Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 451 Ying Qi: Beheading after 10 days, drinking dragon blood

Time flickers.

A Chinese Ghost Story.

For Ying Qi.

With the execution of Cihang Pudu, naturally there will be no rivals in this world, and those ordinary demons are no longer interested in letting Ying Qi take action in person, even if they have reached the level of demon kings, Ying Qi has no Interested in getting started.

These are all handed over to their courtiers to practice their hands, which can improve their strength.

After all, Ying Qi's strength is now level 95.

Killing those ordinary demon kings can no longer bring much experience to Ying Qi.

Therefore, Ying Qi is now living in the Qin capital and leaving everything to the courtiers to deal with.

A year has passed like this.

this day.

Above the void of Qin Capital City.

Several gigantic dragons came from the sky, and they were all standing on their bodies to be worshipped by a strong man of Daqin, and in the middle of several dragons, chains were biting in their mouths, and a huge cage appeared in the void.

in that huge cage.

A Jiaolong that reached hundreds of feet was trapped in it, and his body was covered with talismans, releasing a kind of repressive power, sealing his power. At this moment, he seems to have lost all power, only can be passively imprisoned in it.

Looking at this Flood Dragon, and then looking at the fierceness that he revealed.

There are also five dragons escorted by chains, suppressed by the dragon's might, and many immortals in Daqin worship the strong to suppress them in person.

His identity is revealed.

Originally one of the four demon emperors of the demon clan in this world, the Emperor Jiao.


In the past few years, the situation has changed drastically.

Their demon clan had controlled this world for tens of thousands of years, but they were subverted by Da Qin in just a few years.

It is precisely because of the annihilation of this top demon emperor that the demon race in this world is gradually subverted.

Even though they have a large number of monsters, no less than the human race, and the strong ones far exceed the human race in this world, but under the power of Da Qin, they are simply not enough to watch.

And along with the capture of the Jiaohuang, it was also announced that the last strong demon emperor on the face of the demon clan in this world was about to be damaged in the hands of Da Qin.

In Qindu.

Hundreds of thousands of people raised their heads when they heard Void's movement.

When they saw the figure of the dragon and the huge cage that was being dragged, every look in their eyes showed a look of awe.

"Da Qin, too strong." "

"I didn't expect that even this damn Flood Dragon was captured."

"Hahaha, the countless people of my human race who died under the blood of the demon race can rest in peace.

"Their revenge will be avenged.

"Who is this Jiaolong? I am escorted by so many dragons and strong people in Daqin, is he the strongest of the demon clan?

In the past, the demon clan had four demon emperors and one big demon emperor.

"It is also the bullshit demon emperors of these demon races who killed countless human races of my human race, and tens of millions of people died under the slaughter of the demon race."

"They are the greatest enemies of our human race. 99

"Except for this Flood Dragon, all the others died in the hands of my Great Qin Emperor.

"And this Flood Dragon is the last of the four Demon Emperors. Since Da Qin's attack, he has gathered countless demons to contend with Da Qin, and even killed countless human races. He is the Flood Dragon Emperor, and now, he has finally been captured. "

"He will die soon. 35

"Hahaha, isn't this because the sky has eyes, the grace of the emperor.""

"All the demon emperors of their demon clan are going to die."

"If you can see with your own eyes that the demon emperor is killed, then it is really a blessing for Sansheng...

Countless human races raised their heads and looked at the Flood Dragon in the void, full of hatred, and of course, they also had the pleasure of watching this Flood Dragon being captured.

Ever since the demon clan massacred the human clan.

After Da Qin attacked.

Everything about the demon clan is no longer a secret. These are all propaganda by Da Qin, which makes the clan full of hatred, and countless human clan kill the demon.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people.

Jiaolong was escorted directly to the palace.

Look around.

Royal Palace.

"Awaken the emperor.

"The last demon of the four demon emperors of the demon clan, the Jiaohuang has been captured by the ministers, waiting for the emperor's release."

Qing Yang respectfully reported to the palace hall.

Look at the lineup of Daqin powerhouses who have returned this time.

Qingyang, Kunxu.

Sword Saint, Wine Sword Immortal, Dugu seeks defeat.

The top powerhouses of the Five Great Qins.

Two earthly fairyland, three immortals.

Now the strength of the Great Qin Empire has reached an unimaginable peak.


Ying Qi slowly walked out of the hall.

see him.

The five Da Qin worshipers immediately bowed and bowed, and the dragons on the square also bowed their heads.

"See the emperor."

The strong men bowed respectfully.

"Well. 35

Ying Qi nodded and looked at the Emperor Jiao in the cage.

At the moment, his breath is low.

Apparently he was caught seriously wounded.

At this moment, he was sealed by the talisman refined by the Great Qin Formation Master, and he had lost all the power to resist.

When he saw Ying Qi, his eyes were full of hatred.

He knew that the human race in front of him had destroyed everything in their demon race.

Killed the big demon emperor of their demon clan, and slaughtered his demon clan powerhouse.

Now the demon clan in the whole world is being slaughtered by the Daqin army.


"I am going to kill you.

The Emperor Jiao let out an angry roar, staring at Ying Qi.

But the roar at the moment was so powerless.


Kun Xu gave a cold drink.

He raised his hand to condense a thunderbolt, and slammed it down towards the Flood Emperor.

Thunder hit him directly.


This made the Emperor Jiao make an extremely painful sound.

Although this thunder won't kill him, it will make him very painful.

Kun Xu is naturally very measured.


(Good luck) "This Jiaolong has countless blood debts from our human race in his hands. In order to capture him, my Daqin worshippers were also injured many times."

"I don't know how the emperor will deal with him.

Kunxu asked respectfully.

"I said it.

"Blood debts naturally need blood to repay.

Ying Qi coldly glanced at the Emperor Jiao, with a sense of indifference.

"The head of this demon emperor can inspire all beings of my human race."

"Send my will.

"At noon on the tenth day. 35

"Behead this Jiaohuang outside the city, and all the people can watch it."

"Zhen, allow them to drink the blood of the dragon."

In addition, you can choose the disabled Rui,

Ying Qi said coldly.

"Emperor Shengming."

The ministers shouted in unison.

"Jiaolong, not even a dragon, only a demon.""


Ying Qi said coldly, then turned and left the tile.

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