Lord of the Dan Palace.

The name of the strongest who survived in the ancient times may not be known to those ordinary forces, but the second-rate forces in this side of the world and above are all like thunder.

A strong man who can survive from ancient times is the closest existence to Dou Di.

But such an existence was beheaded by Ying Qi.

As you can imagine.

How tyrannical is Ying Qi's strength.

Such a strong person, the careful thoughts in their hearts are also gone.

"Bring all the secrets in this city back to the treasury.

"After that, this Pill City no longer needs to exist."

Ying Qi glanced coldly at the ruined city below and said slowly.

This sound.

But it was the final outcome for this Dan City.

"The minister waits for the order.

The ministers said in unison.


Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

A wave of hands.

Ripped open the void and stepped directly into the passage.

Disappeared in the void of this Pill City.

"The generals obey the orders."

"Evacuate all the resources of the martial arts and secrets in this Pill City. 99

Bai Qi immediately ordered.


Many dragon knights immediately fell into the city.

While killing the enemies in the city, he rushed towards the Dan Palace.

A top force that has existed for thousands of years will be destroyed under the iron cavalry of Da Qin.


Everything in the Dan Palace was taken by Da Qin.

The soldiers of Da Qin left the city.

on the void.

The many strong men in Daqin looked at each other, and then, at the same time, they transferred the true essence of Dantian.

Boom towards Dan City on the ground.

The ten thousand transcending tribulation realm powerhouses took action, and it could be seen that tens of thousands of miles of land had been destroyed. This pill city, which covered an area of ​​hundreds of miles, was directly crushed by their actions. The once prosperous city seemed to have suffered the wrath of heaven.

was directly razed to the ground.

The original city has been turned into a complete pit of ruins, and no one can survive.

The Wanzai Pill Hall then became the history of this world.


There is no guilt in their existence.

The evil one lies in Daqin.

But everything is for the expansion of Da Qin.

War is like that.

Either you die or I die.

That's what happened to block Daqin Road.

Today the Pill Palace is destroyed.

It will inevitably make the world of Dou Qi, which has been disturbed by Da Qin, set off endless waves again.

For many forces, they will also lose their ability to contend against Da Qin.

The place in the hands of Da Qin is in a sect hall.

Ying Qi returns.

After explaining everything, Ying Qi did not hesitate, and directly ordered Li Qing and the others to guard the hall.

"Level 81, Fairyland.".""

Ying Qi carried a kind of yearning for immortals.

more than two hundred years ago.

He is still a mortal, but today, more than two hundred years later, Ying Qi is about to become an immortal.

The existence he once longed for, now he will achieve.

If you say that you are not excited, it is naturally false.


Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Congratulations on the level of the host being upgraded to level 81."9

The system prompts.

The golden light flickered on Ying Qi's body, and immediately after, Ying Qi's dantian, which had almost been exhausted, was rapidly recovering to its peak, and all the energy was restored in the blink of an eye.

But this time with an upgrade.

The transformation obtained is completely different from before.

Ying Qi's strength and energy are increasing by dozens of times.

The energy is also becoming stronger.

Time flies fast.

Transforming from a mortal to an immortal is not that simple.

Soul gate.

"Patriarch, everything you need has been prepared."

A Soul Sect Dou Sheng respectfully reported to the Soul Patriarch.

"Okay, you go back first." The Soul Patriarch waved his hand at his hand.

"Yes. 35

The men immediately retreated.

But in this hall, there is another person, the ancient sect master Gu Yuan.

Hard to imagine.

Once the two sects were rivals, it can be said that they did not interact with each other, but now the masters of the two sects are sitting together.


In any case, interest is the root.

"You haven't decided yet?

Soul Patriarch looked at Gu Yuan and said solemnly.

"This method of yours will exhaust the potential of my family." Gu Yuan couldn't bear it.

"Now that Qin State's momentum has reached an uncontrollable level, your clan's fighting saints have all died in Qin State, and your daughter has also been captured by Qin State.

"The strength of the Lord of Qin may have reached the half-step Dou Di.

"Perhaps, he has reached the strength of Dou Di."

"If we can't become Emperor Dou, we will eventually be destroyed by him." Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

"Yun'er. 35

Thinking of his daughter, hatred appeared on Gu Yuan's face.

Attack the Northwest Territories.

Let Gumen suffer a huge loss.

Not only did he get nothing, he also damaged four fighting saints, and even his own daughter was captured.

This is a great shame for ancient times.


"Patriarch. 99

"problem occurs.

A Soul Sect elder walked quickly into the hall with a rather solemn expression.

But seeing Gu Yuanzai, he did not speak.

"Now my Soul Sect and Gu Sect are allies, let's talk about anything," said Soul Clan Chief.

"Pill Hall, gone."

Soul Gate elder said in a heavy tone.

The words fell.

Soul Patriarch and Gu Yuan frowned.

"`" What did Qin State do?" The Soul Patriarch said in a deep voice.

"According to my soul gate investigation, the Emperor of Qin, Ying Qi, visited the Pill Hall in person, and even brought ten Dousheng strong men to completely destroy the Pill Hall, and all millions of people perished." The elder replied.

"Where is the ancestor of the Dan Palace?"

"Did he not take action? Gu Yuanwen said.

"Go on.

"Killed by Emperor Qin Yingqi. 35

"Moreover, the dragon clan did not know when they joined the Qin country. The four dragon kings have already been driven by the Qin country, and the dragon clan also took action to destroy the Dan Palace," the elder said.

"All right."

"You go back.""

The Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

"The ancestor of the Soul Palace, whose strength is comparable to ours, has already reached the peak of Dou Sheng, and now I am afraid that he has also stepped into the half-step Dou Emperor.

"He was actually killed by that Qin Emperor." Gu Yuan said very seriously.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

"We must break through Dou Di as soon as possible. 55

"The Qin Kingdom has now destroyed the Pill Palace, and it will be our turn next." The Soul Patriarch said with a sense of urgency (Qian Zhao).

"En." Gu Yuan nodded.

"In the days to come, I will do my best to attack Dou Di.

"you, too.""

"If both of us become Emperor Dou, we can definitely kill Emperor Qin.

"If you want to preserve the existence of the clan, it's still potential, you can do it yourself." Soul Patriarch faced Gu Yuandao.

"I will consider it carefully." Gu Yuan nodded.

Leaving the Soul Gate Hall.

"You handed the secret method to him, are you really not afraid that he will become a fighting emperor and fight with us?

It was the same man who walked out of the apse and said to the Soul Patriarch.

"Falling flame, don't think of this seat too stupidly.

"If he can break through Emperor Dou, he can use it to deal with Qin State, and he has also handed over three ancient jades to this seat, and opened the ruins, maybe you can break through Emperor Dou, am I both afraid that he can't be alone? ?"

"Furthermore, I have always been worried about the Qin country, so it's better to be more cautious." The Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

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