Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 504 Heaven's Dao Xian, the God of Mount Tai

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 110 enemy and gaining 400 million experience points.

"Congratulations on the level of the host being upgraded to level 105."

At the moment of killing Chi You, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

With a flash of light.

The energy consumed by Ying Qi has all recovered to the peak, and his strength has ushered in a big increase.

"Chi You, you are really an experienced baby." Ying Qi thought with a sigh.


He closed his eyes, unfolded his spiritual sense, and felt every part of the world. After confirming that there were no other problems, he opened his eyes. Above the void, Ying Qi looked at the world he had conquered with satisfaction.

Although Chi You was beheaded by Ying Qi, there were still many evil spirits that could exist independently. After Chi You died, they kept fleeing around.

"Celestial destiny.


When Ying Qi saw this, he immediately used Da Qin's power of national fortune.

The laws of space opened wide, and the power of Daqin's national fortune quickly poured into this space.

Wherever the power of Daqin's national fortune went, all things recovered, and the evil spirits were all wiped out in this world.

Watching the sky gradually turn white and the earth constantly repairing, I thought that everything would be in the hands of Ying Qi.

A huge eye appeared in the blue sky and white clouds.

Ying Qi stared at these eyes, and his body trembled.

The power it produced was even more terrifying than Chi You in his heyday.

It seemed that Mount Tai was planning to go out in person, and Ying Qi quickly understood this in his mind.

"Sure enough, the way of heaven in this side of the world has wisdom, otherwise how can it be destroyed."

Looking at the appearance of Tiandao, that is, the god of Mount Tai, Ying Qi had no surprises.

"Ying Qi, you are really arrogant, you know you can't do it, but you do it abruptly, it seems that if the deity doesn't make a move, you really think you are a thing.

Taishan God blinked, and the heaven and earth once again had the breath of death.

The spatial order that Ying Qi had just mastered collapsed instantly.

Thunder calamity began to appear in this world, and the degree of terror was no less than the Thunder Law of the Queen Mother's Peak Heaven Fairyland Ninth Layer.

Wherever the thunder robbery went, all of them were ruined.

There is no doubt about the fact that Mount Tai is in the realm of Jinxian.

And the ability of Jinxian, really is not comparable to the gods.

The God of Mount Tai just made a slight gesture, and already produced such a smile.

Ying Qi knew that it was impossible to deal with Chiyou in any way against the God of Mount Tai, so he decisively began to call on the dragon of Daqin's national fortune to fight.

The dozen or so black dragons of Da Qin flew out of the more than a dozen black holes beside him.

The Great Qin State Transport Black Dragon surrounded Ying Qi for hundreds of feet, and soon formed a huge protection circle to protect him.

The God of Mount Tai was unwilling to be mediocre when he saw this earth-shattering scene.

Venerable Quartet, he not only possesses all the laws that he can possess, but the effect he uses is the most peak.

And he himself holds an extremely rare law - the law of darkness.

Among the ten laws, the law of darkness is not as good as the law of space and time that Ying Qi possesses, but now the realm of Mount Taishan can make up for its shortcomings.

The most powerful part of the dark law mastered by the God of Mount Tai is that it can perfectly integrate the impossible things.

The law of soul summons the dead souls of this world, the law of death increases the power of these souls, the law of prophecy allows each of them to master a kind of magic, and the law of thunder allows them to enjoy the increase brought by thunder.

"Win Qi! The deity would like to see how you deal with it, the soul army you brought."


Ying Qi slowly appeared above the black dragon's protection circle: "Do you think I only have that little strength? I've been waiting for this moment, and I'm already dying.

"It's okay to be tough. 99

God Taishan didn't want to talk nonsense, and ordered the soul army to start an attack on Ying Qi.

Among the soul army, the dead Satan, Yahweh, the Queen Mother and others are among them.

Not only that, the thunder calamity caused by Mount Tai is also cooperating with them to press against Ying Qi.

Ying Qi didn't need to leave any leeway this time.

The three acquired high-grade magic weapons, Xuanyuan Sword, Fantianyin and Zhen Guoxi, were also extremely terrifying after being injected with the power of national fortune.

The National Fortune Black Dragon seems to be a protective layer, but in fact, the biggest effect is to strengthen Ying Qi's strength.

The thunder tribulation came first, and there were more than a dozen thunder tribulations, which were a hundred feet in size.

On the black dragon, a terrifying opening appeared.

Ying Qi didn't care about this gap, but patiently meditated and absorbed it.

The three magic weapons worked hard to consume the encircling soul army, thus buying time for Ying Qi's recovery.

The fortune of the Great Qin Dynasty is immortal.

After Ying Qi adjusted his body, he immediately came out of the protection circle.

The black dragons of national fortune scattered, constantly hitting the soul army.

The Soul Army is not weak, so it can rely on consumption to fight against Ying Qi with many magic weapons.

Ying Qi's purpose is very simple. After leaving the protection circle, he will be close to the eye of the heavenly way transformed by the god Taishan.

The Eye of Heaven's Path is not a decoration, seeing Ying Qi 320 facing difficulties, it is also constantly using his abilities.

The distance of the thunder robbery is reduced, and the hit rate and power are much greater.

But it was useless to fall on Ying Qi.

Ying Qi had an invisible protective film on his body at this time.

Its existence contains the glorious years of Daqin's enduring years.

The destructive thunder calamity is useless, so another ability of the dark law - the swallowing of all things.

Ying Qi rushed in without fear of the black hole that suddenly appeared.

In the black hole, the laws of space and the laws of darkness confront each other.

With a bang, the sky world was distorted.

The black hole disappeared in an instant, and Ying Qi burst out of the air holding the Xuanyuan sword.

The last move of the Eye of Heaven's Path, which is also the strongest blow, rushes towards the face.

The sky is destroyed!

If you can't get it, it will be completely destroyed.

Originally, the God of Mount Tai only wanted to rely on strategies to gain promotion in the world, but this time, it seems that he can only use the seal.

The God of Mount Tai will use his 100,000-year seal to gain promotion in this world.

The sky's annihilation ability was fully activated, and the eye of the heavenly path that was transformed by the god Taishan was instantly shattered and disappeared.

Layers of power to destroy the world poured out from the outside world.

This world also began to shatter from the outside, little by little.

"I am here! Daqin is here!"

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