For Ying Qi.

After successfully capturing the world of a Chinese Ghost Story, he also had a rare chance to rest.

So this time.

Ying Qi is also a concubine who has a long world to accompany her.

Time also passed slowly.

After returning from the expedition, Ying Qi did not stay in the heaven, and completely left the government to his son, and also enjoyed this rare life.

Heaven and earth change.

Da Qin steadily improved.

in a blink.

Another fifty years have passed.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is incomparably abundant, and the number of practitioners in Daqin is increasing day by day.

It has reached the point where the whole people practice cultivation.

Daqin's academies are spread all over the world in Daqin, giving Daqin people a way of cultivation.


The nearest mortal city to the heaven.

At this moment, Yongcheng is already full of people.

There are people everywhere in the city, there are orcs, dwarves, elves, monsters, all kinds of ethnic groups are gathered here.

Obviously, this 05 Yongcheng has some grand event to open.

"Don't squeeze."

"It's impossible to get into the ring if you squeeze to the end, let's just wait for the projection stone honestly."

"This is a competition of cultivators once every 50 years. Although the emperor did not come in person, the current crown prince may appear, and the winner will be summoned by the crown prince, and may even be an official in Daqin. 99

"is not that right.

"This is better than having the support of the imperial court, and it is also the best opportunity for my folk cultivator to come forward."

"This time I heard that many sects of the Daqin folk have participated in the competition.

"Really magnificent. 35

In Yongcheng, countless people are looking forward to it, waiting for the upcoming Great Competition.

Under the rule of Daqin now controlling many worlds.

Qin law is strict, Qin law rules the world.

Under the governance of Daqin, no one can violate the laws of Qin. Once they violate the law, they will be arrested by the Black Ice Platform, ranging from prison to prison, or even to be decapitated.

The folks don't have that much fun.


For this kind of competition, many people will come to hear the news.

After all, this is a rare event.

And when the big competition opens, many people will bet and win spirit coins.

At this time.

on the void.

Many powerful coercions appeared.

The three sword shadows turned into streamers and stood above the void.

"Those are the three worshipping powerhouses of my Daqin.

"Shushan Sword Saint.

"Lonely seeks defeat.

"Wudang Zhang Sanfeng.

"These are the three top fairyland powerhouses in my Daqin.""

"I didn't expect them to come in person this time."

Looking at the three figures in the void, countless people looked in awe.

"Where is the great rivalry in the world?

The Sword Saint stared at the countless heads of people on the ground and shouted loudly.


"In. 55

The ground responded to thousands of people.

Each turned into a streamer and rushed above the void.

Folk comparison.

It is the current crown prince who personally plays the emperor of the dynasty. Every 50 years, a big competition is used to screen out the people who are strong in cultivation.

Loose repair, sect.

Even many sects who have served Daqin can participate.

Everyone knows it's a springboard for promotion.

On cultivation resources.

Eighty-nine-tenths of the resources in the world are in the hands of the imperial court. If you want to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, increase your strength, or even become an immortal, you can only enter the imperial court.

Apart from that.

There is no other way.

in a blink.

There are more than a thousand people participating in the competition on the void.

They have different cultivation bases.

No one is lower than the Heaven and Human Realm, and the strongest have reached the Void Realm.

After all, after reaching the Tribulation Realm, if you want to serve the imperial court, you don't need to go through such a big competition at all.

But Dabi's rules are very cruel, only the first twenty will be used to meet the crown prince.

"I have seen three worshippers."

More than a thousand cultivators faced the three sword saints and bowed.

This is their reverence for the court, but also their awe for their identity.

Although Daqin worshippers do not hold power, they have a unique identity and enjoy Daqin's national fortune and freedom.

If there is a mission, it is Daqin's expedition, and they will also go out with them.

And there is also the way to go to the school to teach the students of the school to cultivate.

"This competition.

"Win the top twenty."

"The first twenty can be summoned by the crown prince, bestowed by the imperial court, and recruited by the imperial court, enjoying the annual salary granted by the imperial court, and enjoying the national fortune. 99

"Compared to the rules, strength is respected, and no distinction is made."

"This seat is dedicated to Dugu, and Zhang is dedicated to supervising the battle."

"There are three people in this seat, and there will be no danger to their lives. Everyone can fight against the enemy with all their strength. The three people in this seat are responsible for fairness." The Sword Saint announced the rules to more than a thousand people in the void.

"I'll wait to understand.

All responded in unison.

"The three people in this seat have set up space restrictions and randomly enter the restricted inner battle."

The swordsman said loudly.

He looked at the two people beside him.

Zhang Sanfeng and Dugu nodded their heads.


Let's start together.

The vast immortal power turned and fell towards the void.


under their mighty power.

Hundreds of forbidden spaces appeared in the void, and each of them had their immortal power as the basis.

With the strength of these cultivators 153, there is no way to break it.

Moreover, each prohibition has the spiritual sense of the sword saints. Although many prohibition spaces are separated, they can clearly capture the situation based on their cultivation.


The Sword Saint shouted loudly.

All the forbidden spaces were cracked open.


More than a thousand people flew towards the forbidden space, two people in each space, the rule is to win, there is nothing tricky.


The space above the void is a touch away.

at the same time.

There are also pictures in the void on the projection stones all over Yongcheng.

Not just Yongcheng.

Projections were also opened in many counties and cities in Daqin.

This kind of competition is put in the main cities all over the world in Daqin.

"Yue'er, are you lively?"

In the crowd, Ying Qi hugged a little girl, looked at the void and said.


"It's so lively here, I want to eat something delicious later." The little girl said cutely.

fifty years.

Ying Yue has only grown so much, and it seems that she is only ten years old of the human race, which may also be the characteristic of the elf bloodline.

"Daddy will take you to play for two more days, and then Daddy will go to work. 99

Ying Qi said gently.

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