Seeing Xuannv make a move.

Ah Cha was in no hurry, her consciousness suddenly slipped away, and she said calmly, "Did the Queen Mother treat you well?"5

"Good or bad, also scoring positions.

"I can't betray." Xuannv didn't make another move, she was cold. .

"If you help the emperor to break the heaven, then you will get the freedom you want. 39

Ah Cha's words hit the nail on the head, and Xuannv stopped in an instant.

In the heavenly realm, although the Queen Mother is the only one, she still treats the divine soldiers who come in behind them differently.

Her personal soldiers can condone anything, and the rest of the heavens will act according to their faces.

Especially for those who don't follow the rules like Xuannv, they can't be more ruthless.

Some things are trivial in the realm of the gods, in the underworld, even in hell, but in the realm of heaven they have to eat a whip.

They are stubborn and can't stand it, but for the sake of their family, they still have to endure it.

In the heavenly realm, Xuannv lived like she was walking on thin ice, and the injuries on her body were still beaten by the Queen Mother because of her lack of focus on patrolling.

"The so-called emperor, can you do it?"

"The underworld, hell and the gods that have just been conquered are not enough to prove it?"

"If it breaks, will the emperor really restore peace to the heavens?"

"Of course! The emperor is an extremely clear-cut person, as long as you can express your sincerity, then these are not problems.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?

"When the emperor launches an attack, it's good for you to respond inside." When Ah Cha was leaving, he added another sentence in the middle: "If there are more people, the better.

"No problem, but give me three hours.

"Wait for your good news." After Ah Cha finished speaking, she immediately took back her consciousness.

"Three hours?" Ying Qi could still accept this time, so he immediately ordered Bai Qi, Wang Jian and other generals to reorganize the army and waited for the attack in three hours.

Three hours later, regardless of whether they can help themselves or not, the iron cavalry of the Da Qin army will step into the heaven.

Huge thunder and lightning, one after another, made the original calm of the heavens disappear.

Three hours have passed, and Ying Qi began to use his own space laws to destroy Tianhe.

At the other end of the Tianhe, Lao Jun, a strong man under the Queen Mother's command, saw that the space law that destroyed the sky and the earth was swallowing up the Tianhe, and he was also startled.

After all, the unparalleled powerhouses like Queen Mother and Ah Cha only possess ordinary laws, while their enemies actually possess rare spatial laws.

"The whole army is ready to fight." " Laojun shouted loudly, and let the heavenly soldiers and generals prepare for battle solemnly.

"Swallow!" Ying Qi clenched his palms into fists, directly swallowing up the vast Tianhe that was blocking the God Realm and the Heaven Realm.

As soon as the Tianhe was lost, the heavenly realm began to shake.

Even the luck began to deflect a little.

At this moment, the armies of the two sides are also attacking with all their strength.

After two fierce battles, the Daqin army did not show any signs of fatigue.

But the strength of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals cannot be underestimated.

There are a large number of them, and they are all reincarnated into gods after untold hardships, so compared with the Da Qin army, their overall strength is still stronger.

The two blended together, and a sea of ​​blood was formed in an instant.

Ying Qi's goal is very simple, that is, the head of the heavens, the Queen Mother!

The Queen Mother was on the throne and felt the situation outside, and immediately got up and went out.

Xuannv and Ah Cha also met unexpectedly, and the two quickly fought each other.

The strongest Venerables of the two sides soon met, and in the void, Ying Qi's red light directly covered the white light of the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother said fiercely to Ying Qi, who was dressed in similar clothes: "If you don't follow the order of the God of Mount Tai, this seat will see you as tired of living.

"I am the Emperor of Qin, and you still have a chance to surrender." Ying Qi was solemn and solemn, bowing first and then soldiers.

The Queen Mother is in a high position, how could it be possible for someone to say such frivolous words. "Delusional! 99

"Looking for death! 35 Yingqi's eyes froze, and he shot directly.

As soon as the Xuanyuan Sword came out, the heaven and the earth rang.

The Queen Mother's Pan Yao Divine Sword is the divine weapon of the acquired middle class.

As soon as her sword came out, the heavens also trembled, so in terms of momentum, she did not win or lose.

And when the two swords collided, they couldn't see a single person for a hundred miles.

The powerful air waves directly blew the heaven into chaos.

The palaces of the heavens and the gates of heaven were shattered into pieces by the sword qi that burst out from both of them.

"Take a move from this seat!" The Queen Mother pulled out a hand and released a sudden lightning strike directly at Ying Qi.

The intensity of the lightning was extremely strong, and the winning Qi retreated several dozen meters behind.

"`" This is the law of thunder?" Ying Qi raised his hand and used his own space law.

I saw Ying Qi mastering the fist, and cracks began to appear in the space of the entire heaven.

After the second level to the third level of Heavenly Wonderland, Ying Qi's control over the laws of space reached a new height.

"Thousands of thunder." Not to be outdone, the Queen Mother pushed her hands towards the sky.

boom boom boom...

The speed of the thunder sounded much faster than usual, and the lightning struck ten times larger than normal.

Not only that, but many tree roots appeared on the ground of the heaven.

"Ah!" After Da Qin's army was bound by tree roots, it instantly became the fertilizer to nourish itself.

The law of thunder is so terrifying that most of the entire heaven has become a place of death.

Even Ying Qi's space laws have fallen behind.

It can be seen that the Queen Mother's mastery of the Law of Thunder has become so pure.

"Then try this!" Ying Qiliang showed that the seal of the sky blocked the sky, and then used the Zhen Guoxi seal to suppress the queen mother.

(Good) Zhen Guoxi, which can sink the God Realm, is so powerful that it falls on the Queen Mother, and she is also extremely uncomfortable.

"Destroyer Formation. 35

The Queen Mother stomped her feet frantically, and soon, a dazzling formation appeared beside Ying Qi.

Ying Qi took out the Xuanyuan sword, and there was no room for the formation to play, and the sword directly pierced through the heavens.

The formation spread out, and the Queen Mother, who was attacked by the backlash, spit out a mouthful of blood directly from her mouth.

"Zhen!" Ying Qi pushed his hand, increasing the strength of Zhen Guoxi.

"Thousands of thunders shocked the body." The Queen Mother screamed in the sky.

The drizzle turned into a downpour in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the visibility reached a slap in the face.

Among the clouds above, with the power of mana, you can vaguely feel a dozen giant dragons hovering in the sky.

But for a moment, more than a dozen giant dragons descended from the sky and began to circle Ying Qi directly.

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