Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 424 The leisurely Qin Shihuang

Inside this huge hall.

Only Yingxi is in charge of state affairs.

Outside the main hall, Hou Li had some servants.

As long as Yingxi is summoned, they will enter the hall, take out the memorials that have been disposed of, and distribute them to the various ministries.

Now that Ying Xi has grown up, as the son of the Great Qin Emperor Ying Qi, he also has his responsibility.

Daqin is in charge of all the worlds, although there is no major event, but many state affairs related to Daqin still need to be decided by Ying Xilai.

after all.

In such a huge world of Daqin Palm, with a large population, there will always be many things going on.

"Your Highness."

"You have dealt with government affairs for four days and four nights in a row, ~ it's time to take a break."

outside the hall.

A serving temple person respectfully - facing Yingxi Road.

"No problem."

"Nowadays, solitary is not extraordinary, what is four days and four nights?"

Yingxi said without looking up.

Continue to hold the pen to deal with the political affairs.

Every day, there are countless political affairs waiting for him to deal with. There are things to punish, things that benefit the country and the people. Although the state policy of the Qin Dynasty is now strict, the officials of the world do not dare to go too far, but they still need upper-level supervision.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away.

Even now it's the same.

After all, living in the capital city, it is impossible to go to other worlds for no reason.

Everything that needs to be monitored needs to be done by the Black Ice Platform.

Then hand it over to Ying Xilai to deal with.

"Your Highness."

"Although your cultivation base is strong, you still need to rest. The 35th servant respectfully said.

"All right."

"I dealt with it for another half a day, and then went back to the palace to rest.

"You go and tell the Crown Princess, so that she doesn't have to wait for her alone." Ying Xi said solemnly.

"No. 35

Seeing Ying Xi doing this, the servants did not dare to persuade him any more.

in the Qin Empire.

Only the emperor is in control of the supreme authority, and below is the crown prince Yingxi.

For both father and son.

One word can determine the life and death of all living beings, and one word can destroy a family. This is absolute authority.

"What happened to the slaves transferred from another world?" Ying Xi suddenly asked.

"Go back to Your Highness. 35

"It has all been handed over to the army, and now it should have all been branded as slaves, imprisoned in the dantian, and distributed to the spirit stone mines throughout the empire to work."5

"As for the women, according to His Highness's edict, they were rewarded to me, a minister of great Qin merit."

The servant replied respectfully.

As an internal servant serving Yingxi, he has the authority to contact various ministries and convey Yingxi's orders, so he naturally knows this.


Yingxi nodded, his face calm.

This time, nearly ten million slaves were brought back from the Dou Qi world, but it was easy for the empire to deal with. After all, in the Daqin world, everything was the home of the empire.

at this time.

outside the hall.

A figure came.

The servants on duty outside the main hall looked at the Imperial Army.


All fell to their knees.

"See the emperor."

Awe-inspiring voices came from their mouths.


Yingxi's expression changed, and surprise appeared on his face.

He suddenly stood up from the throne and shouted in surprise: "Father, you have returned triumphantly.

Look outside the hall.

Ying Qizheng walked over slowly, with a smile on his face.

"Xi'er, you have grown up.

Ying Qi said to his son with relief.


Ying Qi has been back in the palace for a few days, and he has been watching his son silently these past few days.


His own son did not disappoint him.

As the Prince of Daqin, he assumed the responsibilities that belonged to him.

"As the father's son, all this is the responsibility of the son." Ying Xi replied with a smile.

"State affairs can't be dealt with."

"Everything needs to be relaxed, it doesn't have to be.

Looking at the pile of memorials on the table, Ying Qi smiled slightly.

"Father's teachings, my sons should keep in mind." Yingxi replied immediately.

"Go, follow me to see your grandfather."

Ying Qi smiled.


Ying Xi immediately stepped down from the high position excitedly.

Came to Ying Qi's side.

In front of his father, Yingxi didn't have too many restraints.

after all.

He is the eldest son of Ying Qi and has a very deep relationship with Ying Qi.


This is also only for Yingxi.

for other sons.

Ying Qi is still very unfamiliar. Although he has blood and family affection, he is not like Ying Xi at all.

The same is true for Ying Zheng.

after all.

Ying Yuqi and Ying Xi's sister and brother were both brought up by Ying Zheng and have a deep relationship.

Taishang Royal Palace.

Outside the palace.

When the guards stationed saw the arrival of Ying Qi and his son, they prepared to salute.

But Ying Qi waved his hand and stopped them directly.

The guards did not dare to speak, they just bowed to pay homage.

0.....for flowers·

Ying Qi gave his son a wink.

The latter understood immediately.


"are you there?"

Yingxi shouted to the palace.

"Stinky boy, can you not know if he is here?"

"Don't get in yet.

Ying Zheng laughed and cursed from inside the palace.


Yingxi smiled helplessly.

This is also a rare family relationship among the royal family.


Ying Qi smiled.

He walked slowly into the palace.

I see.

Ying Zheng was drinking tea leisurely, while Zhao Donger and Li Yaner were chatting.

As the top royal relatives of the Daqin Empire, they have an unimaginable harmony.

"Royal Father. 35

"You are so relaxed.

Seeing Ying Zheng's comfortable appearance, Ying Qi said with a smile.


Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, then looked abruptly, when he saw Ying Qi, his eyes were first filled with joy, and then with a sense of relaxation.

Immediately after that, he smiled again: "Stinky boy, are you back so soon this time?"

"I came back early, and the army is still fighting." Ying Qi smiled and walked over.

When he saw his mother and wife, Ying Qi's eyes were full of tenderness.


"Yan'er." 5

Win Qi Wenwen said.

"Just come back."

Zhao Donger said with a smile.

Ying Xi, on the other hand, stood behind Ying Qi and did not dare to say more.

After greeting.

Ying Qi sat directly next to Ying Zheng.

"My father seems to have not been lazy all these years, and it is already in the Void Realm."

Ying Qi looked at it and smiled slightly.


Hearing his son's compliments, Ying Zheng was also very useful, laughed and was very proud.

"Although it's not as good as you brat, it's not bad. Ying Zheng smiled.


"This time the world is not strong, or what? It came back so quickly?"

"You have only been on the expedition for less than three years.""

Ying Zheng asked curiously.

"This time is different."

"In the past, my Daqin's overall strength was too weak, so it took a lot of time to fight, but this time my Daqin's overall strength has improved too much."

"That's the root of coming back so quickly.

"After all, the powerhouses in that world have already been eliminated." Ying Qi said with a smile.


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