"Jie Jie Jie..."

Chi You did not hide, but instead entangled Ying Qi with evil spirits.

Ying Qi released a spell, killing all the evil spirits in a ten-mile radius.

Then, holding the Xuanyuan sword to expand the range, Ying Qi made this move, and Chi You, who was arrogant in the back, was particularly uncomfortable.

It used to be smooth sailing, but now it has become intermittent, when Chi You got angry, he didn't hide, and directly volleyed and confronted Ying Qi.

"The last time I destroyed your soul, this time, I will destroy your origin."

Ying Qi knew that as long as Chi You was killed by the shock, then the God of Mount Tai had only two choices, either to watch the order he had maintained for so long completely lost, or to come out and fight himself.

Chi You's strength surpassed that of the Four Venerables, and Ying Qi would consume a lot of them against them, so it would be difficult to end the battle quickly.

"Time and space reversal."

Ying Qi unexpectedly used the laws of space and time in advance.

The world is shattered, the sky and the earth are eclipsed, and the space is absolutely silent.

Chi You's body has not yet been formed, facing such an amazing momentum, he chose to flee for the first time.

At the same time, he controlled the laws of time and space, and he didn't seem to think of it.

How could the already locked space allow him to leave easily.

"The evil spirit burns the sky."

Seeing that Ying Qi Zhui was too dead, Chi You chose to take the initiative.

The evil spirit is the biggest introduction to Chi You, and the evil spirit is also inseparable from the nourishment of Chi You.

So in the dark, the two have reached the point of fusion and inseparability.

As soon as the evil spirit came out, although Chi You did not gain an advantage, Chi You's horror was still obvious to all.

The crushing of a thousand times the size and the encroachment of space allowed Chi You to control the undefeated situation.

Ying Qi's terrifying is far from simple. He punishes the law and ignores the damage done to him by the enemy in the space.

This was soon reflected in Chi You.

Chi You tried his best, but he couldn't hurt Ying Qi for half a step.

"Fan Tian Yin." Ying Qi saw Chi You's purpose and quickly turned from defense to offense.

Because after beheading the Queen Mother, Ying Qi's strength has risen to a new level, so the power of Fantianyin has also doubled.

Chi You, who was mainly suffocating, after taking this move, his suffocating energy was directly reduced by more than 70%.

The suffocating energy that was reunited was beheaded by Xuanyuan Sword again.

In the blink of an eye, the advantage came to Ying Qi.

As the God of Mount Tai, who is the Tao of Heaven, he naturally does not allow such a thing to happen.

I saw countless red chains flying in and out of the sky.

Half of them bound Ying Qi and half helped Chi You.

Countless iron chains surrounded Ying Qi.

Chi You, who was about to be eliminated, became even stronger with the help of these chains.

In an instant, Chi You's body slowly appeared in the void.

Ying Qi kept trying to break through the iron cage with the Xuanyuan sword.

Among the lightning and flint, Ying Qi relied on his strong physical fitness to forcefully squeeze out this endless encirclement.

As soon as he came out, he saw Chi You's huge body floating in the air.

Chi You has a pair of huge horns, has three heads and six arms, but also has a pair of huge wings that support him in the sky.

Chi You's six arms were holding different weapons, and when he saw Ying Qi appear, he rushed forward with a smile on his face.

With a bang, Ying Qi's Xuanyuan Sword and Chi You's six weapons collided.

"Ah. Chi You screamed, and brute force knocked Ying Qi to the ground.

With a thud, the place where Ying Qi fell was torn apart.

Ying Qi waved the dust around him with his Xuanyuan sword and jumped high from the ground again.

"This seat wants, this seat wants all..." After Chi You defeated Ying Qi, he greedily absorbed all the evil spirits in the world.

In this world, no matter whether it is the two worlds of heaven and gods, the two sides of the underworld, or the mortal world, there is no place that is safe.

The terror of the evil spirit swept not only the body, but also the soul.

After Chi You poured all the evil energy into his body, his body swelled up again.

And his strength also surpassed Heavenly Immortal Realm and came to the point of half-step Jinxian.

"It's over... Hahaha..." Chi You's voice resounded everywhere in the world.

After Ying Qi rushed out, he was also frightened by such a big Chi You.

He has never seen such a huge beast body in the many years of battle.

"Brother?" Ah Cha, who had just come out of the underworld, saw the mortal world, where the smoke was everywhere, and at first glance, he looked at the black spot in the distance.

don't, don't...

Ah Cha used the fastest speed to win the battle between Qi and Chi You.

Ying Qi is too powerful, she doesn't want her brother to be someone else's gun and then die.

"Excited, I'm too excited." Ying Qi laughed instead of anger.

For many years, Chi You can be called his opponent.

Ying Qi held the Xuanyuan Sword and used the Fantian Seal and the Zhen Guoxi Seal.

He kept attacking around Chi You.

Chi You's physical strength is really terrifying, even Xuanyuan Sword Houtian high-grade can't open his flesh.

And not to mention Fan Tianyin and Zhen Guoxi, they simply tickled him.

Chi You has such a huge body, and his speed is not slow at all.

The two had confronted each other before, but Ying Qi was too smart, he always wanted to find flaws instead of confronting Chi You head-on.

Again and again, Ying Qi also walked all over Chi You's body and explored all his flaws.

"Brother! Brother..." After Ah Cha arrived, he immediately flew into the air and shouted.

Chi You was playing vigorously, and he could hear a familiar and kind voice, but he still turned his eyes to the source of the voice. "Acha?"

Seeing that Chiyou had stopped, Ah Cha immediately knelt down and shouted Ying Qi: "Lord Dijun, please stop, Lord Dijun, please stop, Ah Cha can persuade your brother.

Ying Qi saw that Chi You wanted to stop, so he stopped too.

"Lord Emperor, please let my brother and I have a few words. In the void, Ah Cha kept kowtowing and begging: "Please, please..."

"A-Cha, what are you doing? How could we give such a heavy salute to a human?" Chi You turned around, took a weapon, and chopped towards Ying Qi.

Although it blended with the evil spirit, it was a bit strange that Chi You had preserved a bit of his intelligence.

Ah Cha was mad and seemed to be rushing towards Ying Qi.

Ying Qi picked up the sword and immediately prepared to attack, but Chiyou actually stopped after Ah Cha blocked in front of him.

Ah Cha grabbed Chiyou's axe with both hands and cried out, "Brother, you can't do this anymore, you can't be a pawn of the God of Mount Tai, you can stop quickly, okay?

"What nonsense? The deity can be resurrected so easily, not because of the Taishan god, but because of the killing he brought." Chi You pointed at Ying Qi with the other finger.

"Brother, it's not like what you see, you can be resurrected again, it's because the God of Mount Tai is interfering with it, his purpose is very simple, he wants to rely on you to achieve the destruction of this world, if you continue, you will as he wished."

"Impossible! This deity is invincible in the world, how could it be someone else's pawn?" Chi You didn't believe Ah Cha's words, so he slapped Ah Cha with his hands and continued to attack Ying Qi.

When Ying Qi saw Chi You attacking, he immediately responded.

The battle between the two, after a brief recovery, also became more brutal.

Every collision makes the world tremble.


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