Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 415 2 Emperor Realms a Day Comparable to Immortals

at the same time.

Soul gate.

Endless souls gathered in front of the soul patriarch, and with the help of the falling flames, those souls turned into pure soul power and merged into the former's soul.

Devouring is fast.

The Soul Patriarch devoured the soul crazily.

And his soul realm is also rapidly improving.



The coercion of a soul spread out on his body, and it seemed that he had obtained a kind of sublimation.

The soul level has transcended the mundane.

"My soul has reached the level of Dou Di.

The Soul Patriarch said with unconcealed excitement in his tone.

"Very good. Year

"Next, you can break through Dou Di."

"The soul realm has arrived, and there will be no more obstacles." Yan Yan said immediately.

"it is good."

With excitement, the Soul Patriarch ran the exercises, devoured the endless spiritual energy of the world in the alien space, and rushed towards his body.

The grudge in the dantian is also running wildly.

It has reached an extremely horrifying point.

It didn't take much time.


A monstrous aura that surpassed the ordinary erupted from the Soul Patriarch's body, instantly swept the entire Soul Gate Extraordinary Space, and then this momentum even directly broke through the Extraordinary Space.

Millions of soul clansmen looked at the top hall with a look of awe in their eyes.

"The patriarch broke through.""

"Doudi Realm, the strongest who never appeared after the ancient Doudi disappeared. 35

"Hahaha, the patriarch broke through to Emperor Dou, and from now on, there will be no other forces that can compete with my soul gate.

"God bless my soul door..."

Countless soul clansmen felt this monstrous aura and were extremely excited.


Even though they were separated by thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, the moment this powerful momentum appeared, people felt the pressure of annihilation.

"This aura surpasses that of the Dou Sheng powerhouse. 99

"Could it be.... the legendary Dou Di powerhouse was born?"

"For thousands of years, there has never been a Doudi strong person in the world, but now it has appeared?"

"The appearance of the Qin Kingdom has stirred up the situation in Dazhou. Could this be the omen of the appearance of a strong Dou Di?"

"With Qin State and Dou Di, Dazhou is destined to be unable to be peaceful...

This turbulent weather was startling.

Fighting Emperor Realm is equivalent to Immortal Realm.

a time.

The whole great state has entered into a kind of alarm.

After the Soul Patriarch successfully broke through the Emperor Dou.

ancient door.

Gu Yuan desperately devoured the blood power of the entire clan into his body, relying on the powerful blood power, Gu Yuan is also heading towards the Dou Emperor level.

As the top powerhouse that survived from ancient times.

He is only one step away from Dou Di.

After taking the secret method of swallowing blood.


He was not disappointed.

Followed by the monstrous weather of the Soul Patriarch.

In the different space of the ancient gate, another monstrous force rushed out.

This momentum is centered on the different space, and it quickly rushes towards all parts of Dazhou.

in a short period of time.

Originally, there were no Dou Di strong people in this world, but two Dou Di strong people suddenly appeared.

the entire state.

Trapped in a speechless turmoil.

Many people are in panic.

The appearance of a fighting emperor.

It will be to shuffle all the forces in the world, and no one has the power to fight against the powerful Dou Di, but the appearance of the two Dou Di strong, for the world is not just a shuffle, it will be a stand-up duel of the world's forces. .

Final result,

This side of the world will enter an invisible battle between two fighting emperors.

At the moment when the two Dou Di powerhouses appeared.

The Qin State, which had caused huge waves in Dazhou, was now ignored by them. In their opinion, no matter how strong the Qin State was, it would not be able to compete with the supreme power like Dou Di.

Qin State may soon be in ruins.

The strong Dou Di can destroy everything with a wave of his hand, and it is simply not something that Dou Sheng can compete with.

But they were wrong.

Everything is under Ying Qi's control.

Where Daqin is.

Ying Qi also sensed the momentum of the two Dou Emperor realms that appeared in the void.

"It seems that they have not disappointed me, they have all broken through to Emperor Dou."

"That's how fun. 99

"Breaking through Dou Di, they should be able to fight against me with confidence.

"In this way, they will also overturn everything to deal with my Da Qin."

The corner of Ying Qi's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer.

When he just broke through to the Immortal Realm, the reason why Ying Qi had taken back the momentum that was going straight to Jiuxiao.

Except for the guards guarding outside the main hall, none of Daqin's officials knew about it.

This is also what Ying Qi did deliberately.

The purpose is to not expose himself, let the two major forces of Soul Clan Chief and Gu Yuan come to the door, and solve them in one fell swoop.

Soul gate.


"This seat has finally arrived. 35

0.....for flowers....

"As expected of the Dou Di, the top powerhouse in the world, this is not a breakthrough in strength, but a sublimation of life level, even if it is the peak of Dou Sheng, this seat can be destroyed by one finger.

Feeling the terrifying power in his body, the Soul Patriarch's face surged with a kind of domineering domineering.

The ambitions that had been suppressed for many years all exploded at this moment.


"Doudi Realm."

"The first fighting emperor after ancient times.""

Meteor Flame looked at the Soul Patriarch and said.

"rest assured."

"This seat will never forget my promise to you.

"When the Qin State is destroyed, I will use the ancient jade to open the ruins, find Di Yan, and let you break through the Dou Di.

Soul Patriarch turned his head, looked at Meteor and said.


There was also a look of hope on Ye Yan's face.


"Leave you for now, and when Di Yan is found, there is no need for you to exist.

The Soul Patriarch smiled coldly, for this Fallen Flame, he used it from beginning to end, how could he give his true sincerity.

"Come on."

The Soul Patriarch shouted loudly.


Many soul gate powerhouses have come.

"Call my soul door powerhouse, lock the position of Qin country, listen to the order of this seat, and prepare to wipe out Qin country." The soul patriarch said coldly.

Break through Dou Di.

The first thing to solve is the Qin state.

The revenge of the Northwest Territory's beheading of the clone will eventually be avenged.

No one can defy him.

ancient door.

"Doudi Realm is really powerful.

"If you don't enter Dou Di, you are all ants.

"With such power, I can easily wipe out a clan.

"However, why did I break through the Emperor Dou, and the Dou Emperor bloodline of my clan did not recover?""

While Gu Yuan felt his own strength, he was also extremely puzzled in his heart.

The reason why the ancient ethnic group is strong is because they have the bloodline of the Dou Di strong, and the bloodline is the blessing, and the talent far exceeds that of all living beings.

But now that the ancient breakthrough, the bloodline of the clan that was devoured by him has not recovered.

This puzzled him.


"Now it's time to go to Qin to settle accounts. 55

'Kill my Ancient Sect Dou Sheng and imprison my daughter.

"This hatred can only be avenged by letting Ying Qi fall into hell." Hatred appeared in Gu Yuan's eyes.


Move straight away.

Disappeared in the ancient door different space.


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