
Many Daqin powerhouses were worried about Ying Qi's safety and came uneasy.

Even Qingyang and Kunxu were no exception. After letting their disciples disperse to kill the demons, they returned.

The aftermath of the battle between Ying Qi and Cihang Pudu also made them tremble and heart palpitations. Even if they wanted to make a move, they couldn't get close to the battle circle at all. That would not help Ying Qi at all, but would drag them down.

until now.

Cihang's Purdue aura disappeared and was already beheaded by Ying Qi.

Every big Qin courtier also breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ying Qi has any mistakes, they will also make every effort to fight with Cihang Pudu, and they will die without regrets.

Because they are all deeply blessed by Ying Qi.

Ying Qi is in a state of level breakthrough and increasing strength.

All the ministers of the Great Qin who came here consciously guarded in the void, in order to win Qi and protect the law, although this is not necessary for Ying Qi, but as ministers, they should do so.

I don't know how long has passed.


Ying Qi woke up from the breakthrough state and opened his eyes.

"A Cihang Purdue actually made me rise 4 levels in a row, and it really is the kingly way to kill by leaps and bounds.

"That's how I gained such a wealth of experience points."

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face, beheading Cihang Pudu and getting too much.

The level has reached level 95, and the improvement in strength is self-evident.

After coming to this side of the world, the strength of Ying Qi has been greatly improved, and he has been promoted from the fairy level to the fairyland. This leap is too big.

"The ministers and others congratulate the emperor on slaying a strong enemy and making great progress in his cultivation."

Seeing that Ying Qi had recovered, many Qin officials came one after another.

Sword Saint, Dugu Qiuwei, Zhang Sanfeng and the others all came here.

Such a shocking battle, they naturally did not miss it.


Ying Qi nodded.

After the breakthrough, Ying Qi couldn't hide the smile on his face.

The value that this side of the world has brought to Ying Qi is too great.

Not only can it make the world of Daqin have reincarnation, but also make Ying Qixiu make great progress.


Ying Qi burst out with all his aura, like a ray of light, instantly revealing the sky of this side of the world.

Whether it is a human race or a monster race, as long as they have a cultivation level of a great master or above, they can feel this majestic momentum.

"Cihang Pudu, the old demon of Montenegro, the worm emperor, the fox emperor.".

"I killed myself.

"from now on."

"This world is under the control of my human race again.""

"I will not leave any demons with blood debts of my human race in their hands.

"In the name of Emperor Daqin, I declare to all the human races in this world that all human cultivators can take up arms and slay demons and demons, and my Daqin will uphold justice for you and others."

"The rampant demon clan in this world has reached the end. 35

"Cut demons and eliminate demons.

"The blood debt demon does not exist.

Ying Qi was blessed with immortal power, and the sound spread to all parts of this world like ripples.

Whether it is the human race or the demons and ghosts in this world, they can all hear Ying Qi's powerful announcement.

this moment.

For ordinary humans, they do not understand, but for human monks, it is like a new life.

But for the evil spirits, it is full of fear,


Because the few demons that Ying Qi mentioned are the strongest of their demon clan, the existence of the demon emperor level has now died in the hands of Ying Qi, and their demon clan will also be in a dead end.

"Where are the gentlemen?"

After the announcement, Ying Qi looked at the ministers of the Great Qin here.


All the Qin courtiers responded in unison, full of excitement.

"When you meet a demon, kill a demon, and when you meet a demon, kill a demon."9

"I don't care what means. 99

"I will give you time to wipe out the roots of this world that has been stained with human blood and debt.

"Zhen, no more cannibals are allowed here."

"In this world, Angelica I, Da Qin, control it. 35

"Furthermore, if there are people in the human race who block my Daqin, and those who do not serve Daqin, they will all be treated as demons. If they follow the demons and my Daqin are enemies, they will exterminate the clan. Ying Qiwei shouted.

"The minister waits for the order."

All the Qin courtiers responded in unison.


Hundreds of figures turned into streams of light and disappeared here.

For the courtiers of the Qin Dynasty, when they are strong, they are strong. Fighting against powerful demons in this world will also greatly improve their strength.

"This world can be settled in a short time.

"Let the world settle down."

"The next step is the human world."

Ying Qi looked at the separated courtiers and smiled slightly.

The powerful monsters were all killed by Ying Qi, so there is no need to worry at all.

Time passed gradually.

This side of the world is indeed very large and has a large population. If you want to completely win it, it will not happen overnight.

However, Daqin had descended on an army of 5 million, and there were many strong Qin people. The army pushed forward, captured the city's territory, and cleaned up the evil spirits.

And the powerhouses of Daqin are responsible for dealing with those powerful demons.

With this cooperation.

Everything in this world was quickly swallowed up by Da Qin.

The city of the human race and the cave of the demon, without exception, were controlled and annexed by Da Qin.

Even the original capital of this world has been controlled by Da Qin.

This is the capital of the Ming Kingdom.

Two years have passed since the victory of Qi Zhan Cihang Pudu, and half of the territory of this world has already fallen under the control of Da Qin.

With the help of the courtiers, Ying Qi has nothing to worry about.

three years ago.

This capital city has experienced a bloodbath. Cihang Pudu slaughtered tens of thousands of (Nuo Zhaohao) royal and human troops in the palace, and the demons also slaughtered and killed in this capital city.

But three years later.

As Da Qin took control of the city, everything changed.

There are many black armored warriors patrolling around the city, and every one of them is full of murderous blood, and even demons are a little afraid of this blood.

And all over the city.

Many black armored warriors escorted a human-shaped monster to the prison. These monsters were all wearing special shackles. Even if they were strong, they could not break free. What awaited them would be the judgment from the imperial court.

As for the escorting monsters and the patrolling black armored soldiers, the people in the city were naturally not surprised, but were quite used to it.

After such a long time, everything in this city is under the control of Da Qin.

The people also restored order and prosperity.

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