Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 487 Level up, strength breakthrough

The laws of time, the laws of space.

Although known as the law of space and time.

But no one has ever been able to comprehend the two at the same time, the unity of time and space, but two completely different attributes.

If you can comprehend the two, it must be the real power of eternity.

This Hades A Tu clearly knows what this means.

With the power of these two laws, even if they crossed a level, they could kill a powerful enemy at a higher level.

This is the power of the Supreme Law, which is far beyond the power of ordinary laws.

"Sir, what are you going to do?

Ah Cha's voice became more awe-inspiring~.

"I am the Emperor of Qin, you can call me Emperor in the future." Ying-Qi smiled slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Ah Cha did not hesitate.

"My subordinate Zhao officials see the emperor."

Zhao Li was very aware of current affairs and immediately bowed to Ying Qi.

Seeing that his former boss, Hades, A Tu, was so respectful to Ying Qi, Zhao Li knew that the controller of the underworld had changed.

"First of all, let me make a breakthrough. 35

Ying Qi smiled.

It was when he unfolded the power of his domain.

With the power of the realm, the movement brought by the breakthrough will also be blocked in it, and will not be discovered by other powerhouses in this realm.

As such.

It also achieved the goal that Ying Qi wanted to gradually defeat.

after all.

In this world, there is also the old thing Taishan God, whose strength definitely exceeds the level of heaven.

Apart from that.

And Satan, Yahweh, the Queen Mother.

These are the powerhouses above the Heavenly Immortal Realm, perhaps not as strong as Chi You, but definitely not to be underestimated. ,

Therefore, Ying Qi can't directly fight against them now, and he still needs to slowly figure it out.

But before that, let's raise the level first.

Killed Chi You and gained 400 million experience points.

The need for an upgrade has been reached.

So many years in the Daqin world.

Naturally, Ying Qi is not only playing around the world. As the emperor of Daqin, he controls all the resources of Daqin. The ministers have obtained resources and have greatly improved their strength. The same is true for Ying Qi.

So it's been nearly a hundred years.

Ying Qi's level has been raised to level 100, only one level away, Ying Qi can successfully break through to the fairyland.

to this level.

Ying Qi's strength will usher in even more earth-shaking changes.

Killed Chi You's soul.

With such rich experience, this world won't be in vain to win Qi.

"Breakthrough cultivation base?

Ah Cha looked at Ying Qi in astonishment, not knowing why.

But the next moment.

A scene that shocked her happened.


Ying Qi gave an order.

"Order accepted.

"Congratulations to the host for reaching level 101 after spending 210 million experience points.

The system prompts.

A golden light flickered on Ying Qi's body.


A terrifying aura erupted from Ying Qi's body, instantly covering the entire field.

Although this momentum is only a fairyland.

But the impact brought to Ah Cha is far more than Heavenly Wonderland.

This force is stronger than her.

"Breakthrough if you want to break through?"

"how can that be?"

Ah Cha looked at it in astonishment, and was completely overwhelmed by Ying Qi.

What the hell is going on here?

After reaching the level of Earth Immortal, it is very difficult to break through a level. If there is not enough resource support, it is difficult to break through a realm without a hundred years. As the cultivation base increases, this time will continue to stretch.

As the level increases.

The energy in Ying Qi's body has undergone tremendous changes, and his strength has been improved by leaps and bounds.

Every major breakthrough is a leap in strength.

Originally, Ying Qi was at the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland at level 100, but with the improvement of this level, he was promoted to Heavenly Wonderland.

For the use of the law, the use of energy has also become more powerful.

"Level 101, Heavenly Wonderland."

"It's done. 39

"Going to hell and killing that Satan is enough.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

Killing Chi You's soul gained 400 million experience points, which was only 20 million experience points away from level 102.

Upgrading again soon.


As long as Satan can be killed, Ying Qi can get the chance to level up.

0.....for flowers·

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 101 and reaching the Heavenly Wonderland.

"Reward a treasure chest of immortal rank." The system prompted.

"Open the immortal treasure chest."

Ying Qi didn't hesitate and gave the order directly.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the supernatural power "Time and Space Strangulation" of the high-grade law of the gods, does the host learn?" The system prompted.

"More law magic. 99

Ying Qi secretly said in his heart, showing a smile, and then immediately ordered: "Learn.

"Host's order accepted. 99

"Learn the Law of Magic "Time and Space Strangulation"." The system prompted.

The profound meaning that belongs to the divine power of this law was quickly grasped and grasped by Ying Qi.



This magical power was mastered by Ying Qi.

But it's only level 1.

But for Ying Qi, now he has enough prestige and transformed a lot of promotion points. When all the promotion points are consumed, the magical power has been successfully upgraded to perfection.

Look at the attributes of supernatural powers.

Time and Space Strangulation: When the supernatural powers are used, the laws of time and space appear, causing confusion in time and space, forming a turbulent flow of time and space, in which everything will be swallowed up by time and space, and the specific display depends on the strength of the host.

"This magical power is really powerful. 35

"As expected of a god-level high-grade supernatural power.

"If I want to, I can easily destroy this side of the world with this magical power.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

So magical.

Next, dealing with that Satan is even easier.

"Congratulations to the emperor's great strength."

Seeing that Ying Qi woke up from the cultivation state, Zhao Li immediately stepped forward to congratulate him.

He is still proficient in the ability to observe words and expressions.

"The first step to breaking the pattern of Mount Tai is to destroy the pattern he set.

Ying Qi smiled and looked at Ah Cha.

"Please instruct the emperor." Ah Cha responded immediately.

"Go to the underworld.

Ying Qi confronted Ah Cha Dao.

"Please come with me, the emperor. 39

Ah Cha did not hesitate.

As soon as the book of life and death was raised in his hand, a passage to the underworld was opened.

As the Hades of the Underworld, she can naturally open the entrance to the Underworld easily.


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