Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 485 The Exis10ce of the God of Mount Tai

Not a hit.

Ah Cha immediately stopped and looked at Ying Qi with a solemn expression.

As the lord of the underworld, she holds the supreme soul law of the underworld. In this world, apart from the mysterious Mount Tai, she is also the only god who masters the law of the soul.

As an existence transformed from a human to a god, she has mastered the law of the soul, which is why she is feared by the Queen Mother.

"Not going out?"

Ying Qi looked at Ah Cha calmly.

The brilliance of the national fortune on his body also gradually faded.

"It's not necessary.

"I'm not your opponent."

"My soul law is useless to you. 35 Ah Cha said solemnly.

Now she seems to understand why her brother was easily killed by Ying Qi.

"Then you have other choices." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Underworld, I can surrender to you.

"But first you have to tell me where you come from.

"Where did you come from? Why do you control such a strong fate of the human race?"

Ah Cha stared at Ying Qi and asked.

"Are you sure this is the fate of the human race in this world? 35

Ying Qi smiled.

Zhen Guoxi appeared, and the monstrous Great Qin Guoyun suddenly showed.

A terrifying coercion appeared in the entire artistic conception field.

"No, it's not just the fate of the human race, there are many other ethnic groups besides the human race.""

"And the power of luck is countless times stronger than the human world in this world.

"How on earth did you condense so much luck?"

Ah Cha looked at Ying Qi in astonishment and couldn't figure it out at all.

"You, aren't you the god of this world?"

Ah Cha suddenly thought of a possibility.

Just like the Taishan God, the existence of the most powerful people is not the gods of the world they live in, but the gods from a more powerful world, who can control the life and death of the immortal gods.

The reason why Ah Cha knew that the God of Mount Tai was not the god of the world to which they belonged was because she refined the book of life and death, and thus learned the details of the God of Mount Tai.

"Hehe, soon, you will know."

"Now, show your attitude.

Ying Qi's smile gradually disappeared, staring at Ah Cha.

Only until she really gives her an attitude, otherwise, Ying Qi will not show any mercy.

"I am willing to surrender."

Ah Cha knelt down on one knee in the void and bowed to Ying Qi.

She understands.

Now she has no choice.

Unless she wants to die.

"I, accept your surrender."

Ying Qi waved his hand and helped Ah Cha up.

"This is the book of life and death in the underworld, and refining can control the underworld. 35

Ah Cha summoned the book of life and death again, glanced at it with some reluctance, and then handed it to Ying Qi.

"It's useless to ask for this now."

"Go ahead and hold it. 35

"However, after I take control of this world, I will give it to me. Ying Qi temporarily refused.

"it is good."

Ah Cha didn't have much, and put away the book of life and death again.

"Tell me about that God of Mount Tai."

"He, is not the god of this world?"

Ying Qi asked aloud.

Ying Qi knew a lot about this world.

But the most mysterious one is the Taishan God who belongs to this world. Before he came to this world, Ying Qi knew that he was the god who controlled the soul, and even the soul of the gods in this world could be refined and controlled, and he could even bring him directly. Walk.

He is indeed not the god of this side of the world, or he lives in another dimension, the real body cannot come to our world, only consciousness can come.

"But every time he appears, it will inevitably cause the gods to meet, and even all the order in the world is set by him.

"The heaven is divided into two, the Eastern Heaven and the Western God, and there are some ordinary cultivators under the two Heavens."

"The underworld is divided into two, one is the underworld that I am in charge of, which controls all the souls in the east, and the other is hell, which controls the souls of the west."

"Among them, the head of the eastern heaven is the Queen Mother, the god realm is God Jehovah, and the hell is Satan, the god of death.

"Since the original war between humans and gods, the order between heaven and earth has always existed and has never changed."

Ah Cha said what she knew.

"Then what is the purpose of this Tarzan god? What can he get in this world?"

Ying Qi directly asked the key to what the Taishan God wanted.


"The soul of the strong.

"All the time."

"Whether it's me or the rulers of the other three worlds, we sacrifice our souls to the God of Mount Tai every hundred years.55

"The soul he needs must be above the catastrophe realm, and it is better to reach the level of immortals. 35

"`" Also, a pure human soul, these are what he wants.

"For countless years, we have no idea how many souls have been sacrificed to him." Ah Cha replied immediately.

"It seems that this Taishan god's plan is not small."

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

"There can't be rules that surpass the immortals in this world, and it was also set by the Taishan god?" Ying Qi asked again.

"It is indeed set by the god Taishan to prevent immortals from affecting the development of the world, so that it cannot provide him with a pure soul. 99

"However, the gods said to the outside world that the luck of the world's kingdoms would cause harm to the immortals, and even cause their bodies to die. Therefore, all walks of life have always prohibited immortals from entering the human world. Except for me, the underworld communicates with the human world and arrests the souls of human beings. Affected by this, this is also granted by the God of Mount Tai. 35 Ah Cha replied again.

"You said, if I take this side of the world down.

"What are the consequences?" (Is it okay)

"Or, will the Taishan God jump out?"

Ying Qi said thoughtfully.

"The strength of adults is very strong."

But for now, it's better not to be so good. God Taishan is so powerful that even I can't compete with him. Even if it's just an incarnation of consciousness, his power surpasses Heavenly Wonderland. Ah Cha said with a serious face.

"How does he view Chiyou's existence?" Ying Qi asked again.

Chi You has already merged with the evil spirits of this world.

Appearance will inevitably cause great changes in this side of the world.

And that Taishan God wants the soul of this world, there is no reason not to stop it.

"Chiyou and the evil spirit are in harmony, this is what Taishan God said at the beginning, and he gave the order.""

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