Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 422 Take the house? You deserve it too?

"Then what?" Ying Qi said calmly.

Emperor Huo Gu gave Ying Qi a deep look and didn't ask any more questions.

"This scam is aimed at all cultivators in the Dou Qi world, and all Dou Di powerhouses.

"The Dou emperors in the ancient times, and even the Dou emperors who surpassed the ancient times, are all dead.

"Died in the so-called Emperor Realm." Emperor Huo Gu said in a deep voice, his face becoming more and more serious.

"Don't tell me, you really aren't curious who shot those Dou Di?" Emperor Huo Gu stared at Ying Qi Dao.

"I'm not curious about that.

"But I am curious about how you survived and what is the purpose of setting up this ruin." Ying Qi said flatly.

"The old man survived, maybe it was just an accident. When I fell, I desperately separated my origin and escaped from the emperor world. As for why I set up this ruin, it was just to remind the sentient beings in the world of Dou Qi and tell the world. The Empire is a scam.

"In addition, my true spirit will also perish, and my origin can also be given to those who are destined.""

"This can be regarded as the only gift to all sentient beings in the Dou Qi world. 39

Emperor Huo Gu said quietly, kindly, and seemed to have a thousand morals in it.

But when Ying Qi saw him like this, he shook his head with a sneer on his face.

"Why are you so expressionless?"

"Don't you believe the old man's words?"

Emperor Huo was stunned for a moment, and said a little sullenly.

"Your words are righteous and awe-inspiring, a picture for the sake of all beings in the world, but in the end, it's too much. Ying Qi mocked.

Hear this.

Emperor Huo Gu's expression changed, and he looked at Ying Qi angrily: "Young man, what do you mean by this?"

"It's not a simple person to be able to get on the Dou Emperor. It's hard to be a great saint. You have done so much, maybe it's just for the sake of rebirth." Ying Qi said with a faint smile.

The voice fell.

Huo Gudi's face changed.

But he didn't speak again, staring at Ying Qi with a kind of horror.

"The source escaped, and then the ruins were set up, and the secrets about the emperor's realm were passed down, and the secrets of breaking through the emperor's battle were passed down. In the final analysis, you want to find a furnace that can accommodate you, so as to seize the house and be reborn." ."

"Emperor Huo, I, are you right? 35 Yingqiong sneered.

The words fall.

The kindness on Emperor Huogu's face dissipated smoothly, turning into a cold expression, and the flames in the entire different space were restless, full of a terrible murderous intent.


"A good young man, a good man of insight. 35

"I didn't expect the old man to hide so deeply, but you still discovered it.


"How can this old man fall in a dignified manner?

"As long as there is a true spirit, the old man can still be resurrected.

"But what if you knew?"

"When you entered this space, everything belongs to the old master, and today, your body is destined to belong to me.

Emperor Huo Gu revealed his intentions and laughed out loud.


The monstrous flames ran towards Ying Qi.

And Emperor Huo Gu also turned into the source of Emperor Fire and rushed towards Ying Qi.


Disappointed Huogudi.

Ying Qi just glanced at it, a tyrannical energy support appeared on his body, thousands of flames could not approach Ying Qi's body ten feet, and although the source of the ancient emperor broke through the energy, it was about to approach Ying Qi at the moment.

Variation protrusions.

A burst of energy directly blocked the way of Emperor Huo Gu.

Originally, he thought that it would be logical to turn it into the source, let Ying Qi swallow it, and then he directly seized Ying Qi's body.

The camouflage has been torn.

Therefore, Emperor Huo Gu forcibly came to seize the house.

But apparently he was thinking too much.

With Ying Qi's strength, is he also worthy of winning?

Not to mention that he is a Dou Di, even if he is above Dou Di, he will not be able to win.

Ying Qi is the master of the Great Qin Yun Dynasty. He has the protection of the Great Qin state, and all evils do not invade. It is impossible for his soul to invade Ying Qi's sea of ​​consciousness.

"what happened?

"What kind of power is this? Why can it block my origin?"

Unable to break through the national fortune that protected Ying Qi, Emperor Huo Gu panicked and re-illusioned, and was extremely terrified.

"Just you, are you worthy of taking me?

Ying Qi sneered and sneered.


"You are indeed very skillful. 35

"Well, the old man can make a deal with you, as long as you bring a strong person to this space to help the old man rebirth, the old man can promise you that you will become the master of the world of fighting qi. 39

"what do you think?"

Realizing that forcibly taking the house would not work, Emperor Huo Gu's tone immediately changed again, with a sense of negotiation and bewitchment.

"The world of fighting spirit.

"It's mine already."

"Do I still need your help?"

Ying Qi said with a half-smile, full of ridicule.

From the moment he entered this different space, Ying Qi had a cat-and-mouse mentality.

After knowing that Emperor Huogu's true spirit was still there, Ying Qi understood his intentions.

As a top powerhouse in this world, he definitely grew up on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. How could he have a heart of compassion, and their methods are very high.

Emperor Huo Gu looks quite alike.

But it's too much.

In the original world process, the son of luck entered this space and subdued the emperor fire. From this point of view, perhaps the son of luck was not the son of luck at all, but was taken away.

The origin of the emperor fire is powerful, surpassing all the spiritual fires in this world, and it is not so easy to conquer.

"`"What kind of people are you from?"

Hearing Ying Qi's words, Emperor Huo Gu became even more panicked.

"Win the family.

Ying Qi smiled.

"Winning family?"

Emperor Huo pondered for a while, and after a while: "The ancient ethnic groups in the Dou Qi world do not have the surname Ying, you are lying to this old man.

"All right."

"I'm too lazy to waste time with you.

"If you extinguish your intentions, this imperial fire will belong to me."

Cat and mouse are enough.

Ying Qi waved his hand.

A vigorous force directly imprisoned the origin of Emperor Huogu.

Dou Di. "


"No, not possible."

"You don't have the cultivation of Emperor Dou at all. 35

"And....it's not grudge.

See (Qian Wang Hao) to Ying Qi's shot, and because of his origin of Emperor Fire, he couldn't resist, Huo Gu Emperor was completely panicked.

"I am an immortal.

"It's not Dou Di.

"have to say.

"Your calculations are very good. If you meet anyone other than me, you will have a chance to be reborn."

"But it's a pity.

"You met me. 35


Ying Qi was too lazy to say more.

The tyrannical Zhenyuan Town is heading towards the consciousness town of the Huogu Emperor.

No matter how strong he used to be, at this moment he was nothing but a true spirit.

Under the absolute power of Ying Qi, he directly destroyed the rain.

"Ah.... this seat is not reconciled.""

Emperor Huo Gu screamed.

The true spirit is shattered and completely fallen.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 87 enemy, obtaining 20 million experience points, obtaining the emperor fire, and obtaining the high-grade immortal-level "Fire Control Secret Book". 35

"Upgrading experience points is enough.

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