Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 452 Killing the Dragon, Exciting

ten days.

Gone in a flash.

outside the city.

Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered, surrounded by heads, three circles and three circles, and some people can't even get close to the beheading platform.

But this didn't stop these people from watching the enthusiasm of beheading the demon king.

Everyone of the human race in this world is full of hatred for the demon clan. Now that the Great Qin Slays the Demon Emperor, how could they refuse.


This time the court said it.

Killing the demon king, the dragon blood will be given to all the people watching, giving them a chance.

What is dragon blood?

Moreover, it has reached the level of dragon blood, which is a big supplement, and it will also promote the cultivation.

This is a great opportunity.

So in just ten days, many human cultivators came from all over the place. It used to be difficult, but now with Daqin's teleportation array, all this has naturally become easier.

torture platform.

It is a tens of feet standing with a magic weapon, and the purpose is also to let all the people who are watching the sword see it.

"The Emperor Wu'an of the Great Qin in this seat has risen in vain. 35

"In this world, demons ravaged, evil spirits were rampant, wantonly slaughtered our human race, and used human race as food and human race as dogs. 35

"And I, the Great Qin Emperor 113, came across the border, and the emperor, as a human race, should uphold justice for the human race.

"The emperor personally killed three of the four demon emperors, and the great demon emperor who manipulated the human race for tens of thousands of years was also beheaded by the emperor.

"Relying on the power of the emperor, I, Daqin, can only annihilate the demons in this world, and the Daqin army beat the demons into retreat."

"And today. 35

"The last emperor of the demon clan, the Jiaohuang, was captured by my Daqin strong.

"This is a matter of common celebration."


"The emperor has a purpose.

"Behead the Jiaohuang Emperor outside the capital of Qin, in order to avenge this world's human race, and invite the people of the world to watch the ceremony.

Bai Qi stood on the torture platform and shouted loudly.

Not much sound.

But under a force, it reached the ears of every spectator.

It also gave them endless inspiration.

"The emperor's longevity is boundless.""

"The emperor's longevity is boundless.""


All the people watching the ceremony shouted excitedly and were extremely excited.

For them, the emperor's ability to let ordinary people like them see the grand act of beheading the demon emperor is already considered a supreme move.

And for them, for all the human races in this side of the world that are now under the rule of Daqin, Ying Qi is their reborn parents. If there is no Ying Qi, they may have already become the rations of demons.

The name of Ying Qi is a benefactor in the eyes of the human race in this world.

"Bringing the sinful monster Jiaohuang.

Bai Qi shouted loudly.


Daqin's five top worshipers took action, detained them with immortal power, and brought the huge Jiaohuang directly to the torture platform.

And directly bound him on the torture platform with chains, and his huge dragon body lay directly on it, unable to move at all.

And he saw countless human people around the torture platform, and endless anger and unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

"Humble people, how dare you?

"The emperor is going to swallow you.

"Damn the human race..."

The Emperor Jiao roared in anger.

But now he is just roaring a little louder, and it is of no use other than that.

All his strength has been exhausted.

As the top demon emperor of the demon clan, he has tens of millions of demon beasts under his command, but now he has become a prisoner, and he has to be watched like this by the human clan he regards as ants. Even more painful.

"Damn the demon clan. 35

"It's almost death, what are you arrogant about?"

"You're going to die soon."

"We'll drink your blood and eat your flesh later."

"Hahaha, are you angry?

"This is your retribution, how you damn demons did to our human race, and now our human race will do (afbi) you. 35

"Damn monster."

"go to hell.


The roar of the Emperor Jiao was of no use, but instead aroused the anger of the people watching the ceremony.

They roared furiously.

Every sentence was slapped on Emperor Jiao's body like a whip, he was humiliated, he was unwilling and angry.

But all to no avail.


"I follow the will of the emperor.""

"Kill this monster.

"Invite all the people of Great Qin to watch the ceremony."

Without much hesitation, Bai Qi clenched his magic weapon, and suddenly, he rose into the sky.

His eyes stared coldly at the Emperor Jiao.

"Cut him.

"Behead him. 39


Countless onlookers roared, full of anger.

"By the emperor's will.


Bai Qi drank coldly.

Holding the divine weapon in both hands, with the blessing of immortal power, a sword slashed towards the dragon's head.

The sword light flashed by.


The dragon head of the Flood Emperor was separated from the dragon body.

The once mighty demon king has now become an icy corpse.

Longan is full of unwillingness.

It seems that I still don't understand why their demon clan lost.

But fell behind in the Dragon Shead.

Bright red dragon blood poured out like a tide.

But right now.

An invisible force appeared.

In between.

A jade bottle appeared, and all the dragon blood of the Flood Dragon flowed into the jade bottle.

The dragon in this fairyland is full of treasures, so Ying Qi will not let it go.

With such a big dragon corpse, Daqin will be able to eat dragon meat at banquets in the future, and this kind of demon who is stained with blood debts will not feel any guilt after eating it.


A phantom of Ying Qi's consciousness appeared on the void of the torture platform.

A wave of hands.

The dragon corpse and the dragon capital of the Flood Emperor have disappeared.

And this time, the officials of Daqin worshipped Ying Qi's figure and visited them one after another.

"The ministers and others see the emperor, and may the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal."

All the courtiers shouted in unison.

And this time.

Countless people around the torture platform also knelt down and shouted in unison: "See the emperor.

For them.

Being able to see Ying Qi's existence with their own eyes is a great gift for them.

"The last emperor of the demon clan has died.

"I, promised to give you dragon blood baptism."

“This time, the promise is fulfilled.

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

A wave of hands.

A drop of blood essence flew out of the jade bottle.

Driven by Ying Qi's strength.

The water vapor in the sky began to gather, and gradually, it merged into the dragon's blood.

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