun Wukong said.

"Remember your master, Subhuti?" Ying Qi asked deeply.

Upon hearing this.

Sun Wukong was stunned.

Then he pretended to be stupid and said: "What Subhuti, Zhuang Bodhi? My grandson doesn't know. 99

"There is no need to pretend in front of me."

'To tell you the truth, your master Subhuti is the Tathagata in disguise, and his purpose is very simple, to train you, and then make you his pawn. 35 Ying Qi smiled lightly and directly broke it.

"My old grandson said it! If you don't know Subhuti, get out of here." Sun Wukong roared again, this time in a louder voice than before, in order to let people outside hear.

But he never imagined that the space he was in was Ying Qi's.

No matter how loud he roars, no matter how loud the noise is, it still doesn't make any sense.

"Did Subhuti tell you that you can't reveal to the public that you have a great relationship with him as master and apprentice?"

"Ah." Sun Wukong shouted and began to struggle hard, thus attracting the thunder.

Ying Qi did not expect that Subhuti had such a large weight in his heart, and when he saw Tianlei coming, he still chose to leave.

After all, if one's own space is hard against the thunder, it will definitely attract the attention of the Tathagata.

The current self is definitely not the opponent of Daluo Jinxian.

Although Sun Wukong chased away Ying Qi, his mind was still confused.

Because he knows too much about himself, who is he?

How credible is what he said?

Year after year, Ying Qi would come to the foot of Wuzhi Mountain from time to time to call Sun Wukong.

After a long time, Sun Wukong also held the mentality of trying, and communicated with Cao Cao: "Why do you know that my old grandson is worshipped under Subhuti's door? 99

"Is this important?"

"Of course it's important, my master's strength is Jinxian, do you think I should ask?

"I won't say this first, you first listen to me and tell you what happened before. Maybe I won't explain it, and you understand everything."

"My old Sun is all ears." At this time, Sun Wukong was as serious as he was when he was studying.

Ying Qi will get the news from the system, adding fuel to it and explaining it to Sun Wukong.

Monkey King from the beginning of disbelief, to inconceivable, to angry, and finally to disbelief.

"You're just talking nonsense."

Ying Qi bent down and touched Sun Wukong's head, and said lightly: "This world is so cruel, whether you believe it or not is up to you, and this is all I can tell you. 39

"My old grandson is a chess piece? Master lied to me?" Sun Wukong hit the ground with his head, it was really hard to accept this fact.

Everything he knew, the things and people he felt were overturned by Ying Qi's words.

Seeing that Sun Wukong was like this, Ying Qi also left slowly first.

After that, Ying Qi also came to see him every fifty years.

Step by step, you can not only reduce your tongue, but also have enough time to practice.

Three hundred years later, Sun Wukong finally realized.

He also changed from the previous question to what he should do.

"About two hundred years later, someone will rescue you from your misery."


"But there is this person, and he has a relationship with you.

"Who is it?" Sun Wukong stared at Ying Qi, extremely excited.

"It's the golden cicada who makes up for the heaven with his life."

"He died?" Sun Wukong grabbed the ground, very sad, almost except for his brother and Subhuti, Jin Chanzi was the best for him.

Although the memory is not many, it is still memorable.

"Yes. 99

Ying Qi's so light words made Sun Wukong let go...

When Ying Qi saw this, he did not tell him that Huaguo Mountain was razed.

"How? Have you made up your mind?

Sun Wukong raised his head, looked at Ying Qi and said, "Is there still a choice for my old grandson?"

"Do you want to go your own way, or do you want to be someone else's pawn?

"Of course my old grandson has to go his own way!" Sun Wukong shouted these words, and even Wuzhishan shook.

The spirit stone cultivated by all things is really different.

Ying Qi clearly felt that Sun Wukong had reached the peak of the fourth level of Jinxian for a while.

"As long as you listen to what I say, you will be the god of your world the moment you get great luck.

"Okay, you say, I'll try to do it."

"Let's do this first..." Ying Qifuer said a few words to Sun Wukong before leaving.

Five hundred years of flicking a finger, a golden light fell on the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty.

After five hundred years, Jin Chanzi also reincarnated for the Tang monk.

And in the past five hundred years, Ying Qi has not been idle, using the vast spiritual power of Journey to the West, from the fourth level of Jinxian to the fifth level of Jinxian.

The level is also from level 114 to level 115.

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, Tang Seng led the white dragon horse and came slowly.

"At the foot of the mountain, is the eminent monk from the East? Sun Wukong shouted condescendingly.

"Who is calling the poor monk?"

"Master, the disciple is here, the disciple is here..." Sun Wukong's voice kept wandering in the Wuzhi Mountain.

The Buddhist disciples who had been guarding at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain also quickly left 1.8 after seeing the arrival of Tang Seng.

Ying Qi stood on a high mountain not far away, looking at everything on Wuzhi Mountain.

Seeing the appearance of Tang Seng, Ying Qi also had a smile on his face: "It seems that everything has finally come to the theme.

"Who is calling for poor students? Who is calling for poor students?" Tang Seng led the white dragon horse and approached the foot of Wuzhi Mountain little by little.

When he saw the monkeys being suppressed under the mountain, Tang Seng also asked with a puzzled look: "Why is the donor here?"

"The disciple triggered the Heavenly Rule many years ago, so he was punished here. After waiting for five hundred years, the disciple finally waited for the master."

"You've been suppressing here for five hundred years?" Tang Seng was shocked and obviously believed.

"If you don't believe it, you can climb to the top of the mountain to see that someone left a note for you.

"A note?" Tang Seng raised his head and squinted to the top of the mountain.

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