Without any hesitation, Ying Qi quickly took a step and came to the top grid.

Pulling open the cabinet, a powerful spell rushed out from the cabinet.

Ying Qi quickly used magic to protect his body, so that he was not injured.

"The elixir has magic, it seems to have wisdom." Ying Qi said that he poured his magic into his hand, and then stretched it out little by little.

Holding the elixir in the palm of his hand, Ying Qi also carefully observed it.

If there is a chance in the future, I will also try this elixir that changes the human physique.

"Bold, how dare to blaspheme this deity." Xian Dan suddenly spoke, which really shocked Ying Qi.

Ying Qi waved his hand, while plundering the elixir in the alchemy room, while looking at the guy who claimed to be a god.

As expected of a real elixir, it actually produced spiritual wisdom.

"Who are you? How dare you take this deity out of the ark?"

"You don't deserve to know my identity. If you don't want to die, you only need to answer a few questions from me."

"You..." Immortal Pill was about to speak, but it was very uncomfortable to be suppressed by Ying Qi's spell.

"What to say and what not to say, you know?"

"As long as I know, I will tell Daxian truthfully."

"Is the Jade Emperor in Heaven?"

"I don't know this. I have been in the alchemy room for many years. I only know about the alchemy room, and I don't know anything else."5

"Then besides you, how many are there?"

"It's all about the first floor.

"Then who has the best quality?

"The old man in the first row."

"Old?" Ying Qi looked in the direction it said.

With a bang, the cabinet was quickly opened, and the medicinal pills inside flew out to Ying Qidu's hands.

After Ying Qi injected the spell into it, he found that it was a little different from the elixir at the beginning.

After the old man was controlled, he also tried to resist.

Helpless Ying Qi is too strong, it can't resist at all.

"Old man, answer me a question, answer it, and spare your life.

"Excuse me, Daxian."

"Is the Jade Emperor in Heaven?"

"I don't know either, the alchemy room and the heavenly court are two worlds, we can only live in them, and we really don't know anything about it."

"Are you sure?" Ying Qi glanced at the two of them.


As soon as they finished speaking, Ying Qi waved his hand and directly dispelled their consciousness.

Then eat it all in the stomach.

As soon as the elixir entered the abdomen, a clear stream spread out from the abdomen toward the whole body.

Ying Qi quickly landed on the ground, then meditated on the ground.

Pantao is different from elixir. Pantao has a very fast adaptation period. As long as you eat, you can quickly improve your body.

Unlike elixir, it needs to be absorbed by the eater.

Not only that, there are certain risks in consuming elixir.

If it cannot be absorbed, the eater is likely to be killed by the power of the elixir, from the inside out.

But obviously, Ying Qi is not such a person.

After he meditated for a while, he clearly saw some changes in his body.

What followed was that the body gradually swelled up.

Time passed little by little, and Ying Qi gradually became sweaty from being relaxed at the beginning.

As a body began to emit golden mist, Ying Qi also began to slowly open his eyes.

He rolled over and stood up from the ground.

At this time, he was relaxed, his experience value increased, and the halo flickered all over his body,

"Congratulations on the host upgrade.

"The level has reached level 113." The system prompts.

As the level increased, Ying Qi could also feel that his strength had been greatly improved.

With just two elixir, his realm went from the second level of the golden immortal to the third level of the golden immortal.

Ying Qi did not dare to delay here, and immediately used magic to open all the drawers on the top floor.

Thousands of elixir, floating in the air.

Ying Qi waved his hand, the mana unfolded, and he directly collected all of it.

Taibaijinxing, who was fighting in the heaven, noticed the strangeness of the alchemy room.

I quickly brought a few people back to the alchemy room to have a look.

"Come on." Sun Wukong quickly recovered his eyes, relying on his strong resilience and the cover of his brothers.

After the recovery, he didn't challenge anyone, just fought the most arrogant Erlang God.

Of course, Erlang Shen is not afraid of Sun Wukong, watching him come quickly in front of him, he is also fighting with Sun Wukong with his own weapon.

Sun Wukong's current state, after eating a few inferior peach peach, also came to the peak of the ninth level of heaven.

But there is a gap between Tianxian and Jinxian, Erlang Shen is pressing Sun Wukong to fight from beginning to end.

If Sun Wukong was not transformed by the spirit stone, Erlang God would have wiped him out from this world.

"Wukong." The Bull Demon King immediately rushed up when he saw that his virtuous brother was in danger.

Jinxian versus Jinxian is very rare in the world of Journey to the West.

After the mixed iron rod and the three-pointed two-edged sword clashed together.

All the miscellaneous soldiers in a radius of ten miles were wiped out.

"You monster has some strength." Erlang smiled instead of anger, and his interest came up.

"Bastard." The Bull Demon King roared, pulling the flat scale towards him.

Erlang Shen knew that brute force was not enough, and immediately distanced himself from him.

"`" changes. " Erlang God opened his third eye again.

The sky was dark and the earth turned around. In the blink of an eye, the Bull Demon King fell into the space law of Erlang God.

The Bull Demon King thought that Erlang God had become so much stronger, and immediately revealed his body to prepare for battle.

"Moo, moo!!" The Bull Demon King kept digging the soil and accumulating energy.

"Sure enough, he is a brainless guy." Erlang Shen turned his weapon into a red cloth and threw it towards the sky.

Hundreds of pieces of red cloth were swirling around the Bull Demon King.

When the Bull Demon King saw this scene, his eyes turned red.

Like his infinite physical strength, he rammed in the heavenly court.

"Who's in there?" Taibaijinxing shouted as he knocked on the door outside.

Ying Qi did not expect that someone would come here, and immediately accelerated.

Thousands of elixir gradually changed from a small hill to a normal-sized elixir.

"Get out." Ying Qi defended all the weapons he had just obtained behind the door.

Ying Qi knew that he could not fight alone (good Li Hao), so he had to hide everything about him.

After all, the gap between Daluo Jinxian and Jinxian is still a bit big.

With these magical weapons to defend behind the door, Ying Qi quickly swallowed this essence into his belly.

Seeing that the denunciation was useless, the Taibaijinxing outside began to use magic to break the door.

With the joint cooperation of several of them, the door slowly opened.

But they were greeted by thousands of weapons flying out of it.

The magic weapon infused with the power of winning Qi is extremely powerful.

Taibaijinxing and the Heavenly Soldiers around him are in trouble.

Taibaijinxing is fine, but the other heavenly soldiers are very sad.

In just a few minutes, the surrounding Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals have been drastically reduced by countless numbers.

"Damn it.

Taijinxing strategically chose to retreat.

"Space Devour.

He relied on the space law that he was proud of, and abruptly moved many of the rushing divine soldiers away.

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