With the copy portal opened.

All Reese are looking forward to it.

With a white command.

The first is the army on the ground, driving the spirit beasts under his command, and rushing towards the portal quickly.


It is the dragon knight in the void.

All entered the portal of the otherworld.

As millions of Great Qin Ruishi rushed into the portal, they fought in another world.

"Into the otherworld.

"Expand my Great Qin territory."

Bai Qi gave a cold drink.

With a swipe of the air, he rushed directly into it.


"Contributing to the Great Qin and expanding the territory for the Great Qin is now."


"The emperor has already killed the enemy in another world, and now it's our turn as ministers."

"For the emperor, for the Great Qin, kill."

Many ministers worshiped and shouted in unison.


Directly into the alien world.

a time.

The Daqin army that had been prepared for a long time, the strong ones, all entered the other world.

Black Mountain Demon Domain.

A huge portal appeared above Ying Qi's head.

"My army is coming. 99

"The good days of the demon clan in this world have come to an end. 35

Ying Qi smiled and looked at the sky, a coldness appeared in 940.

Just for a moment.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

A dazzling light suddenly appeared from the portal on the void.

Light shines through.

Countless murderous figures have appeared in the entire Montenegro Demon Domain.

"Wind, wind, wind."


at the moment of their arrival.

The monstrous murderous blood that belonged to the human race appeared in this world.

This is different from the human race that is swallowed by the demon race in this world at any time, but the slaughtering army from Daqin.

Anyone who dares to block the Qin Bingfeng will be killed without mercy.

Light falls.


All the first batch of Daqin troops who went on expedition came, and the portal on the void also disappeared.

"Where are the gentlemen?"

Ying Qi soared into the air and said in a powerful voice.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal.

All the soldiers shouted in unison, looking at Ying Qi's figure full of awe and loyalty.

"Flat." 9

Ying Qi waved his hand.

His eyes turned to all the descendants (afbh), the warriors.

It wasn't long since Ying Qi came to this world, only a few days, but under the influence of the flow of time, several months have passed in the Daqin world.

"This world is a demon world."

"The human race was humiliated, killed for the demon race at will, and treated them with food.

"I will never allow such a world to exist.

"The ministers listen to the decree. 99

"The army set off to exterminate the demon clan.""

"All demons with human blood debts in their hands will be killed and their corpses will be cooked and eaten.

"Everything that blocks my Daqin Bingfeng demon clan will be destroyed and eaten as well.

"The monsters in this world are rampant and feed on the human race, so I will make them blood for blood and tooth for tooth. 35

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"The minister waits for the order.

The ministers replied in unison.


Bai Qi waved his hand.

"Everyone will obey."

"Let's go on a five-way expedition, and the five generals will go out to expedition, just like the previous tactics." Bai Qi said loudly.

"The commander-in-chief.

The generals said in unison.

"The monsters in this realm dominate this realm, and the illusion of human form is no different from ordinary human races, but I, Daqin, can distinguish the power of national fortune. If it is a monster, there will be waves in protecting the body and national fortune."

"Monsters who touch the blood of the human race will be blood red. Remember this, and you can kill all the monsters in this world. Ying Qi said solemnly.

Demons in this world.

Not much to say.

It is not bad to have one of the hundred that has no blood debt of the human race, so Ying Qi doesn't need to worry about manslaughter.


What if he was killed by mistake?

This is a war of races, as always, without mercy.

"The emperor's holy words, ministers, etc., keep it in mind."

The ministers said in unison.


Millions of Great Qin Ruishi were dispatched in batches, killing them in all directions in this world. ,

As for Bai Qi and Da Qin, there were many worshippers, and the minister came to Ying Qi.

"Your Majesty.

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world seems a bit strange, and it is mixed with an unusual power.

The swordsman said.


"This power is very evil. If it is inhaled into the body together with the spiritual energy, there will be endless troubles."

The ministers also opened their mouths.

When they came to this world, they also felt the powerful heaven and earth aura of this side of the world, but when they swept away their spiritual thoughts, they sensed that there was something wrong in this world's heaven and earth aura.

"During the ancient years of this world, an accident happened, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was invaded by this evil energy. This is also the fundamental reason for the weakening of the human race in this world and the rule of demons." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"No wonder.

"If this kind of heaven and earth aura is not used to disperse the evil energy in it, once absorbed, it will definitely go into trouble. 35

"And even ordinary people, even if they don't practice, invisibly absorb this kind of spiritual energy, it will inevitably cause damage to the foundation of cultivation, or it will lead to confusion after stepping into cultivation.

"This kind of spiritual energy must have cut off the foundation of the human race in this world." The swordsman said in a deep voice.

"This has been going on for tens of thousands of years."

"If you can't solve the monsters in this world, even after another 100,000 years, the human race in this world will not be freed." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"No wonder the emperor asked his ministers to refine all kinds of spells and talismans to deal with demons. It turned out to be to deal with demons in this world." Zhang Sanfeng suddenly returned to God.

"How?" Ying Qi looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

"Go back to the emperor."

"The thunderbolt spell, the talisman of killing evil, there are at least five in the hands of the millions of warriors in the Qin Dynasty. 35

"There are also enchanting talismans, which can give weapons the thunder attribute, which are already in the hands of the warriors.

"In addition to this, the formation hall is still working hard to refine the talisman, to ensure that our Daqin army will not interrupt the use of the talisman." Zhang Sanfeng replied immediately.

"well done."

"There are so many monsters in this world, countless, the more talismans, the better."

"The key to this world lies in slaughtering demons, and even more so in a key, we are bound to win.

Ying Qi turned around and stared at the earth in this world.

"Emperor. 35

"There are demons and beasts in this world, is it possible that the soul can also exist in the heaven and earth?

Juggernaut caught a key point and asked suddenly.

The words fell.

The eyes of the ministers were startled, and they also thought of something.

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