Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 448 The Surprising Monster Clan Powerhouse

But Yan Chixia's voice just fell.

A scene that shocked him appeared.

I saw Ying Qi's hand move, and suddenly there was a divine weapon with a kind of emperor's breath in his hand.

This sword is slender.

The mountains, rivers, sun and moon are carved and painted on it, and the territory is ups and downs.

It is more powerful than the sword intent revealed by the Demon Suppressing Sword, and it seems to be the emperor in the sword.

The Suppressing Demon Sword has a natural suppression for evil spirits such as demons, ghosts, and ghosts, and the sword intent is restrained against them, and the damage caused is difficult to heal.

However, the imperial sword intent possessed by the magic weapon in Ying Qi's hand is stronger, and it suppresses and hurts the demons and ghosts even more.

"how can that be?"

"This sword...Does the world really possess it?"

Yan Chixia stared at the Xuanyuan Sword in Ying Qi's hands with a dumbfounded expression.

He just said that there is no possibility of a stronger magic weapon, but the next moment, there is such a strong magic weapon.

Stronger than the Demon Suppressing Sword in his hand.

As the elder of the Kunlun Sect, the strongest divine weapon he has ever seen in the sect is a little stronger than his previous Demon Slayer Sword, and even not as strong as the Demon Suppression Sword he has now.

But now.

He actually saw a stronger handle.

"Since you have entered our Great Qin, I shall give it to you. 35

"With this magic weapon, your strength can increase a lot. Ying Qi said to Yan Chixia.

Then he pinned Xuanyuan Sword directly to his waist.


"Thank you.""

"Since I made a bet with you, I won't break my promise. This sword is too precious, and I can't bear it. Yan Chixia became serious and a little ashamed.

"I said if you can bear it, you can bear it.

"Take it."

"Use this sword to kill more monsters. 35 Yingqi smiled.


Yan Chixia nodded and put the sword away.


He looked at Ying Qi's eyes with an unspeakable meaning in it, a kind of awe.

Even such a precious Demon Suppression Sword was given out.

It can be seen how powerful Da Qin is behind Ying Qi.

And now, Yan Chixia seems to understand why Ying Qi is not afraid of the powerful monsters in this world, because of his strength, it seems that he can really be fearless. Also have no fear.

"In this world, can I still regain control of my human race. "?"

"Can the monsters and monsters plundering strangely today really end?"

Yan Chixia looked at Ying Qi and asked suddenly.


Ying Qi looked at the imperial fire burning the mountains, and seemed to purify all the evil spirits.

Under the power of Emperor Fire.

It was difficult for the tree demon to escape the heavy damage.

The monsters hundreds of miles in the mountains could not escape death, but they also contributed millions of experience points to Ying Qi.

"How?" Yan Chixia asked.

"Because I'm here. 99

"This side of the world will soon be wiped out by Zhen. Ying Qi said confidently.

"You are indeed powerful, but there are too many demons."

"Furthermore, your cultivation base is only in the Immortal Realm. With this magical weapon, you may be able to fight against the Demon Emperor, but as far as I know, there is a top powerhouse among the Demon Race, and even sneaked into the Human Race and devoured the luck of the Human Race. .

"This monster powerhouse is extremely mysterious, and I don't even know who he is. 99

"Because the strong humans who have seen him are all dead." Yan Chixia said solemnly.

Listen to this.

Ying Qi immediately knew who Yan Chixia was talking about.

Naturally, it is the strongest monster in this world, Cihang Pudu.

He is so powerful that he can even pretend to be a god and Buddha.

The strongest person in this world is the Earth Immortal Realm, and his strength may have reached the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm.

Under the power of Heaven, he could not break through, so he turned his attention to the luck of the human race, and used the luck of the human race to attack the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon Realm and gain stronger.

"Speak up."

"At the beginning, my human race was weak and was almost destroyed by the demon race, but in the end, it was because of this mysterious powerhouse of the demon race that my human race got a chance to breathe."

"I don't know what he did, but he gave the human race a chance not to be exterminated." Yan Chixia said again.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different."

"You must always remember this sentence.

"There will be no good for no reason, there will only be more sinister plots. Ying Qi smiled lightly, and he had already guessed the mind of Cihang Pudu.

After all, Ying Qi has a prophet of this world.

"Well. 55

Yan Chixia nodded educated.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

this sentence.

How could he not know.

"`" Why is it on fire?"

"What just happened?"

At this moment.

Ning Caichen, who had fainted, woke up and looked at Ying Qi and Yan Chixia in surprise.

As a mortal, but in this world, he has his luck, which makes him participate in many events.

But because of the arrival of Ying Qi.

He has already lost the opportunity to participate in it.

"It's not safe here.

"Your heart is not bad, let's send you to a safe place."9

Ying Qi glanced at Ning Caichen and smiled.

A wave of hands.

A void channel appeared.

Ying Qi directly threw Ning Caichen into this passage, and he also disappeared here.

"In this world, practitioners know cruelty. For ordinary people, it is good to live in an illusion. 33 Yan Chixia sighed.


(Nuo Hao) "Those who don't know are not so afraid anymore."

Ying Qi nodded.

"This tree demon is the demon king under the old demon of Montenegro, this time you killed him.

"Then the old demon of Montenegro should take action against you. Yan Chixia said,

"It won't."

"It's already here."

Ying Qi smiled.

Looking at the void sky where the flames are burning in the distance.

Several powerful demonic auras are rapidly approaching Ying Qi's place.

They stalk very fast.

Every breath is not lower than the Tribulation Realm, and there is even the existence of immortals.


Yan Chixia also looked towards the void, her divine sense unfolded.


Brows furrowed together.

"Sure enough, it's the old monster of Montenegro."

"This battle is inevitable. 35 Yan Chixia said.

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