Daqin world.

Taishang Royal Palace.

above the cloud.

Ying Zheng is playing a game with his grandson, Ying Xi.

Now both of them are at the top of Daqin's cultivation base, and they are naturally very simple.

above the cloud.

Transforming a chessboard into a chessboard is naturally easy, but with clouds as chess pieces, it is somewhat immortal.


"Grandfather, you lost again."

Yingxi fell down and laughed excitedly.

"No more. 35

"It's boring.

Ying Zheng looked annoyed, and with a wave of his hand, the chessboard instantly turned into a cloud and dissipated.

"You father and son are really the same Damn it, you don't know the old man, how did your grandfather bring you up in the first place? Now you don't even know about Rangqi. 35 Ying Zheng said to Ying Xi very dissatisfied.

"Hahaha. 35


"This is what you taught me, you can't give up in chess, or you will be underestimated. 35 Yingxi said proudly.

"Come on."

05 "Your life is really unrestrained now. Your father and emperor handed over the supervision of the country to you, but you handed it over to the lonely great-grandson. Now Wuer is exhausted by you, but you enjoy it every day. Look at you. Still a man? Still a father?

After losing chess, Ying Zheng was very angry, and quickly reprimanded Ying Xi with other matters.

"Grandfather. 35

"The conscience of heaven and earth. 99

"Grandson learned this from you."

"When you gave the throne to the father, didn't you just want to dissipate the happiness with the emperor's grandmother? Then the father went to war all day long, and the empire didn't care, and then let me supervise the country, and now I also inherit the father's business, The heavy responsibility was handed over to Wu'er, not to mention, it was very comfortable, and finally some good days had passed.

"Furthermore, Wu'er is still enjoying it very much. You say he is good or not." Ying Xi said with a smile.

"Stinky boy."

"Strong words make sense."

"Your grandfather is going to beat you today. 39

Ying Zheng was even more annoyed by this scolding from Ying Xi.

"Heaven and earth conscience.


"My grandson learned this from you.

Yingxi said immediately, and then quickly moved away.


Can this be drawn?

"Stinky boy, stop. 35

"When your royal father returns, I will definitely sue." Ying Zheng was so angry.

But when I heard this.

Yingxi was stunned for a moment, and then stopped obediently.

"Grandfather, the conscience of heaven and earth."

"The grandson has been with you all these years, you must not tell the emperor.

Yingxi said with some trepidation.

"What? You know you're afraid? 35

Seeing Ying Xi like this, Ying Zheng felt a little proud.

"Grandfather, next time you play chess, your grandson will definitely let you." Ying Xi said immediately.


"You're acquainted.

Hearing this, Ying Zhengcai smiled with satisfaction, and then put away his whip.

And this time.

A voice suddenly sounded in Yingxi's ear.

"In one month, mobilize an army of three million, as well as folk practitioners in the Daqin world, to enter the other world to fight. 35

Ying Qi's voice reached Ying Xi's ears.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Ying Xi who was in a daze, Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Father's decree.""

"Three million troops will also be dispatched, and an expedition mission will be issued to civilian practitioners in the name of the imperial court. Ying Xi became serious.

"What kind of world is this world?"

"Your father has already dispatched five million troops, and nearly one million civilian powerhouses have passed by, but they haven't captured it yet?" Ying Zheng was interested.

Since he retired, Ying Zheng didn't care too much about the details of Da Qin's attack on the other world.


"It is said.""

"The monsters in this world are ravaging wildly, and the number is huge, even if my army of five million in Daqin faces those monsters, there are still few.

"My father continued to dispatch the army in order to end the battle in that world as soon as possible." Yingxi analyzed.

"The world of the demon's palm is indeed a bit weird."

"But since your father has passed away, the situation in that world will also be reversed." Ying Zheng smiled.

For his son, Ying Zheng is always so confident.

It's personal after all.

And now everything in Daqin is Yingqi asking Sohu to create it. If it hadn't been Yingqi, Daqin would have been dead for many years.

"The royal father gave one month, which is completely enough.

Yingxi smiled.

"Stinky boy, you still haven't completed the task your father gave you.

Looking at Yingxi who was not ready to leave, Ying Zheng couldn't help cursing.

"Isn't there Wuer?"

Yingxi smiled.

He looked directly at where the Heavenly Palace was.

He shouted loudly: "Wu'er, come to the Taishang Imperial Palace immediately."


In the Palace of the King of Qin.

A figure swept across the sky quickly, and in the blink of an eye, came to Ying Zheng and Ying Xi.

The visitor was also handsome and dignified, dressed in the royal robes.

The appearance and outline are very similar to Ying Xi.

He is Ying Xi's eldest son, Ying Wu.

He is also the eldest grandson of the current Great Qin Emperor Yingqi.

"Meet the emperor's great-grandfather, and see the father.""

Ying Wu bowed to the two of them very modestly and politely.

Looking at this temperament, it is really not bad.

It is worthy of being cultivated by the Daqin imperial family.

083 "How about the government affairs?"

In front of his son, Yingxi also maintained his majesty.

"Go back to father.

"Everything was handled properly, nothing out of the ordinary.

"What's the matter with Father's summoning this time?" Ying Wu asked respectfully.

"Your imperial grandfather has a decree to convene an army of three million immediately, within a month's time limit, and issue an imperial edict to the people, calling on the strong people to go to another world." Ying Xi said to Ying Wudao.

"My son takes orders. 35

Without any hesitation, Ying Wu bowed and left the palace immediately.

Vigorous and resolute, fire rushes.

see this.

Ying Zheng nodded approvingly.

Then he looked at Yingxi again, disgusted very much: "Look at your son, look at you again, it's really annoying."

"Grandfather, you can't say that.

"I haven't cultivated this myself, otherwise, how can I share it and let me enjoy it." Ying Xikuo said shamelessly.

"I want to see if your royal father will teach you a lesson if you know your attitude.

"No matter how bad it is, let your sister know and see if she can take care of you." Ying Zheng said viciously.

"No, grandfather, let's continue playing chess, how about I let you have ten sons?" Ying Xi said.

"That's fine." Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

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