The meeting will disperse.

For Yingqi.

There is nothing here worth Ying Qi's own shot.


As long as Daqin builds a legal system belonging to Daqin in this world and connects them with a teleportation array, there will be no other problems in controlling this world.

three months.

Just a flash.

For the current Great Qin Empire.

There are already dozens of immortals who have endless life essence, and those who have reached the Void Realm, and there are countless more who have crossed the Tribulation Realm.

Three months have passed.

The imperial decree issued by Ying Qi has already been implemented.

There were not many people in the first batch to return to Daqin, only the first batch of Daqin Ruishis who came to this world and started the slaughter.

less than a million troops.

As Ying Qi opened the door, the army returned to Da Qin in triumph.

As always.

The army triumphed.

Countless subjects of Da Qin welcomed in the capital, but it was different from the past.

Because the capital of Daqin had been moved to the heaven, if it weren't for the people of the heaven, they would never have the chance to see the army of Daqin.

over the years.

Countless 137 of Daqin's innumerable subjects yearn for the heavenly realm.

But there are very few who want to live in heaven.

These are all from the strict jurisdiction of the imperial court.

Great Qin.

Heaven, above the Heavenly Palace.

Palace of the King of Qin.

Hundreds of officials gathered.


There are many fewer officials attending the court meeting today.

Bai Qi, Feng Quji and other important officials are still in the other world. The world on that side is extremely huge, and it will take time to fully control it.

If there are no officials to guard, there will be chaos.

After all, the demons and demons on the bright side have been cleaned up, but there are still a lot of demons hidden in the dark. On the bright side, they will avoid Daqin's edge of killing demons, but in the dark, they will inevitably be enemies with Daqin, attacking and killing people. Clan, attacked and killed the people of Da Qin.

This hatred will not be silent in that world without thousands of years.

"The ministers and others see the emperor, and may the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal."

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty held the wat and shouted in unison.

"Flat body.""

Ying Qi smiled slightly and waved his hand.

"Xie Dijun.

As in the past, Manchu civil and military looked at the figure on the high position in awe.

on the stairs.

Crown Prince Ying Xi also stood majestically.

"With the original performance, there is no original retreat.

Zhao Cheng shouted loudly.

"Awaken the emperor.

"The emperor has been on expeditions for many years, the crown prince is in charge of the country, and I, Daqin, have no abnormality, everything is under the control of my Daqin, and the emperor opened the world of cultivation, and now Daqin is a prosperous world.

"In Daqin, various ways of cultivation are prosperous.

"The Daqin Academy is all over the world, providing countless outstanding people for Daqin."

"Daqin is prosperous and prosperous.

"In the treasury, in the treasury.""

"The treasures of genius and spiritual stones are too numerous to count.

Lu Buwei stood up and said excitedly.

once Upon a time.

After Daqin ruled the world, the government treasury and the national treasury suffered losses, but now Daqin went on an expedition without having to worry about the food and grass.

If you win, Qi wants to fight.

Even if it is a hundred years or a thousand years, Daqin's treasury resources are still available.

"This time Daqin has conquered another world, and in this world, Daqin's resources are even more endless."5

"Lingshi, a genius and treasure, if you discover it, it will be better than my Daqin world.

"All of this needs my Daqin to discover."

"As the national policy in the past, anyone who discovers a spiritual stone lode will be returned to the state of Daqin.

"This matter is still left to Lu Qing to do.

Ying Qi looked at Lu Buwei and said arrogantly.

"The minister leads the order.

"The resources of this world will be properly disposed of, and all (afbi) will be charged into our Great Qin treasury. Lu Buwei responded immediately.

Although Daqin's current resources are inexhaustible, the resources Daqin consumes every day are also innumerable.

There are many Daqin worlds.

There are countless Rishis in every world.

The total strength of Daqin is nearly 20 million, and the annual salary given to them is a huge amount of spiritual stones every month, all of which are obtained from the world.

If the spirit stones were obtained by the people, how powerful would Da Qin be?

Guoben and Ying Qi will never allow anyone to interfere.

"Besides. 35

"There are many demons and beasts in this world. After fighting in this world for more than ten years, my Daqin army has killed countless demons and beasts, exceeding hundreds of millions, and the flesh and blood of these demon beasts are all equipped with spiritual energy, which can be supplemented by repairs. 35


"When the time comes, you will arrange to put all the flesh and blood of the demons in the world into the treasury. In the future, all my ministers of Qin and Ruishi of Great Qin will use this flesh and blood as supplementary food, which can promote great progress in cultivation." Ying Qiwei said. .

in that world.

Demons eat people often.

But the human race in that world cannot compete with the demon.

But when it came to Daqin, all of this was naturally reversed.

The monsters are beasts, and they will naturally transform into their original forms after they die, which will naturally not affect the appetite of Da Qin Ruishi.

after all. ,

Those monster clans are all great supplements.

If the billions of demons and beasts are eaten up, Daqin's overall strength will usher in a big improvement.

"My son leads the order.

Yingxi responded immediately.

"Your Majesty.

'This time to fight this other world, Daqin not only has many warriors going on the expedition, but also many folk cultivators, what about their rewards?

Feng Jie stood up and asked respectfully.

"They went out in response to my will, and they also fought against demons with their lives. In this battle, there were not a few people who died for Daqin."

"Dying for the country and fighting for the country should be treated equally."35

"Send my will.

"Give them the same military rewards as Daqin Ruishi, and if the military merits are enough, they can be exchanged for my Daqin's magic weapons, exercises, and medicinal pills.

"For the folk cultivators who died in the battle of Daqin, I will give out the death pension of my Daqin Ruishi.

"I will not treat every minister who serves the Great Qin, I will not treat them lightly.

Win Qiwei said.

"Emperor Shengming."

The Manchu civil and military chanted in unison.

"All right.

"Anything else to report?"

Ying Qi looked at the Manchu civil and martial arts.

"Royal Father. 35

"At the beginning of the other world, the warriors who went on the expedition are very tired. Do you want to gradually recall the warriors who went on the expedition and replace the warriors who are guarded by all walks of life?"9

Ying Xi turned around and asked respectfully.

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