Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 491 The fierceness of the Daqin army


"Do you still think it is impossible to conquer hell?"

Ying Qi glanced at Da Qin's bloody army, and then looked at the Underworld Yin Soldiers on the square.

"Swear allegiance to the emperor to the death.

"Go to hell."

"Track the underworld.

All the yin gods, ghosts, and yin soldiers of the underworld knelt down and bowed to Ying Qi.

See this morale.

Ying Qi smiled with satisfaction.

If you see the Daqin army coming, and they still have no will to fight, then Ying Qi will not be polite to the yin god of the underworld.

Useless people, it is useless to stay in Daqin.

Ying Qi would not keep them.


Ying Qi's spiritual sense directly covered the entire underworld, reaching the edge adjacent to hell.

And want to surprise.

Naturally use means.

Ying Qi waved his hand.

Mobilizing the laws of space, a terrifying force instantly appeared.

Cut to the void at will.

A space passage covering the entire Yama Palace Square appeared, as if torn apart the heavens and the earth.

"Hell is in the west. 35

"Kill them by surprise. 35

"Through this channel.

"Go to hell."

Ying Qi shouted coldly, pointing directly at the space passage.

"The emperor has a purpose. 280"

"No one shall violate it."


Bai Qi pulled out the magic weapon from his waist and pointed directly at the passage.


"Roar, roar..."

The giant dragon driven by hundreds of thousands of dragon knights let out a roar, and a monstrous evil aura rose from the sky.

As the strongest army in Da Qin.

They took the lead to kill towards the passage.

follow them.

The dragon of Daqin.

Daqin's millions of black armored troops rushed towards the passage.

Until all the troops rushed into it, Daqin's strong men also rushed into it.

So close, so tacit.

In the eyes of countless underworld soldiers, this is obviously an army that has experienced countless wars.

"This army is terrifying.

"There is a very good understanding of each other."

"It's not at all comparable to my underworld ghost soldier, 35

Ah Cha looked at this orderly army and thought in shock.

"The army under the emperor's command has already gone to hell."

"I am the underworld ghost army, are you timid?"

Ah Cha drank coldly.


Several yin gods under him immediately moved.

"Go to hell."


Several underworld yin gods shouted loudly.


Hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers from the underworld did not dare to go against it, and flew towards the passage one after another.

For a moment.

The power of the entire underworld has been mobilized.

Seeing that the Daqin army and the underworld soldiers rushed into the passage.

Ying Qi turned his eyes and looked at Ah Cha: "Go."

The sound falls.

Ying Qi flew directly into the passage, followed by Ah Cha.

The place where hell meets the underworld.

A barrier formed by a space law separates the two sides that originally belonged to a world.

On the one hand, it is the eastern underworld, which is in charge of the soul reincarnation of the eastern creatures, and the other is the western hell, which is in charge of the soul reincarnation of the western creatures.


If it is said that the Eastern Underworld has an order that has been passed down since ancient times, then the order in which the hell exists is barbaric. After all, the people of the Western Region are barbaric, and they are barbaric in their bones, even their gods.

Satan rules hell.

There is killing everywhere in hell.

There are many hell groups.

through the channel.

It was this space barrier that blocked the Daqin army.

"This is the boundary established by the gods of Mount Tai in the past to divide the underworld. People from hell are not allowed to enter the underworld, and people from the underworld are not allowed to enter hell."

"Once disobeyed, there will be divine condemnation. 35

Ah Cha crossed the passage and pointed to the law barrier in front of him.


"God damn it?

Ying Qi sneered.

Hands up.

Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand.

Directly cut out with a sword.

(afbi) with a kind of fierce sword light, the sword light crossed, and the void cracked, under the gaze of more than one million Daqin troops and hundreds of thousands of underworld soldiers.


Jianmang slashed and fell on the barrier.

This barrier has blocked the underworld from returning to one for countless years. Under the sword of Ying Qi, countless cracks appeared on the barrier.



The barrier arranged by the Taishan God himself was shattered suddenly.

The last obstacle to hell disappeared directly.

Presented in front of the Daqin army, it is a messy hell scene.

There are countless hell creatures wandering in hell.

Compared with the order of the eastern underworld, this hell has no order.


When I saw the moment when the barrier was broken.

They were also startled.

"God... God's prohibition set by God is broken.

Countless hell gods looked at the light spot under the broken barrier, and they were extremely horrified.

But the next moment.

When the barrier was completely shattered, what appeared in front of them was an endless army of black armor.

"So...is that the army of the underworld?"

"They broke the divine ban, could it be that they are going to attack our hell?

Seeing the army of black armor spread all over the void, countless hell creatures were shocked.

next moment.

"The emperor has a purpose.

"The one who stops my Qin Bingfeng.""


White roared angrily.

The sound of slaughter reverberated throughout the sky.


Hundreds of thousands of dragon knights rushed towards hell quickly, without barriers, they were unimpeded.

When they saw the hell creatures in hell, they panicked.

kill. "


Countless big Qin Ruishi let out a fierce roar.

Countless dragon breaths poured down toward hell.

For a moment.

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles of hell became a land of fire.

The dragon breath instantly devoured countless hell creatures.

"Run... run away.""

"The underworld has attacked.

"Go and report to the god of death."


In the face of such a large Qin army, the hell creatures were extremely frightened and could only flee in embarrassment.

With the outpouring of dragon breath, it is like destroying the world.

Daqin's army of millions also rushed out.

As long as it is a creature belonging to this hell, it will not stay.

When they first came to this side of the world, the Daqin army who had just arrived was completely red-eyed, and they ignored the horror of the hell creatures and just slaughtered.

As long as everything that hinders Da Qin is to be wiped out.

Seeing the Daqin army so fierce.

The Underworld Yin Soldiers and Yin Gods were stunned.

"This is really an army that destroys everything."


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