next moment.

The system prompt sounded in my ears.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 93 monster and gaining 180 million experience points. 99

'Congratulations to the host for killing a level 83 monster and gaining 13 million experience points.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 84 monster and gaining 14 million experience points.


The system beeps continuously.

Ying Qi has gained an incomparably rich experience value.

And this time the harvest was unexpected for Ying Qi.

The four demon king-level demon clans alone provided Ying Qi with 54 million experience points, which almost made Ying Qi rise to level 87.

However, the experience value of the old demon of Montenegro is the sum of the experience value contributed by the four demon kings.

"This time, I was able to get three levels in a row.

"It was a surprise.

"Experience points across a large class are indeed rich."

"However, this time I killed this old Montenegrin demon. In the final analysis, I made a sudden move, directly smashing him with the seal of Fantian, and severely injuring him with the title supernatural power. Otherwise, it would not be so simple to take down this old black mountain demon, it must be It was a tough fight."

Looking at such a rich experience value, Ying Qi couldn't help but sigh and think to himself.

This time.

It is true that he was caught off guard by killing the old demon of Montenegro, which is also the latter's arrogant conceit, completely underestimating Ying Qi.

And the acquired spirit treasure that Ying Qi possessed, the fake Fantian Seal, is absolutely unique in this world, so it is no surprise that he severely damaged the old demon of Montenegro.

"It only takes 43 million experience points to reach level 87, 90 million for level 88, and 100 million for level 89."

"In this way, the experience points of killing the old demon of Montenegro and these four demon kings this time are just enough for me to upgrade to level 3.

An excited smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

Before coming to deal with the old demon of Montenegro, Ying Qi thought that it would be enough to use this experience to upgrade two levels, but the other party gave Ying Qi a great surprise.


Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted.

The system prompts.

next moment.

A golden light flickered on Ying Qi's body.


Ying Qi's whole body strength began to change rapidly, increasing.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 87.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 88.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 89."

"The experience value required for level 90 still needs 111 million. 55 system prompts.

After the upgrade.

Ying Qi didn't wake up immediately.

The entire body is undergoing rapid transformation.

Physical strength, strength, and energy in the dantian are all growing exponentially.

Ying Qi's strength has also doubled.

After a long time.

Ying Qi woke up from the transformation of the upgrade, with an excited smile on his face: "Three levels in a row, my strength has increased several times."

"Level 89, Immortal Nine-layer Realm, even if I am facing the old Montenegrin demon before, I can crush and kill him without a surprise attack.

"In this world, there are three other demon emperors, one big demon emperor.

"They will all be my prey.

"Upgrade, become a god."

Ying Qi's eyes were hot and full of hope for the future.

Come back to your senses.

Ying Qi took a look at the Montenegrin Demon Domain.

With the death of the old demon of Montenegro, the demonic field that covered hundreds of thousands of miles also dissipated.

And the core of this demon domain has also turned into a ruin, a bottomless void that destroyed everything that once was in Montenegro.

"This old black mountain demon was transformed by a black mountain. His cultivation base has reached the fairyland, and this black mountain has also transformed into a high-quality refining material, which is enough for my Daqin to refine many powerful divine weapons."

"The corpses of these four-headed demon kings can't be wasted, it's a big supplement.

Looking at the corpse of the demon king in front of him, and the body of the old black mountain demon.

Ying Qi smiled again.

Especially the body of the old black mountain demon, a huge mountain, covering an area of ​​dozens of miles, as a black mountain, as he became an immortal, his body has naturally been sublimated.


Ying Qi waved his hand.

Put them all in the storage space.

The flesh and blood of these demon races is of little use to Ying Qi, but for his subordinates, it is a great addition.

"When my Daqin comes to this world, we can start the slaughter in this world.

"For my Daqin cultivator, the flesh and blood of the demon clan is also a great supplement.

"This time."

"There is no need for me as long as my Daqin army goes to war, all of my Daqin sects and warriors can enter this world to kill demons. This is the fastest speed. 99

Ying Qi thought to himself.

A decision has been made.

"Send my will.

"The army is mobilized, and the strong Qin is ready to go out."

Ying Qi contacted with Guoyun and issued a decree.


in heaven.

Inside the camp.

Bai Qi, the expressions of many generals showed a touch of excitement.

on the Heavenly Palace.

Many worshippers, and many ministers are also the same, and there is joy.

"` 〃 Chen et al, lead the order. 35

All the courtiers who heard Ying Qi's voice bowed in unison.


Inside the camp.

With a loud voice, Bai said, "Da Qin Ruishi, gather.


Inside the camp.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon knights and hundreds of thousands of infantry warriors quickly gathered together.

"The emperor has issued a decree that I, Da Qin, will enter another world and expand Qin's territory.

"Fight for the emperor, fight for the Great Qin."

"All the great Qin Ruishis, do you have the courage?"

Bai Qiwei shouted.

"I swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, and I swear allegiance to Daqin to the death.

"Kill, kill, kill.

Millions of Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison.

"Roar, roar.

And their mounts also made bursts of roars, and the whole heaven was boiling. (Nomad's)

And this time.

There were many offerings in Daqin, and the ministers also came to the camp.

The portal to the other world will be opened in the great camp, and they will naturally gather here.

"The day has finally come."

"The powers of other worlds are the opportunity for us to become stronger."

"I just don't know what this otherworld looks like. 35

"The emperor is already in another world, and as ministers, we should follow by ourselves, no matter what enemy, whoever blocks me, Daqin, will be killed without mercy.

"That's right."

Many Da Qin worshipped, and the ministers said nephew one after another.

And this time.


Above the camp, there was a wave of ripples.

A huge portal appeared in vain.

The portal to the other world has opened.

"All the soldiers obeyed the orders and invaded the other world. 35

"Expand my territory of Great Qin. 35

Bai Qi looked at the portal and shouted loudly.

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