Look at Da Qin Tiandao's respect.

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"This time I will give you another chance to be promoted.

A wave of hands.

Ying Qi opened a space portal.

A light ball of heaven imprisoned by the power of national fortune was imprisoned in the Daqin world.

When he saw this Heavenly Dao, Daqin's Heavenly Dao immediately became hot.

"You...another world.

"This is impossible."

The heavenly way of the soul ferrying the world came to the Daqin world, filled with a kind of panic.

He is a wise Heavenly Dao, and he naturally knows what this means.

"Nothing is impossible.

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

However, because of the appearance of the God of Mount Tai, the power of his laws also resonated in the world of "Three Two Three" in Daqin.

Void shakes.

The world was plunged into a strange darkness.

The dark laws that the God of Mount Tai could use before seemed to be more powerful in the Daqin world.

The Daqin world, which was originally all fine, was instantly plunged into darkness under the intervention of the law of darkness.

Many immortals and gods in Daqin saw this abnormal situation and immediately changed, and Bai Qi, Dugu Qiufeng and other powerhouses immediately came out of the retreat.

Seeing the vision presented in the sky, they were all quite familiar with it.

And they can also clearly feel that their spells are just around the corner.

What made them feel this way, the first thing they thought of was what the emperor was doing.

"Taishan God, you are no longer able to fight, what can you do in my world?" The Xuanyuan sword in Ying Qi's hand is now unusual.

"How could you?" Taishan God looked at the sword in Ying Qi's hand in disbelief, even more sharp.


And this time.

Daqin Tiandao also moved, a terrifying Tianwei, and the power of the law appeared, directly imprisoning the Taishan God.

In the Daqin world, the way of heaven is the master.

"Swallow it." Ying Qi said coldly.


Daqin Tiandao flashed a halo, directly turning into a black hole that devoured everything.

Above the sky in the Daqin world, a huge eye suddenly appeared.

"Look! It's heaven!

Bai Qi and the others all lost their color when they saw the giant eyes in the sky.

Dark clouds cover the sun, thunder rolls, this kind of power that makes the world change color, except for the emperor of Qin, only the sky of Daqin is left.

Although the Daqin world is still one level behind the soul ferry world, but a prosperous world is compared with a dead world, the result can be imagined?

Daqin Tiandao turned into a great light that flashed across the sky, and the dark law of Mount Tai was instantly shattered and disappeared after being hit.

"Ying Qi, you have to die..." Before Tai Shan Shen finished speaking, he was directly swallowed by Da Qin Tiandao.

The sound of rumbling rumbling sounded from the sky.

The clouds suddenly began to sink a little bit, and a huge pressure fell from the sky.

"What's the matter?" Ying Qi was also a little surprised, how could such a situation suddenly occur?

Is it a mismatch? Or is there another ontology of Taishan God?

Ying Qi came down from the space portal and immediately blocked the speed of the clouds pressing down with the Yuan Xuanyuan Sword.

The thundering thunder came suddenly, and Ying Qi shouted Daqin Tiandao.

Daqin Tiandao is still devouring the God of Mount Tai, and he really can't tell the difference for a while.

"Damn!" Ying Qi had no choice but to take out all his magic weapons to resist the pressure of deterrence.

Da Qin Tiandao never imagined that the power of Tiandao he swallowed would actually have the ability to resist.

He tried to suppress it with all his strength, but it was like a punch on cotton, powerless.

He tried to spit it out, but it was like brown candy, sticking firmly to his body, never letting go for a moment.

After a few tricks could not be dealt with, Da Qin Tiandao immediately went down to find Ying Qi.

"Good guy, you still want to take control of my Daqin world.""

"However, you think too much..."

In an instant, Ying Qi understood, this is the way of heaven with spiritual wisdom, which is really scary.

"The power of national fortune, repression."

Ying Qi immediately summoned Zhen Guoxi.

The monstrous national fortunes of the Celestial Dynasty were shocked.

Directly with a kind of enhancement, head towards Taishan Shenzhen.

Originally the latter was bound by the power of the national fortune, but now it is to increase the national fortune and destroy the spiritual wisdom of Mount Tai.

"Do not..."

The power that trapped him grew stronger and stronger, eventually wiping out his consciousness, eventually. The God of Mount Tai is unavoidable, and his consciousness is dispelled by the power of national fortune.

This is also because he is not in his world, but in Daqin, and he has no successor at all.

There is no obstacle to the consciousness of the god Tarzan.

The scattered sources of Heavenly Dao were quickly absorbed by Daqin Heavenly Dao.

When the source power is absorbed.

as ever.

Heaven belongs to the core of the world.

The two worlds began to rapidly close together, and the worlds became one.

I don't know how long it took for the soul to ferry the world, and it was completely integrated into Daqin and controlled by the Tao of Heaven.


But even so, Da Qin's disaster continued.

"What's the matter?" Ying Qi was really speechless this time.

After Daqin Tiandao finished, he immediately rushed to Yingqi 1.8's side to help him.

"No, no, this is a test." Ying Qi felt that something was wrong and immediately withdrew the spell.

"Bai Qi, Dugu Qiufeng, Juggernaut..." Ying Qi poured his voice into mana, and then summoned the name of the person he was reading.

Dozens of people quickly gathered around Ying Qi.

"Don't be too polite." Ying Qi waved and raised their knees.

"Is there any order for the emperor to call for his ministers to come? 99

"Have you tried to break through these years?"

Bai Qi raised his hand and was the first to speak: "I tried three times, and all of them failed."

"I also tried twice, but also failed.

"Me too.

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