Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 468 The real plan of the demon clan, luck

"First set the demon clan in the world, and then seize the underworld.

"Let me, Daqin, have a place of reincarnation.""

Ying Qi showed an excited smile.

After a successful breakthrough.

Yingqi's strength has ushered in an all-round growth.

Look at the experience points that Ying Qi needs to upgrade.

Another 161.5 million is needed.

After coming to this side of the world, Ying Qi slashed many powerful demons and beasts, which was the foundation for Ying Qi to break through the Earth Immortal so quickly, but it was far from over.

Cihang Pudu, the strongest demon clan can definitely bring more abundant experience points to Ying Qi.

"Four demon emperors, there is only one left."

"After beheading him, the last one is Cihang Pudu.

"But before that, we must improve the overall strength of the empire. Ying Qi secretly said in his heart, and waved his hand to disperse the barrier.

Kun Xu and Qing Yang, who had been following Ying Qi, immediately greeted him.

"Congratulations to the emperor's great progress in cultivation."

The two congratulated Ying Qi directly.

"This fox demon has been eliminated, there is only one demon emperor left in the demon clan, and there is also Cihang Pudu who is hidden behind the scenes." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Your Majesty.""

"There is another Jiaohuang we know, but who is Cihang Pudu? Could it be that he is the strongest hidden behind the demon clan? Qingyang said in surprise.

"When the demon clan signed the contract with your two immortal gates, didn't you see him?" Ying Qi was a little strange.

According to the words of the four demon emperors, the armistice agreement was led by Cihang Pudu.

"Back to the emperor. 35

"When we signed the agreement, we didn't have the strength we have now. It was signed by our teacher, and the four demon emperors who came forward from the demon clan did not have Cihang Pudu."

"But we know that there is an extremely strong person hidden behind the demon clan." Kun Xu replied honestly.

"It's not surprising, this Cihang Pudu is the best at hiding himself. If he doesn't come out by himself, I'm afraid that people in this world really can't find him." Ying Qi said.

"Emperor. 35

"Actually, there is something strange about me.

"In the ancient times, my human race has suffered heavy losses and has no strength to compete with the demon race, but why did Cihang Pudu sign a truce contract with my human race to allow my human race to survive for so many years?" Qingyang said with great confusion.

"He wants to break through the Heavenly Demon Realm, and the opportunity lies with the human race." Ying Qi smiled.

"The chance to break through the Heavenly Demon Realm is in my human race?"

Qingyang and Kunxu looked at each other with surprise.

"In the ancient years, when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth had not yet changed, the strongest of my human race was no more than the peak of the fairyland, but no one in the fairyland could ever reach it. If the opportunity was in my human race, why was there no one when my human race ruled the world? Breakthrough?" Qingyang said.

"The reason why Cihang Pudu stopped the war with the human race in this world is not for pity, but to hide in the human race and secretly swallow the fate of the human race in order to break through the heavenly demon realm.

"For many years, has the demon clan forbade the immortal gate to enter the world, let alone do it in the world?" Ying Qi said.

"Since the agreement was signed, the demon clan will not destroy my human clan, live in peace with my human clan, and at the same time prohibit my immortal sect from entering the secular world." Kun Xu said.

"That's fundamental. 95

"He doesn't want you to disrupt the progress of his devouring the fate of the human race, but he can't do it after all. Even if he devours the fate of the human race, he can't break through at all."

"So, he gave up the fate of the human race and decided to destroy the human race.""

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

This hoax, which has shrouded this world for countless years, was revealed by Ying Qi.

"No wonder."

"This is the fundamental reason for the truce between the demon clan and our human clan.

"It turns out that they are trying to figure out the luck of my human race."

"However, the way of luck is illusory. How did he Cihang Pudu devour my human race's luck? How can this affect my human race?" The two started talking, but they didn't know much about the way of luck. .

Maybe in ancient times.

There is also research on the way of luck in the human race immortal gate in this world, but in the end, I am afraid that it will be obtained by Cihang Pudu, so that he has devoured the fate of the human race, and finally opened the swallowing.

"The fate of the human race is the key to the survival and prosperity of a family."

"Since the demon race took over this world, has the population of the human race stopped growing?" Ying Qi smiled.

"Go back to the emperor.

"Since the signing of the contract in the past, the population of my human race has not only ceased to grow, but it has also declined sharply. When my human race was prosperous, the population exceeded one billion, but now, the population is probably less than half of what it used to be."

"However, for so many years, although the truce agreement has been signed, the demon clan has been looting my human race and eating my human race. This should be one of the reasons for the sharp drop in population." Kunxu replied.

"`" The luck of a family is related to the foundation of a family. 35

"If the luck is damaged, the population of a clan will drop sharply, and the clan with talent for cultivation will also drop sharply. If the luck collapses and cannot be reunited, it will eventually perish. Ying Qi said solemnly.

If it weren't for the fortune-telling technique like Casting Saint Court, Ying Qi wouldn't know so much about Qiyun, but since he has practiced it, he knows the root of it.

The importance of luck is extremely important for any force and any ethnic group.

"Is this the root cause of my human race's weakness?"

"Cihang Purdue, actually swallowed the luck of my human race, and let my human race fall like this. 55

"It's no wonder that over the years, there have been fewer and fewer people in my human race with the talent for cultivation. This is not the only reason for the aura of heaven and earth, but also Cihang Pudu."

After hearing Ying Qi's explanation, (King Nuo's) Qingyang and Kunxu completely understood.


"Now that Cihang Pudu has attacked my human race, is he about to break through the demon? Or, my human race's luck has been devoured by him?" The two looked at Ying Qi worriedly.

"He wants to devour the fate of my human race with a single demon, but he has no such ability."

"However, the divine dragon of luck of the human race should have been smashed by him." Ying Qi said.

"How about that?"

"Is it possible that if the divine dragon of luck cannot be recovered, my human race will always be weakened until it is destroyed?"

Hearing that their luck was destroyed, the two fell into a deeper level of fear.

If the luck can't be restored, the human race is really over.

"Although the luck of the human race in this world is ruined, the luck of Qin Daqin can be stabilized."

Ying Qi smiled.


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