Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 463 3 grandparents, Yingxi who was trapped

Hear the recitation of his own son.

Ying Qi smiled, looked at him and said, "It's rare that Xi'er knows the pain of exhaustion for soldiers who go on an expedition, and I have no reason to disagree."

"How to exchange the otherworldly warriors back.""

"Let Meng Yi handle this matter.~

Ying Qi smiled.

"Father Emperor Shengming.

Yingxi said immediately.

"The minister leads the decree." Meng Yi immediately led the decree.

Time passes gradually.

The DPRK meeting was soon all dealt with.

For Ying Qi.

It is still useful to let his son supervise the country, and there is almost no need for him to make decisions in person.

Everything is handled by the officials of the court.


The meeting will disperse.

Inside the hall.

Only Ying Qi and his son were left.

"Stinky boy, I heard that you have had a pretty good life during the years that I have been on the expedition."5

Ying Qi jokingly looked at his son.

Upon hearing this.

Yingxi's face changed, and he immediately shook his head sharply: "Father is joking, my son has been conscientiously guarding the country for all these years, and I dare not be slack. 99


Ying Xi that is called a sincerity.

"But how did I hear that. 35

"You've been playing chess with your imperial grandfather all these years, and you're almost never in the Palace of the King of Qin?" Ying Qi looked at Ying Xi with a half-smile.


Yingxi was stunned.

Then he said righteously: "Father, the conscience of heaven and earth, my son just accompanies the royal grandfather to play chess in his spare time, and at other times he has never delayed the government."

"Could it be that the royal father didn't hear the courtier's remarks just now, and everything in Daqin was handled properly, these are all the credits of the sons.

"Father, don't wrong your sons and ministers.

"Otherwise, the son-in-law can go to the mother's queen and the imperial grandmother's place.


Yingxi also turned her head aggrieved, but her voice was threatening.

In a word.

If you wrong me and bully me, I will tell my mother and grandmother to go.

"Are you going to file a complaint?

Ying Qi looked at Ying Xi with a half-smile.

But the next moment.

"Father. 35

"The government affairs you handed over to me a few days ago have been dealt with, so come and take a look.

A young man walked in from outside the hall. It was Ying Qi's eldest grandson, Ying Wu.

At this moment, he still holds some memorials in his hands.

Upon hearing his words.

Yingxi's face changed.

A little embarrassed, he looked at Ying Qi.


"If Erchen said it was a misunderstanding, would you believe it?

"Erchen really didn't delay government affairs. The reason why he handed it over to Wuer was to temper him."

"My son is not lazy.

Yingxi explained with an embarrassed smile.

"Grandfather, why are you back? 35

"The grandson sees the royal grandfather.

Block Yingwu walked in, saw Ying Qi's figure, was startled at first, and then hurriedly put down the memorial and saluted respectfully.

"You don't even know I'm back?"

Ying Qi looked at his grandson lovingly and said.

"Go back to the royal grandfather.

"These days, my grandson has been dealing with government affairs. He has never been in the palace, and he has never been disturbed." Ying Wu replied respectfully.

"That's what you do with your work?"

Ying Qi turned his head and looked at Ying Xi.

"Father, I only occasionally handle government affairs for Wu'er.

"Do you believe it?" Yingxi said embarrassedly.

I just pretended to be aggrieved, thinking about how to fool the past, but now I was directly smashed by my son.

"Do you think I believe it?" Ying Qi smiled half-smiling.

"Father, my son is your son, don't you believe in your son?"

"For so many years, the father and the emperor have been out on expeditions, and the son has been in charge of the government. Can't we take occasional breaks?"

"Father..." Ying Xi said aggrieved.

The outfit just now was useless, and now it's starting to sell badly again.

"Okay, why not?"

"Just rest here for a while.

Ying Qidan laughed.

A wave of hands.

A space force appeared, directly imprisoning Yingxi in the space.

"Father, don't do this. 99


Yingxi wanted to move, but found that he couldn't.

But Ying Qi didn't pay attention to it at all, but stood up slowly and walked towards his grandson.

"Wu'er, how do you feel about dealing with government affairs these years?" Ying Qi asked lovingly.

"Go back to the royal grandfather."

"After being taught by my father for a long time, and then in contact with government affairs, my grandson learned the importance of Daqin's state affairs."

0.・・Seeking flowers・

"A memorial, concerning millions, hundreds of millions of people. 35

"Grandson doesn't dare to slack off in the slightest." Ying Wu said sternly.

"Good boy.

"You are very good.

"You have worked hard in handling government affairs over the years.

"The royal grandfather gave you something.""

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

A gleaming soft armor appeared in front of Ying Wu.

"Heavenly high-grade magic weapon. 35

Ying Xi, who was imprisoned in the space, widened his eyes, not expecting that his father would give such a precious magic weapon to his son.


"This is a high-grade magic weapon of heaven, it is too precious."

Ying Wu said with some fear.

"Take it.""

"You are my eldest grandson, how about giving you a magic weapon?"

Ying Qi smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the magic weapon turned into a ray of light and fell on Ying Wu's body.

"Thank you grandfather for the gift.

When Ying Wu saw this, he bowed and bowed.

"Father, won't you give me one?"

"I'm also conscientious."5

Yingxi said very aggrieved.

"Just be patient."

Ying Qi cursed angrily.

Then he walked out of the hall slowly and disappeared in front of his grandson.

"Father, I don't have the strength of the imperial grandfather, so I can't help you.

Ying Wu looked at Ying Xi with some embarrassment.

"Stinky boy.

"You are watching my joke. 39

"I want you to look good when I come out."

Yingxi said very angrily.

In front of his father, he was very afraid, but in front of his son, he was very majestic.

"Father, you should stay well."

"I go first."

Seeing Ying Xi like this, Ying Wu shrugged and ran out quickly.

"Stinky boy.

"Are you really leaving?"

"I'm bored here alone." 5

"Royal Father. 35

"I was wrong.

"I shouldn't lie to you, please forgive me."

Yingxi shouted very aggrieved.

But in this empty hall, no one came to him.

He will definitely suffer this time.


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